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Full-size image and .sai2 project file of the latest Patreon Pack image!

The alternate universe this time is "Kindhearted Erin".  Erin is normally a vicious and cutthroat woman with a penchant for very aggresive negotiations and violent hobbies.  This is a personality she's had since a very young age - even joining a gang in her teens and acquiring her business through less-than-legal means.

In this timeline, she decides to clean up her act when she has her daughter Stacey.  She decides to run her company fairly, treat her employees and other people as well as possible, and raise her daughter in the best environment she can manage.  This change in environment does wonders for Stacey.  Where in the canon timeline she's vain, cocksure, and cares little about anyone outside of what they can do for her, now she's a humble hardworking young lady taking cues from her mother and trying to be the best person she can be.  She's still not very competent at most things, but she's trying her best, and that counts for a lot!

Full-size image here:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/q4esi305qfftkrh/08-16-18%20016%20Kindhearted%20Erin%20l.png?dl=0

.sai2 file here:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/6iofkyvgi18q6j1/016%20Kindhearted%20Erin.sai2?dl=0



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