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Loved how this episode went, felt much calmer than the last arc and it got to deal with the aftermath of Echo leaving. Also, so happy with the dynamic between Omega and Tech and just getting to see how the show uses emotion differently.



Hi Man

This episode was awesome! It is one of the best episodes of the series when it comes to characters dealing with something and processing their emotions. And the focus on Tech in this episode was really awesome. They did a brilliant job addressing Tech's emotions and why he is the way he is. I have a friend I've known for a long time who's autistic so having talked to him and his parents about this stuff a few times and being exposed to it for a long time through my friend it's really admirable how well they crafted Tech's character here. Many people who have autism also have a disorder called Alexithymia which means it is a lot harder for them to process and express emotions. But it does not mean they don't have them, they just don't know how to express them or have a hard time understanding them. So when Tech said "I may process moments and thoughts differently, but it dosen't mean that I feel any less than you do" it was such a beautiful moment. Probably my favourite Tech scene in the series. Just like you said, they didn't try to change Tech and have him learn to emote more. They don't treat Tech's condition as a bad thing, something that he needs to change. They show that it is okay to be this way and it's healthy to just simply talk about it to the best of your ability. Plus I like how both Tech and Omega learned something from this. Omega had to learn that people can process complex feelings differently, and that it doesnt make them any less cold or emotionless, and Tech had to learn that ones own way of dealing with these emotions isnt always readily apparent to others. It was nice character development for both of them. It was also great that Omega learned from Tech's example and started to be more confident and hopeful. At the end when they are stranded without Cid being able to help, Omega immediately said "It's okay we will figure out a way, we always do" Which is exactly what Tech said at the beginning of the episode. After this episode came out I've seen a lot of people, especially autistic people or someone who has family or friends with autism in the comments of videos about it express how much they appreciate the way they handled Tech in this. I know many other shows who handle these things differently and it was nice to know that the people behind this show actually get it you know. The other thing that was pretty awesome in this episode was how after Omega fell down the whole, Tech without hesitation immediately jumped after her. As you've said, Tech is always a man of science and facts. So the fact that there was no way to determine what is at the bottom of the whole and the probability of survival is very low which Tech probably immediately recongized and he STILL jumped after her without worrying about facts or logic was the best way to show how much he cares about her. They could have simply had a moment between Tech and Omega where he tells her how much he cares about her but they didn't. They know that Tech jumping into that whole after Omega is far more emotion for Tech and showing of love than him simply stating it in a conversation. All in all this episode did absolute wonders for Tech. I really like the Tech focused episodes at the beginning of the season but this episode just sealed it for me. After this Tech immediately became one of my all time favourite clones. They handled Echo leaving really well too. I have watched so many shows where after a character leaves or even dies and they hardly talk about them after that and they don't show how other characters deal with it. I tend to notice this epsecially in animated shows. So I was really happy with how they handled it here. Echo leaving clearly had an affect on all of them not just Omega. When they were constantly fighting with eachother throughout the episode was a really nice touch because I've always looked at Echo as the one to hold the crew together in tense situations and to deescalate any conflict. Even at the beginning of the series when Crosshair and Hunter were at eachothers throats about order 66 it was always Echo to sort of step between them and calm them down. Also I imagine during the Clone Wars before Echo joined they didn't really need a person to deescalate conflicts between the crew because there wasn't really anything to fight about. Most of their conflict came after the war as a result of massive changes and different decisions by every crew memebr as a result of those changes. It was a lot more simple during the war. They didn't have to worry about ideologies, sides or other responsibilites. Every day was just another mission battling clankers. It was a lot more simple then.


This episode is what Skyrocketed Tech to my Favourite member of the Batch, he was already going uphill after the war chest episode and the Race episode but seeing a deeper layer here where it actually delves into how he processes things on an emotional level. Showing how he deals with change he just accepts that change is part of life and there's nothing he can really do to really fight against that so he must adapt, showing how he copes and remains calm in distressing situations is because he always relies on this optimism and hope that they'll be alright because they always have been they're just yet to find a way or figure out a solution. Also telling us he can't control what others decide and has to respect their decisions and move on no matter how he might feel inside because it's about the logic of their decisions, like with Crosshair in the S1 finale where he said "understanding you does not mean I agree with you" and of course the heart to heart he has with Omega at the end giving them a deeper bond and understanding of each other I think it was very much needed, giving Tech an understanding why Omega is having emotional outbursts as well as showing Omega that he doesn't not care he just doesn't react and process things the same as her. And it did so much for Tech without doing too much as well like you said it's not changing him but really giving us an insight into him and putting an emphasis on that part of him and really help Omega but also the audience. As far as I've seen online it's pretty universal that everyone who feels the same as him or understands it thought it was some of the best written dialogue explaining it because it didn't feel forceful or like they were preaching representation if that makes sense. His line "I may process moments and thoughts differently but that doesn't mean I feel any less" is definitely still a stand out line to many people. I think with that line the writers are subtly implying Tech might fall under that spectrum somewhere but respectfully not Label him and I think it's really beautiful how well they did it because sometimes with shows if not done right that can just become a label that overshadows their character or kind of change your view of their character but with Tech I think they nailed it because strictly looking at the show without outside or social media influence it's always how hes been and I knew that and so when he had his little chat with Omega I definitely understood that's just how he is as a character and the thing was I was kind of ignorant because up until this episode and someone else pointed it out I didn't realise Tech was on the spectrum so during when I first watched the scene it went over my head that that's what they might've been implying I thought it was just a nice heartwarming chat of Tech shedding a bit of a layer and trying to help Omega understand him and it wasn't till I went online on twitter where I saw a few certain fans tweeting about how Tech was a bit of visibility for them this episode and I realised "oh that's what that meant" I didn't even realize Tech might've been on a spectrum but it's kinda good because it means the show didn't spell it out for me or give him a label and didn't make me think of Tech differently.

Ben Spiller

I really enjoyed this episode for what it did for Tech, I’ve known a few people with Autism but they’ve all been high functioning, so I’ve never really interacted with anyone close to where Tech is, but seeing how the show handled it was just amazing! I remember talking about Tech at the start of the show and describing him as Robotic, super logical and wondered if he would get emotional development as at the time it just reminded me of how Droids are in this galaxy and we haven’t actually seen anyone like Tech before, this episode really made me realise what’s actually going on and it completely makes my former criticisms of him redundant as this is a fundamental part of his character. The way the creatives behind this handled this whole episode was amazing, they were able to make the conversation between Omega and Tech feel so natural and understandable makes me wonder if they did research and contacted people like Tech to make the scene work as well as it did. Absolutely love how this has socially developed Omega and Tech, having them come to terms with how other people deal with emotions is something you don’t see that often in shows, we’ve seen both of them develop a lot of combat and maturity, but it’s so nice that we actually got a moment of emotion development in this way. So glad to hear that this episode went down well with people who’d relate to it, goes to show how much was put into it behind the scenes to make it resonate that well. That scene was so good, it also gave the audience an insight into how Tech can express his emotions through his actions, by immediately ignoring the rationality of whether or not he’d survive the fall he chose to risk it and go after Omega, a clear demonstration of care but what I’m quite curious to know now is if he realised that he expressed emotion then. I think having Tech be this character who struggles to express and process his emotions is amazing in itself but I’d love if we could go on a journey with him where he navigates and gets to understand how he’s able to do it. His saying he struggles with this leaves room for development in my mind and it's clear we won’t see him express emotion like the rest of the Batch but I think it’d be so cool if we could get to watch him gain a better understanding of himself especially if he hasn’t realised that he perfectly demonstrated emotion when jumping after Omega. This episode definitely made me realise what a big role Echo had in the show without me even realising, his absence really did a number on the team and it just really went to show that even though he didn’t get many major parts he was so vital to the group's functionality. After this episode though Tech and Crosshair are so painfully tied as my favourites, Crosshair has just got such an interesting story going on but the writing for Tech in this season alone is astonishing and I have no doubt if this keeps up he’ll become my favourite easily.

Ben Spiller

The emotional depth that this episode went into alone could put it as one of my favourites, it’s still so shocking that in the span of 4 episodes, Tech has shot up like this and become not only a more physically developed character when we got to see his skills in action but also an emotionally developed character. And to that end the fact that this doesn’t play on an outdated trope of having the ‘cold’ or ‘unfeeling’ person learn to express themselves the same as everyone else was incredible as we got to see that there is far more going on with Tech, that this is how he’s wired and he can still feel emotion the same as others but just has a different way of processing it. I think the way they’ve written and created Tech is done really well, it doesn’t come off as forceful representation as this wasn’t his defining quality, it was more of the audience realising that this naturally fits with what we've seen from him so far, I'd say forceful representation would be changing core elements of a character to fit within a certain label. His being on the spectrum completely went over my head too, at the start of the show I thought they were playing off of the trope of the super smart guy that just socially awkward, so typical nerdy stuff, and then they’d break him out of his shell and he’d be more ‘humanised’ which I realise now was an awful way of describing it 😂 But this episode flips that idea completely by going against the trope and have it not be a lack of confidence but a genetic level difference in perspective an understanding, it makes it much deeper and more unique in a way that I haven’t seen before in a show. Also completely agree that they handled the labelling side of this really well, at no point while watching did I even think of a label he’d fit under because they described it in a way that anyone could understand and empathise with, creating that emotional connection that by simply stating or implying a specific label can’t do.