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Hey, all!  I thought since the year ended (and since I spent considerable amounts of time putting these folders together), I'd make a post with every piece of art I've made public over the year of 2019!  

There's over 1300 unique images here, not counting the same image in differing resolutions, so there's a lot of fun goat art to run through!  And since I draw so much, there's bound to be some art in here (possibly even a good amount) that you haven't seen before, so if you at all like what I do, you owe it to yourself to check these out!

Folders are separated into SFW and NSFW art, so if you're not a fan of the lewd stuff, you don't have to see it. 

EDIT:  fixed the links so now there's only one to click.  Apologies for any mix-ups this solution might have caused.

2019 art:  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wh5tpi1wrbxhthl/AAAC-ZVL8iTZm0iiBhTDFs6ga?dl=0


Alexander Opst

Ooh, this is much appreciated! I haven't seen a ton of the sketches, and there's lots of nice stuff in here!