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THIS CAN NOT BE HOW SEASON 2 ENDS!!! I refuse to believe Tech died in this, there is no way they'd spend the entire season making me love this character only to kill him off! The episode as a whole though was amazing and I can't believe you guys only got to know what happened after this till recently.



Hi Man

Well well well... we have reached THE episode. Definitely one of my favourite episodes of the season and my favourite finale out of the three. Tech's death, Omega's capture, the Batch failing in their mission to save Crosshair. This epsiode is basically the "Empire strikes back" of this series where the heroes lose and the villains are victorious. First off... Yep, Tech is dead. Even if he was a force user it would have been nigh impossible to survive that fall. I mean they were so high up that they were literally above the clouds. Also to clarify some of the things you were confused about. The rest of the Batch didn't fall down with Tech. They basically just crashed into the other cart that was infront of them when they reached the end, causing both carts to launch over to safe ground where they would usually get off at the other side. (The same side where they originally arrived at) So yeah, the Batch reached the other side but with a small crash while Tech just fell straight down. You've also questioned why those carts suddenly started moving after Tech's sacrifice. Well the reason they couldn't move was because the second cart behind them (the one Tech was attached to) completely dislocated from the tracks and fell down. And since both carts are connected to eachother, the second cart was pulling the first one down but it was just barely holding on. So seeing this, Tech realised the only way to get the other cart moving and to connect it back into the tracks was by shooting the last remaining support holding these two carts together. And after he did the first cart put itself back onto the trakcs since their was nothing weighing it down anymore. So Tech sacrificed himself to save the rest of them because there was no way they would have been able to get him up from the second cart in time. It's also worth mentioning that several other people had the same theory about Tech surviving and Hemlock capturing him like you did. But I genuinely don't think that if Hemlock had Tech alive and well, he wouldn't try to use him as a bargaining chip when he was demanding Omega's surrender. He could have just easily told them that Tech is alive and if they don't come along willingly he will have him executed or tortured. I also just didn't want Tech to survive at that point. He had such an amazing arc and had such a meaningful sacrifice that if he had somehow survived, it would absolutely ruin it for me. I hate when characters make a heroic sacrifice and then it turns out "oh they actually" survived. I just think that's so lazy and tells me the writers are no risk takers. Don't get me wrong, a scenario like that definitely can be done in a way that it dosen't feel lazy but it's very tricky to pull off. Star Wars is also home to so many fake out deaths that it genuanely feels good to have a character actually die and not magically reappear. Also once again, I know the "no body no death rule" is definitely a thing but... there is no way in hell anyone could survive a fall from that height. Even in fantasy, sci-fi land🤣 There was even an added detail when Tech was falling that sort of seals this theory. When he was falling you could actually see that the second cart he shot down was actually falling right above him, so there is a very good chance that when Tech fell to the ground the cart immediately fell right on top of him. So if the fall somehow didn't kill him, the impact of the cart crashing down on him definitely did. So i think the reason we haven't seen a body is because it would kinda be too graphic or too sad to see so I guess they just opted for his goggles. It's sad I know, but we sort of knew that Tech was dying this episode anyway. When people were discussing this season before and during it's run leading up to the finale, everyone thought that either Tech or Echo was definitely dying and unfortunately we were right. It's tragic but in all honesty it's one of the best deaths in Star Wars animation in my opinion. The way they kept the tension up by having him continously fall down further and further from the tracks and the music kicking in at very precise moments was just perfect. I remember how everybody watching it felt so stressed out, even though we expected it coming. And then the sudden shift when the music and everything around them just stops and Tech let's out a big sigh because he fully accepted what he needed to do was just chilling. "Plan 99" was also a really nice touch. Throughout the show we heard how the Batch has a bunch of "plans" and protocols for almost every specific combat scenario, so it makes sense that they would have one where one member of the squad sacrifices themselves to save the rest of the squad. I mean the name "plan 99" is literally a reference to 99 who died sacrificing himself in the battle for Kamino to save his brothers. So it's a very fitting name. Yes! Cid is 100% dead to me aswell. I feel no sympathy for her and I absolutely despise her. So much so that I actually like Nala Se in comparison🤣Oh and let's also not forget about Saw, who is basically responsible for Tech's death by messing everything up. When you think about it, everything went perfectly early on in the mission and it was him who screwed everything up for the boys. If it wasn't for him everything would have went perfectly. So yeah, he is definitely on my "grudges" list from now on.😂 I also thought it was very interesting that the events of this episode didn't feel like a massive finale worthy mission, like Kamino last season. And to be honest that's why I like it a lot more. If you really think about it, this was just a standard extraction mission that feels like would happen earlier in the season. But the fact that this routine mission ended up backfiring and everything escalated to the point where one member of the the squad died was such a cool writing decision in my opinion and it definitely raised the stakes for future episodes. Because that's the reality of war. Even on the most basic mission, things can go horribly wrong and you are not any less safe just because you are not fleeing from a sinking city or trying to escape order 66 from a ship that is falling apart. Anything can go wrong anywhere and at any moment. That's why this episode is so special to me and to so many other people. It's basically a statement by the writers that no one is safe and no mission is without risk going forward. Which helped to brilliantly raise the stakes and tension of the third season which you will see in the upcoming weeks. To also answer your question about the place Dr.Hemlock's lab is at. (I'm telling you this because they won't really explain a lot about that place since it's a fairly well known thing in the Star Wars fandom.) You were right, Hemlock did say the name of it if I remember correctly but the Batch won't be able to do anything with that information since it's not the name of the planet but the lab itself. It's called Mount Tantiss. It had a pretty large role in legends so it makes sense that they would bring it back into canon with this show. Although this version has a lot of differences, the main thing you need to know right now is that it's basically the most advanced technological center for the Empire and also one of it's most secretive operations. It's so secretive that basically no one in the Empire or elsewhere knows it's exact location or which planet it's on or what the main purpose of it is. Only a select few people know it's location and purpose and that is basically limited to Hemlock, Palpatine and the few of his most trusted officials or officers. I could basically count on my hand how many people know this place even exists in the universe. You will obviously get to see a lot more about Tantiss in S3, but it's an incredibly fascinating place. Overall this was a crazy episode and Tech's death still hits me so much but I guess that's why they gave him so much development this season. So that his death would hit us like a trainrweck. I definitely recommend rewatching this episode on you own time in the future, to sort feel Tech's death more so you can get out of the denial stage of grief🤣🤣


"they wouldn't kill him off after so much focus this season" Oh yes they would 😭 the cruel b*stards, I remember being genuinely angry with the show at the time because In that moment I felt so manipulated into loving Tech just so they could break my soul watching that happen. After a while I do find it quite a bittersweet sacrifice, Tech being the logical one and putting his squad above himself in that moment, not an ounce of fear in his voice for himself but he was only concerned that the Rail cart falling would send the others over the edge too. But oh dear Hemlock catching them and grabbing Omega in the end anyway makes me feel like His Sacrifice was in Vain, let's Bloody hope not in the long run Oh dear Bloody Cid, I do wonder if they kept working for her that she wouldn't have given them up like that, I get the sense it was their ghosting that made her "loyalty" for them slowly die away over time and eventually she let her tongue Slip when she was questioned. But yeah even so we don't Claim her as a Batch Member now, so long Ciddarin I hope those Credits were worth it! And now we onto season 3 the most recent star wars project (aside from Tales of Empire) which I'm giddy about haha especially a chronological prospective to it, Season 3 is still fresh, hot and trending though so might pay to be a little more careful with spoiler comments compared to Both S1 and 2 especially with Palpatine's "Plan"

Ben Spiller

This episode is definitely up there as the best so far with how much they did here, describing it as the Empire Strikes Back for this show is so perfect and that’s given me such great expectations for season 3. 😭😭😭😭 I will say I have recorded the first two episodes of season 3 and during them, I’m still thinking that Tech survived somehow, but I guess that means this really was his final moments 😭😭. My main thing with the fall was just getting annoyed that Hunter fell off a mountain in season 1 and was basically uninjured while this was another fall that was actually fatal 😂 Looking back, so much went into that sacrifice and I only wish the episode slowed down a bit to let me process it cause it kept jumping to the next catastrophic thing, but knowing that Tech could basically see what would happen if he hung on and making the decision to sacrifice himself so the tram would reattach is a testament to his genius and selflessness. Completely agree with you about having characters coming back after a major sacrifice taking away a lot from their arc, so I guess it is for the best that Tech’s story ends here though I am quite glad others had the same theory as me 😂 was so desperate for a way for him to survive but yeah Hemlock would have probably enjoying letting the Batch know he was captured and being tortured by him instead of giving them the release of their doubt. I thought the cart would have probably slammed into him 😭😭 It just makes his death that much worse knowing he didn’t just die from the impact but his body was probably completely destroyed as well which was why Hemlock could only retrieve the Goggles. I think it’s just a shame that people knew that Tech was a contender for death from season 1 then to just give him so much development and focus to make the pain sting so much, makes me wonder when the writers decided that he’d die cause if it was at the very beginning I think that would be super cruel, to have a character marked with death since their inception to basically be neglected in their first season and then to shower them with development the season they die, just hope this choice was that simple and there was a good back and forth on whether or not he should be killed off cause then I can find more meaning in his development as there may have been the possibility of it going somewhere other than the grave. Plan 99 is such a good name and it makes me think about how the Bad Batch must have interacted with 99 himself, to name the plan like this they must have been close to him and learned about how he died and chose to honour him in this way. I can’t believe it but you're right, I actually think better of Nala Se when comparing her with Cid 😂 and I honestly hadn’t even thought about Saw’s part in Tech’s death, if he wasn’t there they would all be alive, Omega wouldn’t be captured and they probably are on their way to Tantis to rescue crosshair. You have just put into words what I couldn’t! I loved it so much that this final felt so different than the season 1’s but I couldn’t put my finger on what the defining factor was but it’s because it’s such a simple mission, they all managed to survive Kamino yet this is where they lost someone, the writers are so incredible for being able to pull that off to have the stakes be completely variable to them to keep the audience constantly tense as now anyone could drop dead during any scenario!! Love that this location was brought from Legends, I kinda want to get more into that part of Star Wars but if they keep bringing stuff over like this I quite like the surprise. Didn’t realise how advanced this place was and that is so impressive, love the secrecy behind it cause that almost adds to why whatever’s going on here wasn’t mentioned in the original trilogy, so few people knew about whatever events happened here that writers can go absolutely nuts with what the plan is. I definitely have to rewatch this episode now that I know Tech is actually gone. Was so hoping his death was a fake out here with how everything moved so quickly, I never took the time to appreciate and process his sacrifice. Hopefully, that will get me out of my state of denial 😂😂

Ben Spiller

It still hurts so much that he was neglected in season 1, fought for my favourite this season against Crosshair with how much development and focus he got just to be killed off at the end 😭 😭 I’ve definitely got to watch the episode again cause everything moved so fast I never got out of the denial phase to appreciate how bittersweet his single-minded focus was in getting his brothers to safety. His sacrifice better not be in vain after all that especially with Hemlock taunting the batch with his Goggles at the end, I need that man to suffer for what happened in this episode. Yeah, Cid’s so dead to me after this, I’d like to imagine she wouldn’t have ratted them out if they had stayed working for her but then again she’s so self-serving and money-driven that I wouldn’t put it past her to betray them no matter how good their relationship is. I cannot wait to get into season 3, recorded the first 2 episodes and they have been fantastic, Palpatine’s plan is such an interesting thing to put with the Clones with how separate the Force has been from this show, but with how new this season is I will definitely be putting the spoiler warning on all season 3 videos.