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I never thought Boba Fett would get so much depth; Ahsoka's actually sticking with her development and R2 got a fantastic fight scene!



William Harper

Coruscant has a little over 5,000 levels, each with various levels of development(from being simple support infrastructure to housing entire metropolises) with level one being the bottom or coruscants true physical surface, and the highest being the currents surface(the layer most people are familiar with.)


Yeah as said in comment above Coruscant has many levels, the lower you go the more Grimey and less luxurious & nice it gets, everyone on the surface is considered the "elite" of the galaxy and live a life of success, power, wealth and comfortablity while those who are less fortunate or considered "lower class" and can't afford it live lower in the less luxurious parts. I do find it funny that Ahsoka wasn't asked for ID before entering the "dancing" club 😂 or that they had no bouncer, I guess it just points out how lawless it can get the lower you are.

Ben Spiller

The bit that's now blowing my mind is the fact that this was all built on top! 🤯 I thought they had dug down! Makes me a little sad to think that the true surface is buried below all this, I wonder what the planet used to look like but I also like how the levels are used to demonstrate classism and I guess the disconnect between the Jedi (Top level) and the people they're supposed to protect (Bottom level) instead of the politicians.

Ben Spiller

Yeah as I mentioned in the comment above, I love how Corasant is serving as a demonstration of how big the disconnect is between the Jedi and the common people whom their supposed to protect (Jedi being on the top level while the poor are very far below). True 😂 I like how it's such a small detail but goes to show how bad a place Corasant has become and how the Jedi have become oblivious to it.