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“And this is where a woman first touched my dick,” John said and gestured at a stone that stuck out of the ground, peaking at sitting height. The forest they were in wasn’t particularly dense and the sun was slowly setting, putting the mix of trees and the ground in a somewhat romantic light.

“Did you have to word it that way?” Momo asked.

“Quick, take pictures for the history book!” Lee added to the sass and clicked her tongue in an attempt to mimic camera shutters. “This is where the Gamer lost his virginity.”

“Nah, he lost his virginity somewhere over… there, I think?” Rave gestured in the general direction of a clearing. “Dunno where exactly we put up the tent. This was a few days before that.”

“First time we got sexual, she gave me a blowjob to bribe me,” John reported, or reminded those that already knew. “Not much has changed.”

“Your size has changed,” Rave laughed and measured a long distance between the index finger and thumb of her right hand. As long as that particular combination allowed, anyway. “I would’ve kept it to a hand job, but he had a pretty small dick back then, so I just went for it.”

Nathalia tilted her head confoundedly. “I fail to see the connection.”

“Not everyone was born without a gag reflex, Nathy,” Rave responded flippantly. “That he wasn’t that well endowed made that less intimidating.”

“The size is half the fun,” the size-goddess said, still confused by the idea that a woman could disagree.

“Glad that ya met him when was already sized up then.” Rave smiled.

“Can we talk less about the size of my dick or, specifically, my previous lack thereof?” John requested.

“Why? It wasn’t like… pitifully small,” his girlfriend asserted. “It was fine. I really liked having the chance to get used to it as it became bigger.” She licked her lips. “It was the cum taste Perk that got me more interested in giving BJs though.”

“To this day, I have no idea what cum actually tastes like,” Lee thought out loud. “Just realized that. Only ever had the magical stuff.”

Metra put an arm around her. “Don’t worry, he’ll use the Overclock again sometime. Then you get to find out.”

“It’s not that great,” Scarlett said. “It’s fine, some people insist it’s utterly disgusting or whatever the fuck, but that’s not true either. It’s just okay.”

Lee responded in her deep, sarcastic tone of voice, “You mean that regular cum isn’t as great as the magically delicious, instant-orgasm juice?”

“It remains delicious.” Nathalia blinked at her fellow haremettes, her confusion prevailing. “I thought you all my sisters in desire, instead I find that your tastes are horrendously twisted. Sucking a nice, large cock is a pleasure in its own right.”

“Ya know, I agree with you,” Rave told the dragoness. “It’s just that I’m now like three times as horny, used to the size, used to swallowing, and just generally way kinkier. I used to be normal.”

“Big X to doubt on that one,” Lee said.

“You’re right, I was always awesome. I just mean I wasn’t a girl that would agree to sit under a desk for an hour, sucking this guy’s dick the entire time.” Rave put a hand on her boyfriend’s shoulder. “Come on, Lee, you’re one of like three other girls in this harem that could relate to me on this.”

“Honestly, my only problem is that John’s dick was already too good by the time I got into this.” Lee played with the tip of her dark hair. “Passing out all the time isn’t nice, but I wouldn’t trade the pounding for anything more comfortable.”

“I get what Jane means,” Nia said. “Oral can be intimidating.”

“Getting facefucked is the greatest thing since spanking,” Eliana disagreed.

“It’s pretty nice,” Scarlett agreed.

Rave rubbed her forehead. “How is Nia the only other normal one here? At least I’m fairly certain Lydia knows what I mean… then again, she is the anal queen…”

Sitting on the rock, John threw his hands up, happy to direct the conversation away from the old state of his dick. Even if Rave assured him it was fine, he was conscious about it. “Surprise, local pervert finds, attracts, creates and contracts gallery of highly perverted women into his harem,” he declared. “How about we re-enact the experience?”

“In this weather?” Rave shook her head vehemently. “No chance. Unless ya only last as long as ya did back then. I could deal with thirty seconds.”

“It was at least five minutes!” John defended himself.

“Ya know, usually I believe ya when it comes to remembering stuff, but I’m really sure on this one.” Rave bowed down to her boyfriend, who was starting to get grumpy. The great memory he had of his first non-self-induced orgasm was getting tainted with reminders of his previous inadequacy. A kiss on his cheek made his heart flutter. “I’m here now, tiger,” she purred into his ear. “We all are. Ya did fantastic. It’s just the first few times that ya fumbled around a bit. That’s normal, right?”

John couldn’t stay annoyed, not when he was in the middle of a group of nodding hotties, with the first of them pressing a particularly long kiss on his cheek. It did dent his pride, but she was right that it would have been weird if he had been a sexual master from the start. Even the Skills he had gotten relatively early had only made the journey a lot smoother than it could have been. Although he was fairly confident that he would have figured out the basics fast enough.

“Alright, if we aren’t doing it here, we should probably keep moving,” he said and rose from the stone. It had been a long day and they were getting horny. Hunger had been taken care of thanks to a restaurant visit earlier. It hadn’t been as good as Aclysia’s cooking, but it had been filling and accessible.

They walked around the woods a bit longer, just to remember all of the fights they had around these parts. Because there had been people in Springfield that may have bothered them, John, Rave and, later, Aclysia had usually driven out to these woods to grind. They had met Nathalia during one of those grinding sessions, although the dragoness didn’t recall having been in these woods. The Instant Dungeon they met her in had been an underground complex, so that was expected.

Because it had all been inside Illusion Barriers, there were no marks of their combat left either. Regardless, it was interesting to see the environment, mostly unchanged, in which they had fought against monsters during the initial weeks. Not interesting enough to stay after it got dark, however.

The final stop on the tour of the day was Rave’s old home. Finding it was actually difficult. Dull and grey, the house was practically designed to, on the outside, be ignored by everyone. Mundane people had this further reinforced by attention-diminishing enchantments on the plaster. Even though John had the address in mind and was immune to that enchantment, he drove past the house the first time. It blended in that well with the surroundings.

The second difficulty was finding a parking spot in the inner city, but that was just the usual pain of someone driving an oversized vehicle.

The third difficulty was Rave’s preparedness. “Where did Dad leave it?” she mumbled, while lifting up various items around the entrance. The doormat, a withered up potted plant, and a small trash can were all picked up and quickly dropped again. The rest of the group waited for her to find the key. Her original one had long since vanished somewhere. John was willing to bet that Velka either had it or could have found it, but his girlfriend had insisted that they always kept a spare key hidden around the entrance.

Rave grabbed the entrance light and shoved it upwards. It was secured on a metal tongue, not directly to the wall, and came loose with only a bit of rusty crunching. A small plastic bag was taped tightly to the metal.

“Aha!” the feline Lightbearer declared, her (hidden) tail waving triumphantly. The key was retrieved, the light put back on the wall, the door opened, and they went inside.

The initial hallway was normal enough. Stone floor with minimal decoration, partly wooden walls, white plaster, steps with a wooden railing that went upwards, nothing unexpected all around. John already knew better than to be surprised of what was behind those dull doors, however.

Regan was the owner of the entire building and he had decided to use all of this space to create his own variety of various styles of interior design, popular (or not so popular) through the ages and around the world. Some rooms could have come straight out of the hazy dream of a crazed artist, the walls covered in swirling colours and the furniture neither practical nor beautiful. Other rooms were almost too proper, using tiles as a grid along which the furniture was aligned. A renaissance style library, a chamber that resembled a set from Game of Thrones, an indoor greenhouse, a disturbingly normal kitchen, this and many more things were spread throughout the floors.

They mostly stayed on the first floor and the basement. Back when Rave had lived here, her father had been out on business trips so often that she basically had the entire house to herself. Officially, her father had told her that she could do what she wanted with the lowest two floors though, so that was where she, and by extension John, had stayed most of the time.

“And that’s where John first saw and then touched a vagina,” Rave said and gestured at the red couch that stood at the centre of the house’s video game room. It was fundamentally only meant for one person, as evident by the presence of only a single PC. Aside from that modest gaming station, the room had two shelves stacked with CDs and one shelf that held a large number of old and new consoles, all hooked up to a flatscreen sitting above. Although it was officially for gaming, it did lend itself better to movie watching in John’s modest opinion.

‘Then again, I’m biased,’ he thought and walked to the part of the shelf where black glass hid indecent content. The lock was, like it had always been, removed. “Hey, you practically begged to be looked at,” he told her. “I was looking through these, out of curiosity,” he slid the glass panel to the side and revealed the three rows of porn, “and then you came in here, wearing only a towel.” He recalled the scene. To an awkward nerd like him, the straightforwardness of his to-be girlfriend had been the blessing he needed. “It was also my first kiss.”

“Ya sucked at kissing,” Rave told him. Before he could get into a sour mood again, she added, “Ya picked up the proper way to work downstairs quickly though.”

“Well, unlike you, I was always eager to get my face between the thighs of the opposite sex,” John responded jokingly and finally found the DVD he was looking for. “There it is, that’s the one we ‘watched’ for all of a minute,” he said and waved the case at the harem.

Momo read the title out loud, “Busty Ball Busting Bitches 5… really?”

“I picked it out at random and then suddenly, this gorgeous woman stood behind me,” the Gamer explained what had happened.

“This gorgeous woman that used to be more in the flat department,” Rave gestured at her boobs. They had picked up a cup size since then, leaving them in the medium range of things. “Kinda bothered me that he picked out the one with the giant tits. Didn`t know why at the time, I was just fooling around. Might have already started to develop an interest or something.”

“I know that you insisted on putting it on, acting all sweet and lovely, and then suddenly asked me if I liked the actress,” John recalled the events.

“Ya were practically glued to the screen.”

“I was trying really hard not to stare at you.”

“Pro tip, tiger, if a woman comes into the room wearing only a towel, she wants to be looked at.”

“Tell that to awkward old me.”

“I did.”

“You did,” John conceded with a large smile. “Which started a lot of nice things.”

“First blowjob, first kiss, first ‘vagina contact’, first time,” Metra listed all she had heard today. “Any first times you didn’t have with Jane?”

“Nope,” Rave declared boldly.

“Actually,” John softly corrected her. “First time I fucked someone up the ass was with Nathalia.”

“Oy!” the first of the harem turned to the dragoness. “Ya ruined my streak!”

“Imagine my guilt,” Nathalia responded carelessly. “I would wonder why you didn’t have him fill your back entrance on the second night. A fantastic alternative, simply ignored for several weeks of a relationship. As you stated, however, I am the weird one.”

“’Cause you are, nympho dragon,” Rave looked to her fellow humans for some support and again only found it in Nia. “Seriously, how is Nia the most normal one here?”

“I had, and still have, problems conveying my feelings. I’m not unreasonable,” Nia answered sincerely.

“Unreasonable? No, but ya are weird in more ways than the one,” Rave insisted.

It took them all the way until they reached Rave’s room for Nia to formulate an answer. “I suppose so,” she admitted, while they went inside.

Beatrice physically recoiled from the harem leader’s den. “What is this?!” she exclaimed, shocked out of her speaking pattern.

Everything about Rave’s room was brightly coloured. Not somewhat brightly coloured, extremely brightly coloured. The carpet was a fuzzy pink that matched her hair, the seats scattered about, mostly beanbags, came in acid green, baby blue, and more pink. The walls were painted in the same three colours and illuminated by neon lights. The bed, a considerably sturdier metal construction than John’s, was drowning in variously sized pillows, which were also scattered around the room. Everything that could be fuzzy, fluffy, and soft was fuzzy, fluffy, and soft, including the felt she had put over her office chair.

Dramatically, Beatrice leaned against the wall, shocked by the absolute horror of colliding colours and asymmetry. “Criticism: never design any interiors. Your father’s insanity must have been passed down.”

“Hey, ya know my apartment back home, I cut down on the fuzz and the colours!” Rave protested and waved them all inside. “Have a look around. It’s pretty boring. Ya might find some old weed, but that’s about it.”

The harem did, and while Lee asked Rave where she had stored her sex toys – and then was weirded out when Rave reported that she didn’t use to have any – John marched over to the bed. He had a hunch and kneeled down. Searching underneath the bed, he eventually found something smooth and square. A moment later, he sat next to the bed with a white bathroom tile in his hand. “Remember this thing?” he asked while laughing.

“Oh wow, that was still under there?” Rave asked.

“Yep,” John got up and explained, noticing the many questioning gazes. “It’s called a ‘Slab of Horniness’. It makes sex in a room 20% more enjoyable once per week.”

“That made such a huge difference back then,” Rave hummed.

“Affirmative,” Aclysia nodded. She had been around for that part herself.

John put the item in his inventory. It wasn’t really worth using it anymore, but he would like having it in his trophy room for nostalgia’s sake. “I think that’s practically all of the big places checked off,” he said and hungrily gazed at his girls. “How about we call it a day now?”

The horny harem agreed and they drove back to the bus.


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