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The great thing about time dilation was that John could lean back and take it easy without feeling guilty. It was highly doubtful that the next segment would be easy enough to keep fucking while they went through. They would find out in an hour or so. Until then, John quite happily took a break.

It was a peculiar attribute of some people, that their brains drove them to work as much as they could, even though the spirit and body needed rest to work at peak efficiency. John wasn’t quite sure if he fell in that category of people. He certainly was driven to work when necessary, but he had never skipped a break he could take. It was this odd interplay between his min-maxing, his fundamentally introverted nature, and the harem he could have fun with at home.

“Ehehehehe,” Aclysia laughed in a mildly unnerving fashion while she played with John’s short hair. His head rested on her thick thighs and above him hovered an electronic pad. Nakedly, the two of them lingered on a couch in the living room of the second floor. It was more remote and quiet there.

The rest of the harem had dispersed throughout the manor and the surrounding areas. Everyone had two hours off. Then everyone but him had some more time off until John went through acquiring his next Class Perk. Which Class he went with, he wasn’t absolutely certain about yet. He also avoided thinking about it.

‘This is easily the greatest thing I ever got,’ John thought, looking at the enchanted case for the pad that he currently used as an e-reader. He just needed to charge it once a day with his mana and it kept hovering wherever and at whatever angle he put it. This greatly diminished the awkwardness any avid book reader encountered when it came to finding the optimal reading position. Did one sit in an armchair and hold the book up? That got tiring on the arms. Leave it down in the lap? Annoyingly far away and caused one to hunch over, leading to back pain. Lay down with the book? If it was a traditional book, that made turning the pages a pain.

Now the book just hovered in perfect reading distance above him. Whenever he wanted to turn a page, he just had to stimulate an electric current through Interface. A plate with fruit snacks sat on Aclysia’s Salver, kept cool and juicy by the enchanted glass bowl sitting on top of them. Whenever John desired something tasty, Aclysia leaned over and fetched him one. Classical music played in the background. An orchestra remix of the first-generation Pokémon games, to be exact.

An alien presence caused John to turn his head slightly. He found Nia kneeling next to the couch, face to face with him. “Hello,” she greeted him.

“Hi,” John responded, unperturbed. If her sudden appearances still creeped him out, they would’ve had a few issues. “How’s the training going?” he asked. She was wearing her white pariah dress, so he figured she was doing something to keep up with his level.

She leaned in and kissed him. Three times their mouths opened and closed in loving harmony. Her lips tasted like nothing, but they were soft and warm and eager to remain with his. Until she found the single word to answer his question. “Mediocre,” she responded.

“You want a pick-me-up?” the Gamer asked.

“Yes,” Nia responded, with just a hint of poutiness in her voice. That was so incredibly adorable, John would have rolled off the couch and on top of her, had it not been for the comfiness of his current position. “Cuddles?”

“Come here.” John smiled and tapped on the space to his left. Without warning, Nia was there, between his side and the backrest of the couch. She wiggled her way into a proper fit, resting her head on his shoulder.

Once they were still again, the pariah said, “Sorry that I barge into your alone time, Aclysia.”

“Master’s happiness is the highest priority and his happiness rises as more of us, his harem, surround him,” the weaponized maid hummed. “My John deserves to be piled on at all times.”

“May I be of service, in that regard?” another woman asked. Lorelei and Lee entered the room. “I yearned to be in your presence, Master.”

“I love you,” said not the Gamer, but Aclysia. The weaponized maid took her hands off John for long enough to put her hands together in an adoring expression. “Why cannot all women be as well-behaved as you, Lorelei?”

“‘Cause this dude would get bored if we’d all be the same,” Lee pointed out, while the two latest additions to the harem closed the distance.

“She’s right,” John confessed and raised an eyebrow at the gamer girl when she laid down on his right and started rubbing his cock with one of her thunder thighs. “What is this? A cheap porno where the fucking starts after three voice lines?”

“Welcome to your life, my dude,” Lee told him. “I know, really horrible.”

Nia gently bit his earlobe. “Will you survive the lifestyle you fostered, John?” she asked, her tone enigmatic enough that she could have been joking or serious. John knew which one it was, of course.

The Gamer groaned, his flaccid dick growing quickly. “I was relaxing!” he complained overdramatically. Nia’s leg supported that of Lee and now his hardening cock was getting rubbed back and forth between a pair of thighs. The women they belonged to grinded against him with their entire, nubile bodies.

“Like you can’t tell Lorelei here to take care of it,” Lee remarked.

“Good point.” John directed his gaze at the seer, who submissively waited on rubbed-together thighs for any order. “Lorelei, have you been a good girl today?”

“I hope so, Master,” she said and turned around. A hand on each of her round butt cheeks, she pulled them apart to reveal the decorated top of the large butt plug she had inserted into herself. “A size larger, as you demanded.”

“And do you like having it inside you?” he asked.

“Every step with which I feel its presence makes me anticipate the day on which you deem my backdoor worthy of your magnificent cock,” Lorelei said, blushing from lust and joyful shame. The former was magnified, when John used Interface to activate the vibrating function of the sex toy. “Ah! Master, each day with you renews my body’s submission to you! No one else would know how to awaken my deepest needs so accurately!”

“And your heart’s submission?” John asked.

Lorelei hesitated, breathing heavily. “I fall deeper in love with you each minute we spent together. My heart… however… it would appreciate a calmer time together.”

“Let’s do that later today then,” John promised her.

“Thank you… John,” she gasped. “Oh, by the Lady… I’m so close…”

“You cum with your lips around my cock or not at all,” he growled an order at her. Visibly, a wanton shiver went through Lorelei, and she hurriedly climbed onto the couch. The playful, partly sticky thighs, pulled back to allow the seer full access to his cock. Slowed by the orgasm that triggered the moment her pink mouth enveloped his manhood, Lorelei slid down the length. “Can’t go ten minutes without having sex around here.”

“Yeah. Sucks,” Lee responded drily. “Wanna go another eighteen years?”

“No, I think we both lucked out sliding into this life,” John admitted. “I mean, you are a cute gamer girl with a tomboy attitude. You could have had anyone. I lucked out that I got these powers.”

Nia softly shook her head. “It was lucky, but you did the best with it.”

“Close enough to the best anyway,” Lee supported.

“The best!” Aclysia insisted.

“Well, I definitely didn’t do bad,” John said and then groaned. “Oh God, Lorelei, you’ve gotten incredible at this.”

A satisfying pop accompanied her raising her head to answer. While she spoke, her hands masturbated his lubricated cock. “Thank you, Master. Sister Eliana was most helpful in showing me the proper techniques and the necessity of taking the entire length into my throat.”

“What was her foremost lecture, I wonder?” John thought out loud.

“When he lies, service, when he stands, let him… fornicate with your face.” Lorelei clearly dodged even the less bloomy words Eliana employed in her vocabulary. “And to service is my honour,” she gasped and returned to sucking him off.

“What are you reading?” Nia asked. “Philosophy?”

“No, some basic fantasy novel,” John told her. “I felt like putting my brain through some standard storytelling to unwind the grey matter.”

Nia traced the trench under his collarbone with her finger. “That sounds nice.”

“It’s nice enough,” John agreed and kissed her forehead. “Are you reading anything right now?” He chuckled and corrected. “I mean, are you listening to a book at the moment?”

Usually, when Nia wanted to inform herself about something, she did it via audio rather than reading. This had increased dramatically since she had become aware of Scarlett’s text-to-speech programs. Almost all hints of artificiality were removed, as long as Scarlett had gathered enough data about them. In effect this meant that Scarlett could make anyone in the harem read anything.

Her finger travelled down to his breast and circled his nipple. That did basically nothing for John. Sure, there was some mildly pleasant tingle, but he wasn’t notably sensitive in the area. Some of his haremettes still liked to play with his nipples sometimes. “You are reading ‘On War’ to me.”

“Am I now?” John asked, amused. A finger continuously poked his right cheek. “Do you want attention, Lee?”

“Yeah, and I don’t want to barge into your convo, so that’s an annoying duality of feelings,” the gamer girl responded. “Isn’t ‘On War’ by Clausewitz or whatever his name is?”

“Which you would only know because it’s the name of the EU4 engine.”

“Your point, dude?” Lee asked. “Video games are great for educating people. How else would I know about the re-consecration of Tenochtitlan in 1487?”

“Which is not a topic I want to think about while I have a lovely blonde bobbing in my lap,” John remarked. Lorelei rewarded him with an extra slow, sensuous lick. Her hair was practically white, but the note of gold was enough to differentiate her from the silvery-white of the maids.

The one on whose thighs he was resting was quick to present her Master with a more pleasing topic. “May I instead inquire about your farm plans?”

“Farm plans?” Lee asked. “What game we talking about? Are you getting back into WoW? Because I need a slave to grind mats for me.”

“You’d need to do something awfully nice for me to convince me to get into Battle for Azeroth again,” John told her. “Plus, it’s not like I have the time to play WoW.”

“Can’t make it either,” Lee grumbled.

“You can’t exactly ask people to program for time dilation,” John joked. “Can you imagine how unbalanced that would be in PvP? You’d have ten times the ability to react to everything. League would be even more of a nightmare.”

“Impossible,” Lee asserted.

Nia reached across John’s chest and poked her forehead. “You hijacked the conversation after all.”

“Oh… sorry.”

“It is fine.”

Lee shook her head. “No it’s not. I already talk enough for three of us most of the time.”

John’s involvement in the conversation was on pause, while Lorelei’s blowjob brought him over the edge. Normalised as sex was in their environment, the haremettes just kept talking while the lewd noises echoed from both the Gamer and the seer.

“Some talk more, some less,” Nia stated with a soft smile.

“I concur,” Aclysia chimed in. “Do not be ashamed of your talkative nature.”

“I don’t have a talkative nature, I’m just talkative around you guys!” Lee protested. “Only times I talk a lot is when I’m with you… and when I’m playing with voice chat on, but that almost never happens! I just… like to express myself around you adorable lot.”

Nia now fully leaned over John, pulling Lee towards her in the process. Without another word, the blonde and dark-haired beauties kissed one another. It was a splendid sight to ride his orgasm out on. Lorelei’s lips were wrapped tightly around his glans, while a hand milked the last few drops of cum from his shaft.

Once she had gotten all from him, Lorelei pulled her head up. “Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, Master,” she swooned, her voice quivering with genuine, lustful gratitude. It made John wish to keep going. However, although Aclysia would not admit so out loud, he felt that his first maid wanted to shift her spoiling to a more direct approach. Lorelei must have sensed it as well, as she sat up. “Aclysia, I offer a change of positions, if you wish.”

“Yes!” she answered enthusiastically and cleared her throat. “Yes,” she repeated, dignified this time. “If Master desires another woman to serve him, that is.”

“I would love it,” John told her and raised his head off her thighs, so she could move. In the process of switching their positions, Aclysia handed Lorelei a steamed towel from her inventory to clean her face with. Good girl as she was, Lorelei had swallowed everything, but some stains always remained. “Oh fuck,” the Gamer groaned out loud, when Aclysia’s tongue coiled around his dick. That was another part of her that had changed during the last two transformation stages. “You know how to please, Aclysia.”

“Haaaaaaa,” the weaponized maid let out a melodic, lustful sound in response to the compliment. With obsessed vigour, she worshipped his erection with lips and tongue. Her hands were decisively kept behind her back. Nia and Lee had stopped kissing and gone back to just lying at his sides in the meantime. Albeit, the young Fateweaver was casually masturbating.

“You’re a bit of an addict, you know that?” John teased her. Of all haremettes, Lee was the definitive second when it came to masturbating. Unlike the number one, Gnome, she did not have the excuse of having voyeurism as her fetish.

“Gets worse each day I’m with you,” Lee moaned, her fingers dancing over her clit while John groped her big butt. “I’m sooo sensitive these days… I cum… so quick… when I think about you…” She gasped again, then her lustful expression transformed into a teasing smile. “That’s the nicest thing you’ll hear from me today.”

“We’ll see about that.” John chuckled, while putting his head down on the new pair of thighs presented to him. Lorelei was less squishy than Aclysia, generally she was more on the thin side of his harem. But a lap pillow was practically always fantastic. His right hand reached into his inventory and pulled out a vibrator. Lee noticed it when he pressed it against her pussy and eagerly angled herself to accept the toy.

Crying out loud, she kept masturbating, while John thrust the dildo in and out of her. Lorelei witnessed the entire process with her mouth agape, panting while John played with the settings of her butt plug. Nia was calm about it, still lying where she was, and explored John’s torso.

After five minutes, Lee finally moaned, “Okay, okay, t-that’s enough… phew…” A strong exhale announced John pulling the dildo out of her. “It’s just so much better when you do it.”

“Then why do you keep doing it alone?” John asked.

“Force of habit?” Lee suggested. “I’ve been doing it every day since I discovered what an orgasm was. Plus, you got a giant archive of porn on our servers, so someone has to enjoy those.”

“Why would you require porn?” Lorelei asked, playing with John’s short hair just as Aclysia had done before tending to his cock instead. “You are part of a sorority-“

“Lorelei,” John interrupted. “Speak properly. You are part of my harem.”

“Excuse me, Master,” the seer apologized, voice trembling with delight. “We are a sorority of lust and love, unified in desire for the exalted Gamer and one another. Why would we require to witness other people doing the deed?”

“I’m not, we have a bunch of porn on our servers because Jane gets off on filming herself sometimes,” Lee revealed. “She’ll warn you before she puts the camera up. Don’t think she uploaded any of it yet.”

Nia reached up to one of Lorelei’s boobs and started playing with it instead. “She wouldn’t without permission either.”

“It’s mostly about the fantasy,” John explained further. “Whenever she craves more, we just do it outdoors. I told her I want to avoid us fostering a reputation, so we keep the porn appearances rare and on other services.”

“You ever want to try it?” Lee asked the newcomer of the harem. “Fucking on a livestream, I mean?”

“The idea excites a bit, but the aversion is stronger,” Lorelei answered. “I find no shame in revealing my love to John publicly. Such a display being eternalized for public consumption, however, it strikes me as… unclean?” She clearly wasn’t sure what word was proper there. “My body is subordinated to this blessed union of many, not to be enjoyed leisurely even in sight by others.”

John wanted to know if he understood that right, “So recording the event is one step too far for you?”

“Indeed,” Lorelei nodded, then cleared her throat. “A recording that reaches the eyes of others. My consent is fully established when it comes to pleasing all of you. My form and soul are yours to dominate.”

“Man,” Lee let out a long sigh, “next to you I feel so clunky, Rel. You throw those sexy-submissive lines around and you just mean them. That almost makes me want to try being a dom.”

“I like my flavours of rope bunnies,” John added with a laugh.

“Sure, dude, but you also love this….” Lee sat up and repositioned herself a step down the couch, right next to Aclysia. Grabbing the weaponized maid by her hair, the gamer girl took control over the tempo of the blowjob. Aclysia could have resisted at any point, their power difference was beyond absurd. Since Lee was entirely right, he did love this, Aclysia let it pass though. One haremette used another haremette’s throat as a toy to get him off. Wet noises of Lee fingering the maid accompanied the blowjob.

John came quickly. Aclysia, shoved down against his groin, screamed ecstatically around his cock while his cum sputtered down her throat. Eyes rolled up, the maid squirted all over Lee’s fingers. Once they were done, Aclysia pulled back to clean up the mess she’d made. Lee took her position.

‘Woe is me, my dick can’t go unsucked,’ John thought.

“What about farm plans?” Nia asked.

“Hm? Oh,” the topic had slipped the Gamer’s mind, between orgasms and tangents, “I’ve just been spending some time putting together some building layouts. One moment.” John repositioned on the couch, which demanded that everyone moved as well so it took more than one moment. At the end, his head was resting on Lorelei’s decently sized boobs, rather than her thighs, and Nia was now properly lying on his shoulder. All that so they could better see the screen. “I’ve been levelling Interface by putting together 3D models,” he explained, while the file loaded.

“You wish to own a farm?” Lorelei asked.

“It’s one of the many vacation homes I’d like to have,” the Gamer explained. “Whenever we have the time to actually take one of those.”

“We have the time whenever you desire, Master,” Aclysia declared, putting away the rag she had used to wipe off the couch. “All obligations are secondary to your well-being.”

“That’s how you look at it and why you are the best at taking care of me,” John said in a friendly but firm tone of voice. “I want to keep this whole nation thing running though.” He zoomed in on the main house of the farm. “It’s fun to think about what I could do in the future though.”

“It will be a long and prosperous future,” Lorelei said.

“Is that a prophecy?” John asked.

“It’s my greatest hope.”

That was good enough for John.



farms are awesome . . . assuming you pay others to do all the work lol