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This just got WAY darker!! Love that we're actually seeing what Crosshair is up to and it does seem like he's retained some individuality since the chip, but WOW the Bad Batch's ship is a state!


Red Cyn

Hey Ben. Really like watching with you. You may want to check your volume. Sometimes it’s like you’re yelling. Not so bad sometimes. Also, sometimes when you’re talking it’s easy to miss things if you don’t pause. It’s okay if you’re speaking when no one else is, Glad you’re enjoying the show. Remember Omega is still learning.

Ben Spiller

Hey, glad you're enjoying these videos 😁 Sorry about the volume, I get excited quite a bit and forget how loud I can be plus the video editor I use isn’t the best when dealing with sound, I’ll try to improve it though. Also, it’s quite hard to tell when there’s going to be a pause to let me talk so I’ve been trying to listen and talk at the same time and I think I’m getting better 😂 Sorry if I’ve missed anything, thought I was doing a pretty good job at keeping up with the details though thankfully I’ve always got someone to fill me in on anything I’ve missed. Really enjoyed the show and looking back I loved how season 1 was basically watching Omega grow and learn cause now she feels so capable and strong in season 2 which feels so earned.

Red Cyn

I also think the writing wasn’t very good. A lot of the stories didn’t make a lot of sense. Some of the stories were a bit convoluted and confusing. I don’t know if they put “the fam” in because she was the first female doctor. I’m worried about Disney+ taking over. It’s good in terms of money and potentially a bunch of new people watching, but I hope it doesn’t become too hokey. I hope it doesn’t turn into having lots of musical numbers. The goblins singing and the Doctor and Ruby singing really threw me for a loop. I started watching with Chris as the doctor. It was a shame he only had one season. I really enjoyed David Tennant. Wasn’t crazy about Rose after a bit, but I liked his time with Martha and especially Donna (and Wilf too!). I really enjoyed Matt’s time. His performances with Amy and Rory were fantastic. Wasn’t crazy about Clara either. Enjoyed Bill way more. Doctor Who always had element of dark stories, but I hope Disney doesn’t stop that. Like I said, having a bigger budget is nice, I just hope they don’t change it too much to attract US audiences. Here in Canada, we loved the old Doctor WHO. I’ve even been watching the old episodes from the beginning. If you do get a chance, check out Broad church. You won’t be disappointed! Have you watched Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman? Another fantastic show.

Ben Spiller

The whole ‘Fam’ thing sounds like they're trying to sound hip, it’s the kind of thing my younger brother would say so I’m guessing it was included to try and appeal to a younger audience. With Disney+ I feel like the only true benefit is that it will get the show to a larger audience than just the BBC, for Doctor Who’s entire runtime it was able to create amazing seasons with a much smaller budget than it’s on now. I saw the whole song and dance thing and it just looked so weird, I’m not even sure if it would work with context as it’s so out there for the show. Doctor Who has had an incredible run and it’s quite amazing that the decline was only recent, completely agree with your takes, Clara always seemed like they were trying to mess too much with the dynamic of Doctor and Companion but Bill seemed to set everything back on track. I definitely think Disney will make it lighter, from everything I’ve seen it’s clearly promoting the light and happy aspects which is probably to attract a younger audience who Disney probably wouldn’t consider creating a darker story for. Sorry, I haven’t seen Sherlock either 😂 I know it’s really good and I’ve had so many people suggest that I watch it so I’ll definitely be checking it out when I have more time.