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So, I've been having a couple of slow months of work lately. May was slow for health reasons, and June is shaping up to be very similar. There is no concern about me getting y'all the art I owe you, but I am starting to feel a little concerned about next month.

In July, I'll be flying from Sweden back to the States to spend the next three months there. Last time I was separated from Emi was a bit of a mess, but I got through. But that mess combined with my already slow working speed lately is what I'm concerned about.

There are two big things I do for my supporters here on Patreon: the Patreon Pack montly image series, and the Goatbux-funded Patreon rewards for higher-tier supporters.

So I'm coming to you to ask what I should do; what would be fair. Things may work out alright for me, but in the event that I find myself unable to work for a period of time, I don't want to make promises I can't keep. I'll be making an official poll about this soon to put this to a vote, but for now I'm asking for ideas - putting out feelers.

What would be the best course of action? Just going ahead with everything next month and doing my best to get it all done? Doing a simple Patreon Pack, or one that would take two months to complete so I have the time to spread things out? Maybe taking a limited number of Goatbux rewards slots (something I've been meaning to try anyways)? Pausing the whole Patreon account for a month just to be safe? Some fifth option I haven't considered yet?

Please let me know what you think would be best!


Chibi Biscuit

I agree with Vi. I would only pause the page as a last resort, because that's a stressful situation, and nobody here on Patreon is your patron because they want to stress you out. I think the idea of limiting the number of slots for Goatbux related commissions is a great idea. You have a lot of supporters now, and doing an unlimited number of pieces each month isn't maintainable. Setting a limit also has the side-effect of consistently giving you more free time, and in months when you *aren't* crossing the globe, that's time you can invest in experimenting and growing your art, or even giving yourself longer to work on rewards or commissions you really like. Or, y'know, take time to yourself and chill. That's pretty important too.

Maniko, conduit of hugely adorable, massively destructive beans

It's super fine to have a few slow months as well and I don't think your patreons support you because they want the maximum bang for their buck because they like you and your art - and that also means they like you healthy. :)