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From the Separatists and now the Republic, I'm loving that we're getting to see how each side deals with the new Empire and the return to Ryloth makes it even better. I'm honestly shocked at how much I enjoyed this one even though the Bad Batch themselves were in it for like a minute 😂




And we've arrived at my two Favourite Episodes this season haha you've finally met Fan Favourite and War Crime generator droid "Frantic" Chopper as you described 😂 Who's basically a grumpy, unhinged and bloodthirsty version of R2 😂😂 Awesome to go back to Ryloth and especially see Cham Syndulla again, one line that people love to look back on in CW is a conversation he had with Mace where he said "Your troops will stay for security?? another armed occupation isn't a free Ryloth how long till I'm fighting you??" that Line definitely foreshadowed this it's unfortunate that you can see at the beginning of this ep he really wanted to believe in the Clones and give them a chance but it was futile, now his trust of outsiders is probably permanently shattered. I also really love that scene at the end where his true feelings of Senator Taa really started projecting, we knew they were not fans of each other back in CW but they really came out here after the tipping point of threatening Hera, when he got angry and lost a bit of composure and said "for Years I've seen you put your greed and self-interest above Ryloth!" then straight up aims the gun at him and probably would've killed him there without Howzer and Eleni's influence. Gobi was also in those Clone war Episodes but wasn't given as much focus or lines. There's been loads of theories why some clones seem to be not as affected by the chip but no definitive answer yet, a lot of people reckon that after their initial order 66 overtime they're slowly degrading or they're going dormant again because there's no Jedi around, or some Clones with strong wills or creative minds influenced by others have some sort of free will in their minds and can actively think, even question things unless the chip gives a direct counter order, like I imagine Cham and Howzer have been together for a while and Cham isn't a Jedi so there's that little relationship they've built that stayed, but as for the other clones well there's a lot of them so quite a large amount of them were probably dronish over the war so the chip had easy influence, some clones may not even question much even if it was dormant as they believe they're still "serving" the galaxy.

Hi Man

I love these Ryloth episodes so much. And Cham Syndulla's story is a really tragic one. His whole planet was taken over by the Seperatists during the Clone Wars and his people were tortured, kept in chains and used as living shields. Even after the Jedi liberated the planet, he spent the rest of the war protecting it from the droid army. And for a brief moment at the end of the war when he was able to put down his weapons and help begin to repair what years of war and oppression has done to his people and planet. Only to then immediately be forced to live under a new oppressive government and this time not even be able to fight back. Not only that, but his daughter is arrested for treason against the Empire and being arrested himself after being framed for a murder he did not commit. Can life get any worse for Cham ? It's literally so sad. Also no spoilers but keep an eye out for Hera and Chopper in the future! I definitely agree that they've made Rampart into a really interesting villain. The way he outsmarted and framed Syndulla at the end was genius. He knew that if he simply has him killed, people will riot and probably rebel against the Empire since he saw at the beginning of the episode when Cham and the Senator gave their speeches, it was really Cham who the people listened to and believed in. So instead of giving people more of a reason to rebel by executing Cham, he instead has the Senator killed who the people already hated and framing Syndulla for his murder and imprisoning him. That way he can keep the population in control. The people will now probably fear that if they try to free Cham the Empire will just kill him. So now they have no other choice but to obey and accept their oppressors. It's ingenious really. To answer your question about the chip, they haven't officially confirmed anything yet. But many people speculate that the affect of the chip can degrade and weaken over time. So the chip would be at it's strongest when the order is given, that's why Tup was acting crazy and sort of feral when he was trying to complete the order. But as time passes, the chips effect weakens and eventually stops affecting most clones. There is also a very specific theory about why Howzer in particular seems not so affected by the chip. Many people theorise that since Howzer and his troops had no Jedi commanders after they've arrived to Ryloth, they were instead put under the command of Cham Syndulla. Maybe they never even recieved order 66 since there was no Jedi to execute on Ryloth, so their chips simply never activated. But who knows, at this point we too are waiting for a definitive answer. Maybe they will explain it in season 3. Also can I just say how Howzer literally has the sickest haircut out of any clone! And with his unique armor paint he looks so dripped out 😂I'm a straight man but my god, that's a handsome man 😂

Ben Spiller

Cham’s story is honestly so heartbreaking, it’s one of the reasons I constantly thought he’d be killed off by the end to just drive in the nail. His story puts a relatable face to what a lot of the galaxy has gone through and seeing a guy who’s fought to defend his home and family to be given hope for peace only for it to be taken away again just hurts. Had a feeling Hera might be coming back, seemed cool to build a whole episode around this character to begin with but thought there had to be more reason behind it. Absolutely love everything that happened with Rampart here, in just this episode he went from mini Tarkin to so much more and it was incredible, his plan was amazing and so well thought through that he really has become a villain in his own right, not just some pawn of the Empire but an actual person who you want to hate. Really like this theory about the chips and it makes so much sense for them not to be activated with no Jedi commander and that might actually answer a question I had in the next episode. Howzer’s design was definitely sick, From the minute they showed him without a helmet and with such a cool design you know he’d do something important and be different to the rest of the Clones in some way.