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So a couple days ago I went to see a doctor about the medicines I've been put on.  If you don't know, I've recently been diagnosed with Tourette's, which is a small component of the overall picture of my health problems, but further diagnoses have to wait until I can get a full assessment, which will be a while.  I can't go into too much detail without sounding (to myself, at least) like I'm fishing for pity, but suffice to say, things have been Very Bad, but we're working on making things Less Bad.  In the meantime, I've been using an antidepressant to help stabilize my mood and energy, and I was recently prescribed something for the vocal and motor tics that have made life and work extra difficult.

Since every time I've taken new medicines has resulted in a frustrating adjustment period where my mind and body get funked up enough that I can't really DO anything for weeks, this doctor has put me on partial sick leave for eight weeks and recommended me to work as little as possible.  This is excellent news for me, since the fact that I've been having to work so hard through this sickness has meant I haven't had a chance to properly recuperate.  Bills don't stop just because you're sick, and I've been doing what it takes to keep my family and I afloat, but it's definitely come at the cost of being able to rest and actually get better.  This sick leave will give me a chance to do that, finally. I plan to finish the work obligations I still have now, but aside from that, I will be working as little as possible.

What this means for y'all is that I will be unable to do much of what I've promised you for your support for the next two months.  I will still do my best to do a Suggestion Box image and a Personal Illustration, but the Patreon Commissions will not happen for the months of October and November.  I won't be pausing the Patreon account because it seems most of you use it as a tip jar anyways (which, thank you very much for that, btw!), and, to be frank, the income from this will help go a long way towards paying our bills while I'm out of work.  Those of you who stick around have my immense gratitude, but I don't mean to guilt anyone into continuing their pledge if they feel they aren't getting what they were promised for their money!  That's entirely fair, and if you want to leave during this period, then that's your right.  And if you want to leave me a DM with a way to contact you when I'm back on my feet, I'd be happy to let you know when that happens so you can know when to join back up!  Or if you require a refund for these two upcoming months, let me know and we'll try to work something out.  But for now, I'm taking this slowly so I can get better <3

TL;DR - no Patreon Commissions for Oct. and Nov. due to new meds, but I'll try to do the Suggestion Box and Personal Illustrations



Sorry, hon, but you'd have to drag me kicking and screaming to a back alley if you expect me to ever ask for a refund from you! You're absolutely fantastic and wonderful, and I couldn't be happier to support you in good times *and* bad times. You take care of your health and please know that I love you very much and will always be here for you!


I love ya too, Pie <3 Thanks for being such a good friend and support!


Thank goodness you've got doctor's orders to chill for a while. 💙