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Senator Chuchi is back and gotta say, very impressed at how much development was put into her behind the scenes. Also, Cad Bane has returned, still shocked at how good this guy is at his job.




A bit of trivia the Pantoran Chairman and his daughter were very briefly in the background of a scene in Revenge of the Sith. They were played by George Lucas and his daughter! And about Tatooine, you couldn't know this but the town they go to on Tatooine is called Mos Eisley which is where Obi Wan and Luke go to in A New Hope. They even go to the same cantina. The town Anakin is from is called Mos Espa. And don't worry if you're wanting more Tatooine there's lots more of Tatooine eventually!

Ben Spiller

Love that George Lucas actually played a character! Thanks for clarifying, all the places on Tatoonie just look so similar 😂 guess the main difference would be in Anakin's town Jabba's palace wasn't close by. Great! Can't wait for more of this planet, each visit feels so nostalgic but I love the creatures there and can't wait to see more of them!