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The biggest news: I'll be taking two weeks off starting today

As you might have noticed, for most releases, I make a time lapse of my work, showcasing the large majority of what goes into it (spanning usually 3-4 days of work), edit it and add in some stuff here and there. I artificially locked them behind a 15 € tier, since I thought it would only appeal to creators.

I have made over 40 at this point, and the fact of the matter is, I track the views on them. And I get one, two views per each of them perhaps? And it does pain me, a lot. Cause I want people to see them.

It's not (only) about the money, everything I've ever made under this account has always been for others to enjoy as much as it was for my own pleasure to make. I want to get them out there.

I've had a couple ideas myself on how to remedy this:

  • Lower the price of the Time Lapse tier. It's a no-brainer at this point, and I will do that no matter what. The question is how low will I bring it? I'm still hesitant between 10 and 12 €. The 8 € tier would also be knocked down a peg to keep a decent margin between the two tiers, and avoid any overlap.
  • Make the time lapses exclusive to Patrons only for a certain amount of time. That'd go in pair with the previous measure, which is partly why I'm lowering the cost of entry. I was thinking a month would be right, after which they could be viewed freely on my site (can't host on YouTube unfortunately, cause, you know, lewd). I'm not 100% sure on this one yet, since I'd need to rewrite a lotta code on my site, but I shall see.

If you're not in that tier, I'd love to know why. No shame if it's "I don't care"/"I don't have the money"/ "I don't want to spend this much" or anything else that might go this way, I'm genuinely curious. I want to share them with as many people as possible, and earn a little compensation for it still, cause knowledge is power :p



I think the reason the time lapses get little views is because, like you said, it only appeals to creators. Most people here are probably paying only to watch porn. I personally wouldn't mind paying for the last tier, but the time lapses aren't enough for me to jump on it. The other reason is that I have too many subscriptions and I don't wanna go broke lol. I think that instead of lowering your prices, you should include something else on your last tier to make it more appealing.

Wade E.

I do not have the skill or time I want to learn 3D modeling and posing. I would need to have a studio style program to do anything first. That said, watching you build a model and change poses / elements usually makes think, "I liked it better the other way." Not always, but you get the idea, so I prefer not to watch things like that and appreciate what I got.


That's a fair point that I hadn't considered. Is there something someone else offers that got you personally to jump the gun and go for a higher tier?


...oh Cause I'm usually the opposite, as I watch the time lapse before publishing it, to make sure it's as free of defects as I can make it, I usually agree with the decisions I made before (thank God). Very interesting to learn that though, thanks!