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So February kinda came and went just like that, huh?  With going to Nordic Fuzzcon for almost a week and spending a few days on preparations just for that, combined with school and other obligations, I haven't had as much time to work on Patreon things as I wanted.  Namely, I haven't finished the first Suggestion Box illustration for this month, and I very much doubt I will be able to start and finish a second one. I apologize for falling behind like this!

I have discussed this with patrons on my Discord channel, and most of them seem to feel like it would be okay to just do the one Suggestion Box illustration for this month.  I think that's the plan I'm going to go with, if that's alright with you all!  If you're not in the Discord channel and haven't seen the WIP I've posted, this is actually a series of 3 illustrations that tell a story.  My original intent was to leave these three very simple to allow room to do the second round in the Suggestion Box, but now I think I might just put a little extra oomph into this set to make up for not doing another one.

In the future, instead of taking the Personal Illustration first and the Suggestion Box images after, I'm going to try and make sure the two Suggestion Box prompts are taken care of first. This way, if a situation like this happens again, it'll be the Personal Illustration that gets left out instead of cheating those patrons out of seeing their suggestions drawn.

I do normally put these kind of things to a poll to make sure y'all get a say in what I'm doing here, but with the end of the month coming so quickly, I'm making an executive decision in how to handle the rest of February's obligations.  If what I've decided so far isn't satisfactory to you (or if you have advice, suggestions, or input of any kind!), please reach out to me and we'll figure out how to make things work!

And thank you all so much for staying with me!  Your support means so much <3


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