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The break was unpredicted.

For quite some time now, Moira and Rave had been chasing after Arkeidos. His steady repositioning and distance attacks had pelted them, yet failed to break their resolve. With the Lady’s blessing and this gorgeous, if irksome, ally by her side, Moira knew she could succeed in this battle. The life of a world was on the line, and how could she hope to indulge in that round ass if she did not…

‘FOCUS!’ the redheaded Warden chastised herself. “Where is he?” she asked, keeping her shield at the ready.

“Uhh, the magic just seized up, this is… he’s just standing there.” Rave pointed to their right. Indeed, there was Arkeidos, his radiant mist seemingly exorcising remains of brown. The silver-gold body trembled, invisibility obscuring the edges. “The heck he doing?”

“Lady, guide me,” Moira whispered under her breath. The prayer was answered. A burst of pain behind her eyes robbed her of her sight. The temporary blindness let her see a fraction of what Lorelei could see. The flow of magic and a hint of the future. A prismatic crossing of energy and their current enemy, at its centre, crucified. Her vision snapped back with another intense flare of migraine that was, by her powers, drained into a more pleasant but no less distracting feeling between her legs. “Lady, hear my prayer…!”

Rave turned her head, a wide grin responding to Moira’s booming voice. “Alright, it’s go time!”

“…Awaken me!”

Iridescent light to rival that of Arkeidos engulfed the two women. Rave’s hair turned golden blonde in its entirety, the claws of hard light shining with elemental might. For Moira, the glow came from deep within her blessed soul, seeped through her battered armour, and found a second home in her unblemished tower shield. A halo hovered above her head, near white in its brilliance.

The two of them charged, engulfed in their auras, towards the tyrant of the Iron Domain. Shining light broke in the prisms of the room, many of them displaced by previous uses of Rave’s Babel Phrase.

Arkeidos snapped out of what was hindering him. His hands whirled in esoteric motions. Each time his hands passed one another, a new body wielding a hard-light weapon or a laser beam was unleashed.

Rave stormed ahead, taking care of the illusions wielding the magical armaments, while Moira took care of the lasers even more aptly than she had before. Her mind was silent, at one with the Lady’s wisdom and grace. Faith guided her steps, absolute faith in the beauty of the world who she was born and sworn to protect. The shield bonded closely to her inherited ability, it resonated with the depths of her awakened mind.

Whether the shield pulled her or it was the Lady’s grace that guided her body was a distinction without a difference. No matter where the attacks came from, the indestructible barrier was always in the way.

Rave reached Arkeidos first – only for her hand to sail right through.

The illusion was fresh, Arkeidos’ position betrayed by a sudden geyser. Like shards of tinted glass, unclear memories poured out of the simulacrum. Moira could not make out the details. The stench of sin from it, however, reached her instinctively and she honed in on the origin.

Lightbearer and Shield Warden slammed into Arkeidos simultaneously. Radiant mist poured into the air, fading much quicker than the next six instances of memories bursting out from within the crystallized soul.

Moira obstructed any attempt by Arkeidos to retaliate in his weakened state. No swipe of his massive arm went unblocked, no weapon or beam of light unbroken. Whatever Moira wished to protect, she could. By the Lady’s grace, she was always one step ahead. Rave took admirable advantage of the protection, peltering their opponent with expertly executed strikes.

It all culminated in a second disturbance of the simulacrum’s soul. All dark magics came with their sacrifices, their power spurring from the ethics and stability one was willing to forego. Splitting one’s soul into seven shards, all of equal power to the original, even if enabled by growing soul crystals, could not be without its drawbacks. One of them was evident before them. It was clear Arkeidos had not experienced it before.

For all the terrible arrogance that lay at the heart of his mind, Arkeidos did have an admirable strength of will. As the green energy flickered away, the radiance inside him exploded outwards. Rave and Moira were pushed back. Moira herself was blinded. The blessing of her Lady fixed her sight swiftly, but not swiftly enough.

Rave clawed at something no longer there. Arkeidos had turned into a beam of light and was now rapidly bouncing between the lenses and prisms that remained. In the middle of refraction, he manifested. The glass around him shattered with a terrible scream, reality disagreeing with the presence of two solid objects in the same space. Plunging down with blue amidst his mist, he landed on all fours.

Moira, just by chance of being closer, arrived first. Swinging her hammer around like a knight on horseback, she slammed the flat surface of the mithril armament into the tyrant’s side on the upswing. It catapulted him up and into the air, where Rave swiftly dropkicked him back to the ground.

“You are skilled and this circumstance… unpredicted,” Arkeidos growled, while the blue faded away. “This is the battle I desired. ALL OF THIS IS THE BATTLE I DESERVED!”

Guided by her faith, Moira jumped in front of Rave. The beam broke on her body before she could get her shield properly positioned. The two of them were blasted backwards, even after the holy armament could protect them both. A renewed cry by the tyrant announced a sudden weakness in the beam. Looking over her shoulder, Moira exchanged a nod with Rave.

Redhead to the left, blonde to the right, the two of them parted ways. The weakened beam was divided as well. Arkeidos attempted to aim his attack at both of them. They kept running, staying ahead of the attack, while a purple flicker burned its way through Arkeidos. The penultimate punishment he could receive here, the confirmation that four out of his six elemental bodies were done for.

Searing heat and blaring, distorted sounds accompanied the two beams. Arkeidos completely pulled them away from his targets, directed them above his head. They bounced around several dozen prisms, all redirecting them back into a central point. A massive sphere of energy, growing and melting the very same tools that enabled its creation.

The small sun suddenly lost all its heat and its radiance turned to cool silver. Then it popped into thousands of stars, slowly drifting apart, before turning into a cascade of seekers. Moira stopped where she stood, turning into a whirl of motions. Her hammer smashed apart some of the attacks before they could hit her. The vast majority broke on her shield or her heavy armour, reinforced by the Lady’s blessing, glowing brighter than any star could have burned.

All of her vision was consumed by the effort. Once more, faith whispered into her intuition. Wide awake and in tune with the vision of the supreme deity, of the one deity that mattered, Moira dashed off to the right and passed by a desperately running Lightbearer. Shield raised, the storm of seekers that had chased Rave slammed into her. Each individual impact shook her arm. Soon it was numb. Then it hurt. It burned. Nerves were pushed to inaction and then restored to their prime by magic in quick succession. The halo flickered, the expended energy drawing on her will. Other side effects of her blessing were temporarily ignored. Adrenaline rushed through her. The stakes let her forget what bliss was in store for her after victory. All she focused on was the certainty that she could not be defeated here.

For a millennia, the innocent of this world had been tortured by malevolent will and it was her charge to right the wrongs committed by the evil! She who had a ‘why’ could endure almost any ‘how’.

Keeping her feet firm on the ground, Moira mustered her will. The halo’s brilliance consolidated. The flickering stopped. The Shield Warden resisted the last of the impacts. The air around them cleared of projectiles, their attention immediately went back to seeking out their opponent.

Taxed heavily, overcoming red flickers, Arkeidos lumbered towards the centre of the arena, where the daylight was concentrated into a blinding pillar. Once he stepped into the light, it unnaturally curved towards him, flowing into his mist-bleeding form. “I am Arkeidos, only of my name, ruler and creator of the Iron Domain!” he shouted, the mist turning into liquified light that poured out of every gap in his armour. “I own this world, from its deepest recesses, to the light in the sky itself!” As the duo of glowing individuals approached, Arkeidos’ hands once more whirled in mystical motions. The last vestiges of the last aftereffect were purged. His palms glowed brightly. “COME THEN, CHAMPIONS OF ANOTHER KINGDOM, LET US END THIS WITH GLORY!”

His two hands met at the side. “HE’S GOING TO KAMEHAMEHA US!” Rave shouted.

“WHAT?!” Moira screamed back.

In that very same breath, Arkeidos brought his hand forwards and the concentrated radiance shot out as a beam of extreme power. Its very presence created a shockwave that blasted away what lenses and prisms remained in a fifty-metre radius around it. It created a drawn-out note that oddly reminded of a synthesized human voice. It swelled and rose in pitch, until colliding with Moira`s shield. Abruptly, it turned into an entirely different, no less synthetic sound.

Rave tried to dash around it, but the sheer force of the attack created shockwaves that instantly pushed her back. She fled back into the shadow cast by Moira and her shield. The Shield Warden clenched her teeth. Her reinforced boots screeched over the floor, as she was gradually pushed back.

A second pair of hands pushed against the inside of her tower shield. The Shield Warden turned her head to see Rave’s smiling face right next to hers. “Let’s do this together, Moira!”

The redhead did not know what to say for a moment. Illuminated by the many different sources of light, Rave was beyond gorgeous at the moment. Wholly inappropriate desires welled up, just like when they had fought one another. Before she could be distracted by them, she stared ahead. “To victory, Jane!”

The two of them, in unspoken unison, pushed forwards. Each step was a hurdle, each moment a barely passed challenge. Around them, the attack continued to cascade past the tower shield as solar winds, scorching whatever stuck out even the slightest bit.

“”HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”” the two of them shouted, the torrent they withstood only growing stronger as they got closer to the source. There was no thinking past the next step, not even when they were underneath the pillar of sunlight. None of it touched them, all of it was absorbed directly into Arkeidos. Excess liquified light essence spilled on the ground.

Hard, Moira’s boot slammed down into the puddle. Pushing the shield upwards, she bashed apart the hand’s of the tyrant. Cutting into the ceiling, the separated beam went wide, before ebbing away and being reshaped into two massive axes. Both of them came down on the duo.

Aligning her tower shield horizontally, Moira took both strikes at once. She was forced to one knee. Immediately, she rose again. A kick from Rave relieved the burden and allowed her to strike. “GRANT ME YOUR FAVOUR ONCE MORE, DIVINE LADY!” she shouted while swinging her hammer. With the force of a battering ram, it slammed into Arkeidos. Bits and pieces of his armour flew outwards as he was catapulted out of the spotlight.

“Buy me some time,” Rave requested of Moira, who only nodded as she chased after Arkeidos.

Although there were no rebounds left to stun him, safe for a miraculous victory on John’s part, Moira faced her opponent with certainty. His form was greatly dispersed, pieces of it falling off even as she approached. Creating a new axe, a large one to be wielded with both hands, he met her directly.

Facing the gargantuan opponent, Moira felt her arm numb once again when the attack struck her shield. It was not met with a flare of pain this time around, as there was little energy remaining to aid in her healing. Despite his extreme size and damaged form, Arkeidos struck her two more times before she found the speed to react.

Her hammer flew by his leg. Deftly, he dodged. His retaliation was skipped. Moira knew why by the sound of an approaching choir behind her, the sound of Rave’s bodysuit cutting through the air. A streak of prismatic light above her, she aimed for Arkeidos.

The tyrant was not that easily overwhelmed. Prepared for the attack of the Lightbearer who had recharged in the concentrated sun, Arkeidos hurled his fist in an uppercut that slammed into Rave’s stomach moments before her fist slammed into him. In a wide arc, she was sent flying backwards.

Moira knew where she had to be. Raising her shield, dropping her hammer, she stared right at Arkeidos. The distance between them grew and grew again. Each use of Shift furthered the gap. Finally, it was not the tyrant Moira looked up to, but Rave as she stabilized her flight. “Lady, put all my power with her!” she thundered one last time, the golden light filling her shield to the brim. Every facet of the silver gleamed and the rose at the centre of the shield was white-gold with blessing.

Perfectly, Rave landed on the shield. Her legs folded, neutralizing the remaining momentum. The light flowed into her, filling her with the strength of the fizzling halo. One massive effort, one impeccably timed union, and Moira sent Rave flying just as she jumped forwards.

There was no power left for a Babel Phrase, just Rave extending her claws with the Lady’s grace. At supersonic speed, she flew towards Arkeidos. The damaged simulacrum attempted one final response – too slow.

A projectile of her own radiance and Moira’s blessing, Rave flew past the tyrant. Her heels touched the ground, the speed kept her sliding for several metres. Almost on one knee, she came to a standstill.

Behind her, the silver-gold armour collapsed. Five streaks of iridescence and purging sanctity covered the torso. Bit for bit, the individual shards of Solunium fell down, like a complicated puzzle that had suddenly lost all cohesion. Quartz and metal scattered out on the floor.

Moira breathed heavily. With the blessing removed from her limbs, they felt like she was moving muscles of lead and bones of stone. Halfway using her shield as a crutch, she stumbled towards Rave. Faster, when the Lightbearer keeled over.

After coughing up blood, Rave rolled onto her back. Moira dropped down next to her and tried to reach out to the Lady to lay on healing hands. Between exhaustion and the now unignorable burning in her loins, she was too weak to do it. “You should-“ she started to give advice.

“Yo, Moi-moi, that was a weak showing,” the Lightbearer croaked and coughed a second time, this time with barely any blood. “Can ya believe that we beat our guy last? I won’t hear the end of it from the other gals!”

With each word, Rave’s voice grew stronger. The healing properties of her body suit came to mind and Moira sighed with annoyance and relief. “Just shut up already.”

Propping up her torso, Rave responded, “Make me.”

Wordless, Moira stared at the beauty, whose last traces of gold drained from her hair. The blue eyes of the Lightbearer peeked through her dishevelled pink hair. The glistening lips were slightly parted. Before she knew it, the Shield Warden was inspecting them more closely. Each exhausted, excited breath of the incredibly attractive thorn in her side she felt on her own lips.

Realizing what she was about to do, Moira hesitated. Before reason or desire could win out, Rave grabbed the armoured woman by the back of the head and pulled her the rest of the way in. Moira moaned into the meeting of their lips. A surprised, pleased, laughing gasp met her tongue.

With all thoughts gone and a wetness manifesting in the layers under the armour, Moira fully gave herself to the kiss. She would have given herself to more, a whole lot more, readily, but a fragment of reason surfaced after they made out for a few seconds. Rave pulled out of the kiss half a second before she would have.

“We gotta keep going with this later!” the Lightbearer declared.

“…Yes,” Moira responded, conflicted, and helped Rave up.

The day was not yet won.


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