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The ending to the Salvery arc was soo satisfying, love how much detail was put into Anakin in that last battle and Lux is back! Shame he had to be stupid and align himself with the Death Watch but it was great to see Ahsoka and him get a team-up!




Oh yeah I Forgot to mention this during Padme's senate Arc but that Senator at the beginning with the White Dress and ginger hair that's always with Padme & Bail is called Mon Mothma, I won't give specifics but she's definitely a character to keep in memory banks for future. Not sure if you've Picked this up but Pre Vizsla is actually voiced by MCU's Jon Favreau

Ben Spiller

Ah cool think I’ve seen her pop up a few time so I’ll be sure to keep an eye out. Only after reading this did I realise that’s his voice and I’m shocked 🤯 this dude is so talented and it’s so cool that he’s the voice of the character with the Darksaber!