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Okay the title is misleading, I have one left.

Over a year after opening up this Patreon, I have run out of commissions I haven't posted. This tier was originally why I had opened the Patreon, so that I could still share some stuff, just less publicly, be it due to my perceived quality of the comms, or just the themes in it. Of course, commissions kept pouring in at the same time, and I think I have found a good balance for my time, working on public releases and commissions concurrently.

I've tried to post at least one every month, sometimes two if I got two that month, while making public releases every so often (2-3 per month). But the end of the year/new year period is always slow, in a lot of industries, and it's slow for me too, for the same reasons.

It doesn't mean I'll stop posting any commissions here, that's not it. But right now, unless by some miracle I get people interested in one out of the blue, I have one post left to make until I'm bled dry of any interesting renders to share. I have all the stuff I had made very early on, but it's actually horrible on so many aspects that I'm not sharing that with anyone until I stop making porn altogether.

tl;dr One commission left until I got nothing left to share here



If it involves pee, I wouldn't mind seeing them lol