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THIS TWIST WAS AMAZING!! Love everything from this final so far and I just can't believe how much this episode made me feel for Crosshair, but this episode was honestly heartbreaking! RIP Kamino. 😢




This show really likes to burn away things we love 😅😬 it started at the Clone Wars title Card in Ep 1 when it burnt away into the current Charred Bad Batch Title Card and now at the end of s1 we've got the Empire obliterating Kamino, It's not just moving on from an Old Era but actively destroying it to make way for a darker era

Ben Spiller

I just realised that the burning of the title card was such a huge hint to all of this, literally the burning away of the Clones 🤯, It’s hard to think that this is still probably only the start of what the Empire does, this felt so final and dark yet I know it can only get worse from here, they essentially uprooted an entire species from their planet and destroyed the home of the military who’ve devoted their lives to fight for them, yet I’m sure Palpatine will think of plenty of more evil to between now and the Death Star.

Mayra Geek

🤣"How well can you swim?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Love that! Btw...that soundtrack while they show an empty Kamino... my heart breaks every time. 💔

Ben Spiller

😂😂 Yeah the soundtrack was amazing and added so much to the emotional weight of the shot, still hurts thinking about how that’s how the Home of the Clones comes to an end 😢