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This is what I call for myself a checkpoint. It's a render I do, from time to time, not to test out new things but to check whether I still have my basics figured out and locked in. I did a lot of experimentation with Blender recently, and wanted to get something simple but effective out, to gauge myself basically. And it came out... OK.

I would be over the moon with it, if we were in 2021. For me today, it's not up to the par. I mean I like it, otherwise I wouldn't have released it, but it's barely clearing the bar of "acceptable".

For the technical side, I think I'm getting better at cumshots. It's not much, but it's still improvement. They're not present in my stuff, because frankly I cba most of the time, but here I thought it fit quite well.

No time lapse this time, sorry!
But Ashe is the next release in the pipeline, and oooooh boi, y'all aren't ready for it :D




Looks fantastic🌟...Will you also make videos in the future?


Oh, that's a tough one. I'd love to make animations, but it will take months for me to not only learn, but I'm sure another year to put out anything I'm proud of