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So this has been a long time coming, and I apologize for the timing (it seems like it's been one thing after another in this back half of the year).  But if you've been paying attention it likely won't strike you as surprising that I have a bit of a problem with overworking myself.  I've officially hit burnout status where I can't work at anything close to the standards you all deserve, so I'm taking a bit of sick leave.

Tentatively, I'm taking off of work for a whole week, focusing on resting and recuperating.  After that week I'll see if I'm in a better place and if I can resume work, but up to another week might be required to get me back in sorts.

This does have some unfortunate ramifications.  I recently opened up for Patreon commissions as I do at the beginning of every month.  I have not taken any money for those yet, but I will be speaking with each of those clients individually and seeing if they'd like to wait on their art, or if another arrangement will need to be reached.

I will also not likely be able to complete both the second Suggestion Box image and the Personal Illustration I owe this month, so I'll figure out what to do with that later.  I may just do a Christmas-y illustration and call it good, or I might pick something from the Suggestion Box since that is what I've promised.

So the short version is that you won't be seeing much out of me for the next couple of weeks.  I appreciate the support you've all given me so far, and I hope this bout of sick leave will return me to working order soon, so that I can be worthy of the support you've all given me <3

Thanks for sticking with me, and God bless!


Sylvan Scott

Everyone needs a vacation from stress and your Patreon supporters are here to support the artist! Take your time and we'll be supportive all the while!


I hope your time off helps, hon. Just know that we all care about you a whole lot, and we understand completely however much time you need. <3 <3 <3