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To whoever puts videos of the animals they catch in glue traps on stock footage websites, you make me fully fucking sick.

Look, I know people don't tend to think of rats and mice as being real animals. I know most people see them and just go "disease" and no part of their humanity or compassion is triggered at the sight of them. That doesn't mean that's right though.

I was trying to find stock footage of a mouse trap for *metaphor* reasons, and instead I found 90% videos of rats and mice in the final moments of their lives, gasping for air, suffering immensely, fading out in front of a camera after days of slowly starving and bleeding to death in these should-be-fully-illegal traps.

Close up, 4K resolution video of animals alone, afraid, in the hands of a strange and unknowable giant monster and experiencing excruciating physical agony that you would be uncomfortable to even imagine, suffocating and bleeding with their skin hanging off their bones and their eyes fogging up as they try to squeeze in just one hopeless breath. On the brink of oblivion. No more cheese. No more crumbs. No more scurrying around. No chance at a mate or a litter. No more of those things if they ever had them.

These aren't million-dollar projects. This isn't a gold mine. Even if there was in some conceivable universe any chance that there would be even the tiniest amount of demand for a license for a video like that, they don't go for much. $25 for a commercial license. Nobody who posts these videos is making enough money where I can offer any "fuck, I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, ugh" and just feel bad for the poor bastard whose life has been reduced to such a low point.

No, there's no money in it. The cameras are pretty expensive too. No way anybody's even breaking even on these fucking videos.

They'd probably deny it because once every few years some sick fuck sends them $25 for the video, but they're not providing a service or engaging in commerce. They're hobbyists. These are fucking hobbyists. And their hobby is killing tiny little defenseless animals in the slowest, most agonizing, most grotesque, most disgustingly inhumane way possible, and filming it in 4K for the internet.

I hope every last one of those sick fucks has their hands removed. Fuck it, entire arms. That way they'd need help to do a video like that, and the only people who would ever be willing to stoop so low would also have no arms.

Ban glue traps. Ban glue traps. Ban. Glue. Traps.

This is gonna be my new thing y'all. If the only thing I ever did with my life was help get glue traps banned in like one state, I'd be satisfied. Would y'all sign a petition if I made one?


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