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John heard a series of small cracks, followed by a meowing sigh of relief. “Aahh, feels as if my back is finally straight,” Rave purred, while her boyfriend’s oiled hands continued their slow journey up her spine. Ending at her shoulders, he moved from simply putting pressure on her to kneading the soft, relaxed tissue of her neck muscles. The pink-haired bombshell continued to sigh, shifting a little bit on the lounger they had put up in the living room.

One of two loungers. The other, standing in parallel, had a deeply relaxed Nia on it, currently being attended by Jack. The blank had an expression on her face that the Gamer wanted to describe as ‘gooey’. Open mouthed and glassy eyed, she was lying under his massaging hands as if he had just brought her to a series of orgasms. To be fair, with Jack’s hands on her back, she likely was in some state of ecstatic trance.

When a pariah was aroused, her magic sensing capabilities, focused around the thin silver lines originating from their lower spine, transformed the reception of magic into signals of pleasure. Whether it was John and his Gamer’s Body or the Ambassador Double and his entirely magical existence, the Gamer’s touch radiated magic. Combining that with his extreme skill at giving massages created one tuckered out Nia.

“You’re welcome,” John mused, taking his hands off his girlfriend for a moment to grab the bottle of oil. Graciously, he poured some more on her and then proceeded to rub it all over her back, butt and legs. Her glistening skin looked wonderful in the light that fell in through the open window. He looked up for a moment, just moving his hand on auto-pilot.

Not much of John’s remaining harem was around. Eliza and Beatrice were playing Smash Bros on the couch. Siena was successfully ignoring them by reading a book while listening to music. Having borrowed one of Rave’s headphones and Walkman to that end created a bit of a culture clash. The moonshade elemental bobbing her head to heavy techno music, her silky hair confined by the baby blue headphones, just didn’t fit the usual mental image. It was what it was, however. Aside from those three, there was also Aclysia, standing over in the kitchen with a washcloth and making sure everything was meticulously clean. Occasionally, she checked on the oven. The sweet smell of chocolate cake filled the entire apartment.

Not members of his harem, but nevertheless present, were Velka and Copernicus. Both lazed around on the backrest of the couch, largely motionless. Only their tails moved, occasionally creating a dull sound when they slapped against their seating. The Magryph was now larger than Copernicus, but still kept her head respectfully low whenever the suncat looked in her direction. The two had wrangled earlier and the elemental had come out clearly on top.

“Tigerrrrr, you’re doing naughty things right now,” Rave moaned and John looked back down to what he was doing. Absentmindedly, his hands had gotten stuck on kneading her butt. More than that, one was dangerously close to just slipping inside her. Her pussy was wet with more than one kind of slippery juice.

“Hmm,” John hummed and looked over to Velka, then back to Rave. He gave her ass a soft slap. It jiggled even more than usual, thanks to how relaxed every fibre of her being was at the moment. “I don’t really mind.”

“Getting over your inhibitions, are you?” Copernicus commented and yawned.

“Partly,” John responded, while gesturing for Rave to turn around. As she rolled onto her back, he continued, “It’s true that I’m having less of an issue doing lewd things around other guys, or males in general.” He gestured towards the suncat and himself. Being as naked as usual he didn’t feel the slightest bit awkward about being watched by Copernicus. Thanks to repeated hangouts with Maximillian, with and without alcohol being involved, his reluctance to have sex with other men present had also decreased drastically. The stay in Florida had served to finish the last lingering inhibitions in that regard. “This is more about Velka being around though. The more she grows up, the less I care.”

The Magryph was already more than used to nudity and showed no interest in anything that had to do with the massage. When John touched Rave in some more inappropriate ways, starting by giving her boobs some more attention, Velka perked up for a moment. By the time John started fingering his girlfriend, the bird-cat’s interest had already dropped again. It appeared she had only been wondering about the moans. The act of sex itself, the pet didn’t care at all about.

‘Should expect that from an animal. Smart as she is, Velka is still instinct driven,’ John thought and his inhibitions dropped considerably. Now focused entirely on pleasing his girlfriend, he rapidly moved his curved fingers inside her. His wrist pressed against her clit, stimulating it while he kept going. Soon enough, her hips tensed and rose from the leather-clad lounger. He kept masturbating her until her orgasm faded away.

“Imma return the favour when we wash off,” Rave said in a whispery voice and winked at him.

“Do you mean you will give me a blowjob or a handjob?” he wanted to know.

“I said I’ll return the favour, so handjob it is.” She sighed wantonly, when John’s hand resumed their proper work and gently pressured her midriff. He moved over to her breasts. They were sizable enough that the squishy meat rolled up under his palms all the way to the end. Her hard nipples were a nice contrast to the overall softness.

“You sure I can’t convince you otherwise?” he asked, moving past her collarbone. One hand, he put on her throat, the other went all the way up to her face. Caressing her cheek, he brushed over her lips with his thumb. They were pink and glossy even before oil spread on them. “I do love it when you suck me off.”

“I already did it for an hour this morning though,” Rave playfully complained. “Not my fault ya ran out of paperwork before ya could satisfy your deepthroat addiction. Then again…” she extended her tongue and gave his thumb a seductive lick, “…I guess I could be convinced…” Raising her head slightly, she caught the finger and started sucking. It was a lustful act, emphasizing the wet sounds as she made it voluntarily sloppy in presentation but thorough in the movements of her lips and tongue.

John felt the throaty moan under the hand on her neck. Their eyes were locked. What should happen next reflected in her blue eyes and the pink lustre that danced inside them. The phone buzzed on the table.

Pulling back with a sigh, John grabbed a piece of cloth and wiped off his left hand. There was only one phone lying out and about in the room, the one that he kept for urgent calls. Beatrice stopped the game to pick the phone up and bring it to him. ‘Who might this be?’ the Gamer wondered as the passive maid strutted over. ‘Ahanu already got what he wanted and Horace just went back down south yesterday… what other urgent business have I got pending?’ He took the phone when it was offered to him and looked at the number. He didn’t recognize it. Accepting the call, he said, “What do you want, Richard?”

“And how did you figure things out today?” the Horned Rat immediately mused back. “Did you catch another one of my agents and press my current phone number out of him? Must have been quite recent, I change these every one to seven days.”

“I just don’t get a lot of calls by unknown numbers on this phone, so I took my chances,” John responded, kneading Rave’s butt with his right hand as he continued talking. “So, what do you want? Did you decide to finally answer my requests about a meeting?” On the other lounger, Nia slowly shifted out of her trance and sat upright. Jack went effectively standby.

“It is about that, yes,” the Horned Rat responded. “To start with, how are you treating Nia now that you got her back? I hope she’s well. She’s rather valuable, you know?”

“She’s with me right now, I would say she is rather well,” John looked over to the pariah. “Nia, how would you say you are?” he asked and waited for a response. Patiently, the Horned Rat waited as well. He would know how Nia ticked, having raised her.

Ten seconds passed during which the pariah just stared blankly at John. Her blue eyes were unwavering and would have pierced him like icicles, had he not known that Nia simply suffered from a particular case of ‘resting bitch face’. “Splendid,” her answer finally came in a tone that didn’t reflect that mood at all.

“You heard that?” John asked.

“I did. That’s good.” Now it was Richard who took a pause. It was less characteristic for him. Tiny squeaks underlined his deep voice whenever he talked. “To the point, I want to know about this meeting with Florida people that you promised to arrange between me and them.”

“Promised to TRY and arrange,” John corrected. “If you don’t want to, I’m not damaged in any fashion.”

“A smart insurance on your part.”

“To be fair, they did allow me to have it.”

“Ah yes, you lost that challenge, did you not?”

“It was a talking apple pie.”

“I am unconvinced that passes as justification for losing, but given how narrow it was. Although it was, indeed, the deciding factor for that particular challenge,” the Horned Rat snickered, a sound that was fundamentally malicious. The high-pitched squeaking of rodents added an unnervingly cute note to it. “Be that as it may, I’m not here to give you my decision as to whether or not I will meet them yet. I would just like you to give me the courtesy of telling me what they want from me.”

“I don’t know,” John responded.

“John, do you really want to play this game with me?” the Horned Rat sounded more amused than anything else.

“Listen, god of future calamity,” the Gamer put every bit of seriousness he could muster into these words. Compared to the frail man he had been when the two first met, that was quite a lot. “I am completely honest with this. I have no clue what they want to talk with you about. I barely understand these people, and when I asked, they didn’t tell me. I have absolutely no clue what that insane bunch could want.”

“…I suppose that is Jannet’s style…”

“Jannet…? Wait… YOU KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT THAT CHICKEN?!” John knew only how stupid he sounded, shouting in such an aggravated fashion, when the Horned Rat started laughing on the other end. “Yes, yes, have your fill of my amusement on my cost, Richard, and then tell me what that ‘Cosmic Chicken’ is!”

“A chicken,” the Horned Rat responded and then hung up.

“Motherf-“ Stopping himself not out of decency but because he didn’t want to work himself up even more, the Gamer lowered the phone. Handing it back to Beatrice, the passive maid bowed and returned it to the table, immediately going back to playing Smash against Eliza. Due to Velka’s presence, the blood mage held back on her own curses as she was subjected to a combo. “God, I hate that rodent.”

“No, ya don’t,” Rave pointed out.

“Yes, I do,” John insisted.

“No, ya don’t,” she stated again, cheekily stretching out her tongue. Since there was only one way to end this argument, John descended on her lips and pinned her against the lounger. The sounds she made while they wrestled were a lot more pleasing to him.

“Fu-dge this!” Eliza shouted and tossed her controller onto the table. “You suck, Beatrice!”

“Affirmative, I am trained in several techniques of sucking. Primary skills regarding this task: vacuuming and blowjobs,” the short-haired maid returned, giving Eliza a small, mocking smile. “Tasks not inside this category: utterly defeating you in video games.”

“Eat my aassss- shorts. Stupid, pseudo-sass blasting female dog!”

“Please define ‘pseudo-sass’.”

“I will define jack, get bent.”

“This is an acceptable alternative. Please define ‘jack’.”

“The double of the cock giver over there, currently busy standing next to Nia all naked and sexy and making me think of more fun things than talking to you,” Eliza spouted and looked at Beatrice with surprise when the passive maid chuckled. Three little laughs, sounding as if someone rang a little bell. It sounded a lot like Aclysia’s laughter. “The fuuuuuuuu-dge did you find funny?!”

“Reason: my congratulations for so quickly adapting to the chance of a pun. You will make a great father.”


“Statement: I know what I said.”

“Joooooohnnnnn,” Eliza cried, looking at Jack as his real body was now on top of Rave and fervently occupied with cuddling her and staying just shy of putting his dick inside her. “Can you please wipe Beatrice? I liked her more when she was a totally characterless doll!”

“No, you didn’t,” Jack said.

“Yes, I did!” she shouted back.

“No, you didn’t.”

“Fuck you, maybe I didn’t, but you’re all massive cunts!” she burst out and slammed a hand in front of her mouth when Velka meowed. “Look at what you made me do!”

The phone buzzed again. Just one buzz this time. “I don’t think you should be concerned about cursing in front of Velka when I’m having sex right now,” Jack pointed out and pointed over at where John and Rave had finally settled in the missionary position. The lounger creaked a little bit. “If you want to, I can wash your mouth though. Not sure it’s going to be cleaner afterwards, though.”

“YES! GIVE ME!” Eliza screamed and jumped over the back of the couch. Darting across the room in a frenzy she fell down on her knees in front of him and had his balls slapping against her chin in one swift movement. Her throat vibrated in a way that could have been moans or her trying to speak with her throat full.

Groaning the Lord’s name, Jack clawed a hand into her hair and pressed her down. There wasn’t a centimetre she could go deeper down on; it just gave him a nice sensation of control to hold her down like that. “Greedy masochistic slut,” the Gamer’s double said before turning his attention over to Beatrice. It was a bit harder to maintain composure with both of his dicks getting pleasured, but he managed. “So, who is the text from?”

“Lydia has informed us that she is available on Thursday,” Beatrice responded. “Follow up: should I inform Magoi that Thursday is the planned day of grinding?”

“Yeah,” Jack answered.

“Great,” Copernicus mused. “Another week of being stuck in that house.”

“If… aaaahhh…” Rave tried to speak up, but John was making it hard on her by continuing to fuck her. Great as she was at withstanding an ecstatic meltdown, she was still at the mercy of her sexually overpowered boyfriend. Rather than try again, she must have just used their mental connection to talk, as Copernicus suddenly started to purr and rested his head on his paws.

Jack was now thrusting his hips, enjoying the debauched sounds Eliza’s throat made. They were second only to that thankful inhale she took whenever he let her. Control was an intoxicating thing. Barely the thought had crossed his mind when a distant crocodile peeked into his mind to check in what context it had occurred. A moment later, Stirwin was gone again, evidently alright with him finding a substitute for tyrannical behaviour in dominant and sadistic sex.

Soon, both of his bodies slammed into the holes they were fucking one last time and dropped their respective loads deep inside. “Shower or sex room?” he asked, once he was done cumming.

“Shower,” Rave purred.

“Wait a fuuuu-” Eliza looked over her shoulder to see that Nia was playing with Velka. In her state of getting belly scratched, the Magryph wasn’t listening to anything. “-a fucking second! We have a sex room!?”

“…Yes, I chained you up in there yesterday and left you on the Sybian for thirty minutes,” Jack responded, confounded by her confusion.

“That’s not the issue, you fucking moron, I just remembered that we were supposed to have a Sex Dungeon by now! A proper Guild Hall Building with all of the fucked up sexual torture shit I could ever be put on!”

“Ah, didn’t I tell you why I skipped out on that?”


“Well, there are two problems. For one, I need ten Room Slots for it, and I only have seven right now. I could tear down some Storefronts or Housing for it, but I’m not sure if I want it or a car park.” Sighing heavily, he looked out the window. “I really want that Sex Dungeon, but our current room is pretty well equipped already, so it’s hard to justify getting it over something that’s generally useful.”

“Fuck generally useful, get something to better use me!” Eliza declared. “I want an actual fucking jail cell for some really nasty role playing where you chain me to the wall and then sexually torture me until I turn into a broken mess with cum dribbling out of all my worn-out holes! Something about abducting the princess of a foreign country and forcing her to make you an heir, which she gets super into twenty seconds after you take her virginity!”

“I mean, I do like the sound of that,” Jack hummed and considered how much use a car park REALLY would be compared to a morphable Sex Dungeon. Growling, Stirwin let his summoner know that he was still watching. “…I’ll think more about it. Anyway, shower or sex room.”

“Sex room!” Eliza declared.

And so, the rest of the day rolled by.



I don’t really get why stirwin growled at the princess fantasy. John literally has a queen he could role play with for just this kind of thing. I mean he’s okay with dick choking but not abduction/breeding role play when there’s royalty in the harem?Seems a little inconsistent.


The growl was because he was considering getting something that was vanity over something that was useful because he got an erection.