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The next Suggestion Box image is live!  Nick Wilde is going undercover to a ball in Little Rodentia, and ZPD has enlisted the help of a familiar goat to get Nick ready!  He doesn't seem quite prepared for the extent of the change, but once he drinks that last potion I'm sure he'll slip right into the role.

Full-size image:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/sicf5eswqv6lh9e/05-22-20%20SB013%20Going%20Undercover%20l.png?dl=0

.sai2 file:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/rjnzxnvf4paqrou/SB013%20Going%20Undercover.sai2?dl=0




Somehow I just know Al would find a good place to do some shrinky science even in the Zootopia world!


It's a world with so many good size differences already - how could he help himself?