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It is so impressive how this show managed to replace Rampart so quickly! Hemlock is in a completely different ballpark as his motivation isn't his career or power but instead, he just seems insane. Plus his weird hand thing is creating me out.




Hemlock definitely lives up to his name this episode, the way he calmly walks through the Toxin revealing himself to Crosshair falling unconscious was chilling, then he even does the dramatic breathing in just to show off haha 😆 Simply learning his background that he was a Scientist who was expelled from Republic for unorthodox experiments was enough to get me intrigued right off the bat. That was indeed Howzer that Echo rescued, I love that we got a whole sequence with Echo and his "Rebel Clones" and just getting an idea of the things he's been doing. this is definitely where he is thriving he looks so fitting in this environment even naturally fits the Leader Role, he definitely lives up to his Arc trooper class, I honestly think not having Rex present elevated his Character, he's a Top Dog in his own right. Another Favourite Tech scene to add to my collection lol, giving flying lessons to Omega. Omega looked way too happy with all those near misses and fast reckless flying and Poor Tech couldn't even contain his fear 😂 that's a classic Parent giving their child driving lessons moment for sure.

Hi Man

I really liked how we finally got to see a mission Echo went on since he joined Rex. And the whole structure of this "clone rebellion" seems like Rex is the leader. He deals with contacts and logistics and is trying to espand this web of spies and contacts within the Empire. While Echo and the rest are his foot soldiers responsible for ambushing imperial ships to free more clones and get more information about this new imperial facility. In Legends there was an actual Clone rebellion that took place around this timeframe. But it was very different since it happened on Kamino. And it wasn't really a clone centered rebellion it was just the Kaminoans fighting back against the Empire by deciding to continue their operations and clone a brand new army to fight the Empire with. But the Empire eventually got wind of this so they the Emperor sent Vader and an army of Stormtroopers to destroy the Kaminoan facilities. You could actually play through this battle in the original Battlefront 2 game which was awesome. At the end, the Empire of course won and that was the end of it. But in new canon this is obviously no longer possible since the writers decided to take this event in a different direction by having Kamino destroyed early in the timeline last season. So they can't really bring that storyline back since Kamino is destroyed but I actually prefer the new approach they are taking here. Mostly because here we actually see that the clones themselves are fighting back against the Empire and are doing it freely from the Kaminoans, whereas in the old canon it wasn't really a "clone" rebellion it was just the Kaminoans using the clones once again to do their dirty work. But since then we got a bunch of development for the clones in the form of the Clone Wars, so this new spin for the Clone Rebellion feels much more personal and right in the context of the clones. So this is one retcon by Disney that I actually really like and I'm glad the writers decided to implement this storyline from Legends in a way that makes more sense and is a lot more emotionally charged becasue we grew so attached to the clones arleady. I really liked Crosshair's "escape". Because as you've mentioned he isn't at a 100% but the fact that even when he's has been drugged and tortured for days he still manage to absolutely demolish everything in his way and get a message out to the Batch just goes to show how incredibly skilled and dangerous Crosshair is. It was also awesome how he showed absolute loyalty to the Batch by not helping Hemlock even a little bit. I'm really glad he came back to his senses. His development is actually crazy and the most natural and well written "bad guy turned good guy" story in SW animation in my opinion. And they did that with him having so little screentime compared to the rest of the squad. Btw it was also a really cool moment that when the Batch were discussing if they should trust this message from Crosshair and try to rescue him, it was actually Tech who came to Crosshair's defense by stating that he is still their brother which resulted in Hunter giving in and agreeing to a rescue. It's just a really cool way to show once again how much Tech cares even if he dosen't show it usually. To answer a few of your questions: -Yes! You've recognised him! The clone they rescued was indeed Howzer. After the Ryloth episodes I doubted that we would get to see what happened to to him even though I grew to really like him in just to episodes. So I was really glad that we got to see him rescued and that he can be a recurring character in this show. - I'm afraid your theory about the poison Hemlock is making, while interesting it is unfortunately just overthinking a small little thing. Hemlock isn't developing a new poison, it was just one of his small experiements but there is no real porpuse for it other than stopping people from escaping the facility. Also a "clone killing poison" wouldn't really work because when you think about it, every seingle clone is a copy of Jango Fett...who was human. So the clones are not a different species even though the Empire likes to pretend they are. They are just regular humans genetically. So if they made a poison to kill clones it would in turn kill Stormtroopers and most imperial officers as well since most people who work for the Empire are humans. So it would be very dangerous and would backfire immediately.

Ben Spiller

His whole scene was the perfect example of show not tell, you learn so much about him from it alone, self-experimentation, working with deadly poisons, not really showing any sympathy or empathy pointing at him being a full-on psychopath, it was just beautiful at setting him to be such a villainous presence. Echo’s scene was amazing, it felt like a culmination of his entire story with him just being so natural in his element, going from Domino Squad member to ARC Trooper and finally Troop leader and you're right Rex not being there letting Echo shine so much. Omega’s flying gave me so much Anakin vibes, just the reckless driving and need for speed type thing and Tech’s reactions were hilarious 😂 reminds me a lot of Anakin and Kenobi’s chance scene from Attack Of The Clones actually.

Ben Spiller

Seeing Echo like this was amazing, he is absolutely thriving and I couldn’t be happier for him! His whole scene did an amazing job of giving me an idea of Rex’s operation even though he wasn’t there. Much prefer this angle on the rebellion story, the Kaminoans were always rather cold and even their rebellion was self-serving, having the Clones stage it themselves is amazing in the way they have finally taken the power to decide their own fate after so long, this is really one of the first big decisions or directions that they’ve decided on their own and not forced to go along with. Crosshair just keeps going through more pain and he still pulls himself through it, everything in this episode and ‘The Outpost’ episode is proof enough to me that Hemlock won’t be able to break him but that just means he’ll go through even more torture 😭 The writing for his character is so crazy, he showed up in only three episodes this season and managed to go from fully in with the Empire to doing a complete 180 and it feels so natural and not rushed at all. I love that he even warned the Batch to stay away and not rescue him cause he is fully in the self-sacrifice mode and it’s like he’s not only realised he’s wrong but he’s also punishing himself for it. I loved that Tech was the one who said it too!! He’s been given so much focus and this is the type of thing I wish they did in season 1, these subtle moments add so much to a character and it says so much for Tech that the most logic-driven person in the group knows they need to risk their lives to save your brother. So happy that was actually Howzer and his story continued, loved him in Ryloth and it’s so good that he wasn’t killed and can now show up again to help Rex. True, I keep seeing the Clones as separate since they are basically an entire race with their own culture when compared to other humans but you’re right anything that’d work on them would work on every human, thought it would be a cool way to link the whole Rodian Poison which I still want an explanation for why the Kaminoans had that thing but now I’m even more concerned about what Hemlock is planning.