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John, for some reason, heard David Attenborough’s voice narrating the scene.

‘The present group could be found in its natural habitat. Lovers of the order Newman are a highly individualized species. Few are alike each other and none are truly the same. Despite this incredible diversity, the group, called a harem, shares several places of dwelling. The Couch and the specifically tailored bed are the most commonly shared environments which all members of the harem, called haremettes by experts, enjoy.

‘While further environments that are universally beloved are difficult to find, John Newman, leading researcher in all things relating to his harem, found that places of relaxation were generally met with a range of acceptance to enjoyment. Partly because of continued exposure, he posits, the foremost place of relaxation in the haremettes mind is the group-sized bathtub. Specifically, the jacuzzi.

‘The harem is in a state of excitement. A new member has been added to its ranks through unusual circumstances. Such occasions are rare and will only grow rarer. The social dynamic of a harem is difficult to comprehend for the average person. Although haremettes broadly belong in the behavioural category of standard Earth sapience, this particular kind of gathering is atypical for most of them. A stable relationship unit of this size is practically unique. Each time it grows, it does so with the agreement of all of its members.

‘Easily swayed is the male of the group. By some descriptions, he is the alpha of the entire social dynamic. John Newman’s status as the sole mate of all of these women is unquestionable, his seed guaranteed to find fertile and willing soil whenever he makes the decision to mate for procreation, rather than enjoyment. Similarly, he is the primary direction giving force of this group. It would be wrong, however, to assume his power over the group extended to power over the individuals.

‘Indeed, for as much as the Gamer, as John Newman is commonly referred to, has influence over the haremettes, they each have their own mind and desires.

‘While the male is easily enticed by fresh females, those that have already established themselves approach with more caution. Haremettes know of the unique character required to enter their social circle without difficulty. So it is that their current state of excitement leaves the ‘alpha’ of the harem ignored by most of his own mates. Only Aclysia and Beatrice, two members peculiar for their servitude, hang back while the other haremettes explore the new member.

‘Claire, an adorable vampire from another world, finds herself swarmed. It is clear from the start that the sheer volume of other partners overwhelms her. The charismatic smile she has on her lips sometimes wavers. Occasionally she breaks out into little rambles. Obsessive chants of desire make it past her lips. She cannot help herself. She desires the attention of the Gamer. After a life of misery, the warmth attracts her.

‘A warmth that the women around her readily offer her as well. Unusual circumstances aside, the haremettes trust the Gamer’s judgement and give the newcomer the benefit of the doubt. They accept her as one of their own. The shows they put on lay out the boundaries that would normally have been established beforehand.

‘One of the most seasoned members of the harem, Eliana, repeatedly and loudly lets out curse-filled tirades. She is acclimatizing Claire to her choice of vocabulary, while simultaneously dropping words like ‘breeding’, ‘mating’ or ‘impregnation’ every sentence. The intent of the pretty little psycho is certain: she’s making clear her claim to the Gamer’s firstborn. While receiving an underwater blowjob by the Artificial Spirits, John Newman smiles, knowing his bloodline is secure with this breedable submissive.

‘Others stake their own territory. With a benevolent smile, Rave, first of the haremettes, facilitates the entire engagement. She asserted her dominance through cunnilingus earlier – a standard favour among haremettes – and is now demonstrating her mastery over this unique social dynamic by deciding who speaks when. Carefully, she balances the characters of the members of the harem.

‘Nathalia, a domineering dragoness, requires to assert her strength of character early. With a few succinct questions, she tests the submissiveness of this new haremette. Outspokenly, she decides how she categorizes the vampire maid. Although Nathalia has accepted those in the harem as her peers, she still differentiates between those that she can order around and those that she cannot. The former is where Claire is decidedly placed.

‘Few words are necessary between Claire and Momo, as well as Metra. Mental connections have already been established. Despite the personality differences between the sassy and the obsessed maid, the two bond quickly. Misunderstandings are removed through subtext. Claire believes the Gamer to be above a glorious golden god. Momo proclaims him to be an idiot, while shooting him shy, loving glances. The vampire understands and notes John’s enjoyment of this odd courtship ritual.

‘Metra finds agreement with the newcomer through sex and violence. Their kinks are similar, willing sexual slavery intrigues them. Professions of enjoying a particular kind of raw brutality are made. Claire makes herself popular quickly. As a haremette, she is a natural. The rambles, perhaps, put aside.

‘Talks with Lydia go smoothly. They find nothing immediate to bond over. Neither do they find each other’s company unpleasant. Time will be required to see this connection mature. Same can be said for Lorelei, Lee, and Scarlett. Admiration for Claire’s willpower is voiced here and there. The newcomer reacts with that courtship through self-deprecation. The Gamer observes it carefully. He wishes to stamp out misplaced doubts that the haremettes have in themselves. As this instance appears to be in humour, he says nothing.

‘Only with Nia, Claire seems to have difficulty. Her world of origin did not offer any exposure to beings like this particular haremette. Platinum blonde, pale of skin, with blue eyes, the slender female emits a strange aura. It is revolting to those unlike her, which encompasses most of humanity and everything beyond it. Beings of a magical lifeforce, like Claire is, find it especially off-putting. Exposure diminishes the effect.

‘Nia is understanding and keeps her distance. They try to converse, but the blank retains social awkwardness that Claire finds difficult to overcome. It will resolve itself with time. The Gamer was certain of that. His thoughts drift to the elementals not present, as the introduction becomes more of a general chatter. There is no need for worry. Claire sits amidst them, participating in the conversations like anyone would. That is, until she starts rambling again.’

“Ohpleasejustfuckmeagainjohnpleaseplease…“ a ramble that gradually grew louder and snapped the Gamer out of this particularly weird train of thought, “moreIwantmoretobefilledmoreand-“

“Ya stop that,” Rave interrupted and flicked Claire’s forehead. The vampire maid’s pupils narrowed into slits barely visible, as she glared daggers at the one distracting her from staring at her Master. “Calm down, yandere,” the feline Lightbearer giggled, “don’t ramble like that. Just say calmly what ya want and maybe he’ll give it to ya.”

Immediately, Claire’s body language relaxed and her pupils dilated back to a normal size. “Sorry, I just get so… passionate about him,” she said and turned her gaze back to John. Aclysia and Beatrice surfaced from the bubbling water and positioned themselves by his sides.

“As is appropriate,” the weaponized maid commented, while brushing her wet hair backwards. “To desire Master is only natural. After all, who could compare to his… everything?” she sighed that last word, while snuggling up to him.

Claire sorted the words in her head for one moment, only to burst out with the simplest way to put it, “John, please fuck me again! I need more of you… so much more of you.”

“Come here,” he ordered her. Claire caused a massive splash when she leapt through the harem-sized jacuzzi. John leaned forwards to greet her with his arms. Once she was within reach, the thin veneer of self-control broke away and the vampire maid turned into an ecstatic bundle of giggles and kisses. His lips, his chest, his shoulders, even his hands, she kissed whatever she caressed. Only when John tightly wrapped his arms around her did she stop.

“Ehehehe,” she laughed in that adorably damaged way. “I love you, Master. You can’t hold me forever…” her expression darkened as those words crossed her lips, “…and I hate the world for that… but can you hold me a lot?”

“You’re one of mine, I’ll cuddle you whenever I can,” John assured her for the umpteenth time. He doubted it would be the last time. He doubted there would ever be a last time. Some people needed to hear the same words over and over again to be reassured. “Well, I’ll do a lot more than cuddle,” he whispered. “Put it in yourself.”

“Oh, oh, yes,” Claire gasped. She wiggled inside his arms until her hips were raised enough and her hands could grip his manhood. Inexperienced, she fumbled around for a little bit. When she properly aligned their sexes, she dropped down as swiftly as she could. The flowing water meant the wetness was not allowed to accumulate and so the penetration happened slower. “Yeshisbigdi-“

“Stop that,” John ordered and snapped his fingers. Everyone perked up, except Claire, who had not yet become familiar with what happened after those snaps. Regardless, the Harem Gamer Perk he had gotten a while back assured that she was affected by the hypnotic command. “Claire, trance.”

The vampire maid’s eyelids fluttered, then closed as if they were made out of lead. She relaxed, near absolutely. That was not good enough by John’s standards.

He stroked the back of her hair and her back, otherwise moving as little as possible to avoid stimulating her pussy too much. “Concentrate on my voice,” he whispered to her. “I’m all that is around you. You are among my harem. There’s no one here but people you should trust and love.” The words, aided by her intense feelings for him, settled in deep and Claire became a slowly breathing bundle of joy and calm. Perfect to plant a new suggestion in her head. “Each and every time, I, and only I, snap my fingers and say ‘speak clearly’, you will remember this moment and calm down, allowing you to properly formulate your sentences. Repeat that back to me.”

In an entranced tone, she whispered back, “Each and every time, you, and only you, snap your fingers and say ‘speak clearly’, I will remember this moment and calm down, allowing me to formulate my sentences.”

“Exactly. Further, each and every time, after I use ‘speak clearly’, if I compliment your speech afterwards, you will feel an extra strong surge of happiness. Repeat it.”

“Each and every time, after you use ‘speak clearly’, if you compliment my speech afterwards, I will feel an extra strong surge of happiness.”

“Good girl.” John placed a kiss on her cheek, then snapped his fingers again. “Claire, wide awake.”

Claire came back to the surface swiftly. “Thank you for the extra attention.”

“I want to understand each word that comes out of your adorable mouth.” The Gamer spread his arms out around the two other maids. This time around, there was not even a hint of anger about the diminished attention on her face. Having his cock buried to the hilt in her tight pussy evidently appeased her. They said to not stick your dick in crazy and in general that was recommended. John just liked to flaunt that he could resist common wisdom, because he was just that good. “You’ll spend the rest of your life with me, Claire, you should start learning how to properly service this cock.”

“It’s not hard,” Momo drily remarked, while crossing over. “You just bounce up and down until he cums inside you.”

“But then there’s less of him inside me,” Claire grumbled, instead rotating her hips. “I want all of him inside me. Ineedallofhiminsideitdeservestobe-“

“Claire, speak clearly.”

Her speech slowed immensely, to the point where she was pronouncing every word with conscious effort. Two brain streams were crossing and clashing at the moment. John needed the more controlled one to win out. That went for her speech and her general behaviour.

“I need all of hi- you inside me, I have gone through so much I deserve this, I deserve this, I need this, Master is mine, mine, mine, I never had someone that was mine, I need more of this, love me more, love me more, love me more, love me more.”

“That’s a very good start,” he complimented her and Claire’s lips spread in the most gleeful, erotic smile that could fit on her face. John immediately obliged her and leaned up to kiss her. At the same time, Aclysia, Beatrice and Momo piled onto the cock-riding vampire in one large embrace.

“We’re all partly yours now,” Momo whispered while cupping Claire’s breasts. “You won’t go another day unloved.”

For whatever reason, be it the sexual excitement, Momo’s Charisma or a critical mass of attention having been reached, those words settled in this time. Although her main attention lay with John, when the kiss broke, Claire leaned over to kiss Momo of her own volition. Inexperienced but eager, the vampire maid responded to the caress of the others with some simple touches and squeezes of her own.

A solid 80% of the time, Claire still craved his attention first and foremost. Still, 20% interest in the group was more than he would have asked for on her first day. He encouraged her to keep going by pulling the other maids into whatever they were doing.

Treated to his cadre of now four super sexy, white-haired, pale maids, John enjoyed himself immensely. Each of them had their individual markers. Claire stuck out the most due to her striking red eyes and more European-esque facial features, compared to the Asian-inspired designs of the other three. That wasn’t a bad or a good thing. It was just an observation. Although, if he was being honest, John greatly delighted in all of the differences. The overarching similarities were all the stronger for the individual differences.

The orgy transformed from the four of them to all of them. While initiating Claire in a great many sexual positions, the partners around her and John shifted continuously. The vampire maid was pampered with massages and kind words, and then showed how to massage herself. Every favour she got, she was either taught how to reciprocate or she promised she would do so at a later time.

Dead tired, exhausted from the sex and from the partying, John finally turned in for the night. Everyone present followed him in short order. Because of the circumstances, Claire was given the coveted position right next to him.

In the middle of an otherwise deep sleep, John woke up. Instinctively he opened his eyes, but he had his contacts removed. He did not need to see to really hear the tiny whimpers. “Imsohappyimsohappyim…” he heard the miserable cries of a woman who hadn’t slept in safety her entire life. Deeply, he embraced her, to provide silent solace.

As did the entire harem.


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