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  I have a few more Art Timelapse Videos I'd love to share with you guys, but I need to find a new platform to post those on. If I want to post them here, directly on Patreon I have to use a Premium Vimeo account which is surprisingly expensive....

  Looking for FREE alternatives. I'm thinking either YouTube or TikTok. Thinking I'd post them there, then share the link here with you Patrons only. Technically they'd be public but I wouldn't add any tags or even post about it on my socials.  

  What do you think? Any and all suggestions welcome! 




Ya I think uploading things to YouTube and just marking the video as unlisted and sharing the link to your Patreon would be fun

Smitten Pizza

Im not 100% sure but there should be a way to make your videos as unlisted on YouTube that way the only way to get to it is via link