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Hey, so!  I've got some exciting news (that I'll sum up at the bottom if you don't have time to read this all).

First off, as I may have mentioned before, Emi and I are moving to a new home soon.  The moving day is officially September 7, so we've got a lot of stuff to do before then!  LOTS of packing and getting ready and stressing and AAAA and doing as much artwork as possible to make sure we're also able to pay our bills and....

What this means for y'all is that I'm likely not going to be able to meet all my Patreon obligations for the month.  I've done one Suggestion Box image, and I'll probably be able to take one more, but I think I'll drop the Personal Illustration for the month since that's more of a "me" thing anyways.  Also, depending on how the move and health and other things go, I might not be able to open up for the normal Patreon commissions for September?  We'll see, but for now I'm planning not to do those.

I'm sorry that I can't get done all the stuff I've promised to, but this is kind of a big thing I need to focus on.  It's also a one-time thing, though.  I don't think we're planning on moving again any time soon after this!  If anyone has a problem with the way things are shaping up and how I've decided to deal with them, I encourage y'all to get in contact with me, here or in messages or on Discord.

In happier news, it's going to be my birthday in two weeks!  I turn 31 on the 28th of August, and I'm looking forward to it a lot! We probably won't be able to do an awful lot to celebrate, but Emi promised me a cake and we'll probably watch movies or something at home.  It'll be a nice cozy day, I think <3

TL;DR - I'm moving early next month, so no Personal Illustration for August and no September Patreon commissions.  Also it's my birthday soon!



Yo dont worry about it Also bappy early birthday

Alexander Opst

Congrats Goat! Take any time you need, and don't feel bad about holding off on other tasks while you ensure this transition goes smoothly. Also congrats on the upcoming birthday, you got yourselves a new house which seems like a major present!


Yeah, I suppose this is one of those once-in-a-lifetime birthday gifts to myself, huh?