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(oops I've had this one done for a bit and forgot to post it oops)

The crew's about to face off against the final foe - the puppetmaster, the big kahuna, the evil-that-shall-not-be-named, the head honcho, the irrefutable-for-a-span, the....

okay you get the picture. The point is, if you're going up against a powerful foe, nothing boosts morale (and grants you a +1 to all rolls in battle) like forming up and posing like the heroic squad of adventurers you are! It's okay that, in-character, one of your party members only joined your group last Tuesday; you're a close group of friends that can defeat any evil, and it's important to LOOK like it!

Full-size image:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/8o732s83yyjwtcz/05-30-19%20024%20Pose%20as%20a%20Team%20l.png?dl=0

.sai2 file:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/n4zy7ljqmbbendd/024%20Pose%20as%20a%20Team.sai2?dl=0



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