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Looks like this image can only exist on Patreon now.

I always ask commissioners permission to post artwork before I do. This commissioner allowed me to post but then a few hours later kindly asked for it to be taken down.

Their reasoning is interesting and something I’ve always been curious about in the fetish art scene, which is the ethics behind using real people in fetish artwork.

The commissioner started to be paranoid someone would recognize this girl and that the artwork would be viewed as mean instead of sexy. I absolutely get that, so of course respected their request and deleted it from live socials.

Curious what your thoughts are on this topic. Is it ok to use people’s likenesses without them knowing for art such as this? Personally I’ve been fine with it mostly because my art isn’t very realistic, I basically just use the hair style and outfit from reference pics. Never had anyone message like “a hey that’s me!” I can definitely see how photo-manips could be problematic in this area since it’s easier to recognize someone, but a drawing? 

What do you think?




A rather interesting situation to say the least as for images question ehh I don't care either way if it's a image you can easily find by googling "image of bla bla" then I think it's fine it's been made public now. Now I don't know if the image the commissioner used was done that way if not then I think they should have asked if it's okay with them first


I've always wanted to commission tf's from people I knew, but due to economic problems I don't think I'll ever do it, but in fact the doubt that the drawings are recognizable comes to me too and I'd understand the embarrassment if it were discovered

Gonad the Barbarian

as someone who will probably never be affected by this, i think it becomes an issue if youre using an actual person rather than a character, TFing Hermoine from harry potter is fine, but Tfing Emma Watson is weird