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The poll I had to determine what I would do for work in July has officially ended. The result is that I'm going to be offering a limited number of slots for Goatbux rewards, and I'm also going to be taking it easy in regards to the Patreon Pack illustrations; either doing a simpler pack or allowing it to take two months. If you would like to see the poll, you can find it here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/27753913 

Now, there was a non-zero amount of people thinking I should either go full-speed ahead with work in July, or that I should pause the whole account for the month and not charge anyone anything. I would assume that these people may find the results of the poll to be a bit unfair to them, and that's perfectly understandable! Patreon seems to no longer allow patrons to pause their own pledges for a month, but if you feel what I'll be doing in July isn't worth paying for, I totally get if you need to unpledge for the month and come back later. And hey, please feel free to talk to me if you're unsatisfied. If there's a way to, I'd love to work things out with you!

For those of you who intend to stay - first of all, thank you! Secondly, I could use some help in deciding the poll for the Patreon Pack theme! I've got a list of things on my own and would love to hear if anything on the list interests you or repels you. And I'd especially love to hear if you've got any simpler ideas for a Pack! Just leave them below.

Current Idea List:

  • Character Fusions
  • High Fashion (mostly an excuse to draw cute outfits and focus on details in them)
  • Extreme Sports (dynamic poses/angles)
  • Alice in Wonderland
  • Phase 3 Ideas:  Futurefunk
  • Body expansion/weight gain "expansion pak"; my OCs cosplaying things they'd fit as  
  • Moldable goat - can grow and shrink areas by tugging or pushing on them (done by vote like a growth drive?) 
  • group shot of all 50+ of my characters (one image in the whole pack) 
  • Fanart for things that molded me and my tastes 
  • Undertale/Deltarune 
  •  Style Emulation 
  • Three Wishes gone wrong (previous wishes affect future images as well; a sequence) 
  • Zootopia 
  • Art Deco
  • Vintage posters 
  • Unlikely Crossovers (take ideas from patrons, use generator to mash up) 
  • "Awful" Ideas from Emi
  • One-off Sizeplay Images
  • Summer Fun


Chibi Biscuit

I like a lot of these ideas! I'm particularly drawn to Alice in Wonderland, Style Emulation, and Fanart for Things that Inspired you!


Art Deco sounds awesomee