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Working on a HUGE Comm and the first step I always take is putting together reference material. This will turn into a 5 part, 3 figure sequence when it’s done! Currently still in the sketching phase, but wanted to show you a little bit about the start of the process.

Especially for known characters like these 3 Persona5 characters, having their costume accessible while drawing is crucial! I always try to keep as consistent to the original source material as possible. In some cases costumes or textures might be simplified, but I feel as long as the original character is recognizable, then we’re on the right track.

Alternatively for fictional characters/creatures not from a specific piece of media, like these Egyptian Goddesses, I prefer to compile a wide array of different reference image examples and pull elements from each. Designing the Egyptian costume  and animalistic elements of their Goddess Forms is my favorite part 😄

If you‘re ever commissioning me or any other artist, having reference material is really important. Gives us something to go off of in terms of your vision.




Ohhh I'm excited to see how this turns out


Yeah I am hoping it will look awesome.. points if you guess the theme