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Didn't see this one coming did ya? :D

Almost as if I never teased it in the first place, hmmm...

I've been anxious to release this one publicly, and she ended up always getting overtaken by something else (Black Cat, Halloween, long dead projects that sparked life anew...). Cause this has been done for aaaages now.

It also allowed me to postpone editing the time lapse for it, because I straight-up ran out of music for my time lapses. I don't know where to search for music or what to search for, nothing I find scratches that itch of "Oh yeah, this works" anymore. So if y'all got suggestions... I'm kind of desperate to find chill background music to lose oneself to while watching.

I tried using FLIP Fluids' latest feature, Mixbox, to make an udnerwater scene where one girl (most likely Sombra at this point) would be peeing herself in a pool, and the pee would be visible against the water, diluted in it, maybe even activating the mythical colouring that turns red when you pee in a pool. But I couldn't get the looks of the scene right, so currently, it's on hold... Indefinitely. Or at least until I find a way to get a good looking underwater scene.

Hope you still like the image in the end, I took my usual time on it, even went as far as sculpting her pussy lips by hand, to make them bulge out a little :)

Time lapse is available for 15+ € patrons over at https://www.vganimated.com/dash/timelapses




Anything that's Overwatch+Piss, I'll automatically love it