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Anduin was lavishing inside the bathtub. With her head resting on his right shoulder, Xal’atath was nestling against his side. Half-closed lips and lids, she gasped softly as Anduin rubbed her pussy with sensual care. Her recently filled pussy still oozed some semen into the hot water, but the steady, magical refill soon took care of that.

“Ah, Master…” she sighed, thoroughly enjoying this softer experience. It had been the rhythm of the past two days. Relentless fucking in the bed and intimate lovemaking in the tub. “Yes… yes…” her voice became a series of high-pitched gasped, barely using words to express the underlying feelings. “…Your… fingers… Ah… Master… I love you… I love you… yes… master…”

The Old Goddess loved that all of this was real. The honesty in her tone, the mortal delight she experienced, the love her kind was normally unable to feel. All of it a gift from him, his power and his character. A delightfully gentle orgasm caused her to let out a long gasp and close her eyes. Anduin stretched down to kiss her. On his left side, K’ara continued to whisper sweet nothings into his ear.

Once more, he only tasted rosewater. Anduin wasn’t a fan of tasting his own spunk, so they made sure to clean themselves properly. The many alchemic concoctions that Vanessa carried with her were a great help in that regard. She may have been worse at sneaking and fighting than Valeera, but the raven-haired rogue had her own tricks up her sleeve.

Speaking of Vanessa, she was busy sliding up and down his only half-submerged torso. She had liberally covered her tits in liquid soap (another thing of her own making) and was now spreading it on him with nothing but those squishy funbags. Doing so alone would have turned her on, but the glassy look of her blue eyes came most certainly from the fact that she was also sliding his cock in and out of her. Minutes ago, she had finished cleaning it with a handjob, now it was her pussies turn to get scooped clean with his spotless cock.

“Anduin,” her lust-filled voice whined his name to get his attention. By all accounts, she already had it. The High King was a great multitasker and the feeling of the bountiful bosom sliding over his upper chest, along with the sight of seeing it squished so tight, was all he needed. However, her little whimpering was clearly aimed to earn herself a kiss.

Feeling that she could be happy enough with his cock inside her, Anduin didn’t oblige her. Not immediately anyway. First, he came inside her. The adoring, longing look on her face was replaced by raw ecstasy. Tranquil lovemaking or not, his seed was the ultimate aphrodisiac to those bearing his mark. Like on every other occasion, the sadness that she was still on birth control was an undertone to the feeling of getting filled with his cum. A steady reminder that there was still work to do.

On the forefront of her mind, however, was the climax. Her entire body shivered, eyes rolled up and tongue struck out. She could feel an overflowing of her pussy juice soil the water, but was riding too high on lust to care much. The magic would take care of that anyhow.

Anduin moaned into his prolonged kiss with Xal’atath. Tight, Vanessa’s pussy was massaging his shift with the convulsion of her muscles. Through her breasts, he could feel her hammering heartbeat against his chest. The throaty moans, as few managed to escape from between pink lips, coincided with every new wave of cum that entered her.

The High King, too, felt the sadness that her cunt had gone unbred so far. Although he could not yet change that, there was a question that he had not asked her in the past. One that he felt she was worthy off now. Once her orgasm had calmed, he took her face between his two hands. “Do you wish to be a queen of mine, Vanessa?”

The question hit the rogue unprepared. For a moment, she was speechless. Then she sighed and nodded, just as her lips said something to the contrary. “I wish, yes, but that wouldn’t be the smart move right now, would it? Not like we can make it official.” Her calculative, colder side analysed this thing with unnecessary harshness. “You still need me where I am.”

“Yes, we could not yet make it known,” Anduin retorted. “One day, likely not too far away, however, I wish to be able to claim you as mine without secrecy.”

“The people…” Vanessa started

“The people,” Xal’atath interrupted, “will follow our Master’s will.”

“They will understand,” Anduin added, softer. “One day, we would have a ceremony in the Cathedral, but until that day, I would be happy to just know what you want to be. Do you want to be just my slave or do you wish to be my sixth queen, my queen in the shadows? Do you wish to stay Vanessa VanCleef, or do you wish to be Vanessa Wrynn? I would keep silent our connection, for now, but I would let the world know that I have a sixth queen, as soon as you say the word.”

She let out a long exhale while she thought. “This is all terribly illogical,” she finally decided. “But I love you too much to make a reasonable decision.” Her calculating tone melted away, leaving only her adoration, “Yes, Anduin, I would love to be your sixth wife. I will bear your name, your children and your burdens with you.”

“Then, until death do us apart,” Anduin announced. With a broad smile, he pulled his newest queen into a kiss. Although it wasn’t technically a real marriage until the priesthood, most importantly the Arch Bishop Omnius, had sanctified it, it was real enough as it was in that moment. “Our real wedding night will be the night I give you a child.”

The newly made shadow queen gave him a wry smile. “Guess I’ll have to redouble my efforts to eliminate the criminal underhive, then.”

Anduin kissed her a second time, gently, then Vanessa was ready to continue her washing of his body. He had other plans. “It is time to switch,” he told her, gesturing for Xal’atath to take the rogue’s place. The decision was taken with some pouting and some joy, depending on who the High King looked at. Regardless, it was obeyed.

Soon, Vanessa lay on his right shoulder. Anduin brought his hands back down to her and K’ara’s pussies.  His head turned to the left, now giving the fleshmade naaru the kisses she deserved, accompanied by the moans of the three, big-titted slaves. Of course, Xal’atath’s were the loudest, as she impaled herself on his cock. Once she was all the way down, she grabbed the glass bottle containing the shampoo and turned it upside down.

“If only there was a way to squeeze these things,” the Old Goddess said, clicking her tongue. The fluid only slowly came flowing out of the hole in the lid. When she finally had gathered enough in her palm, she spread it graciously over her bosom, just as Vanessa had done earlier.

“This is the one true way our king should be cleaned,” K’ara gasped between kisses. “In hot water, covered by the bodies of his slutty servants.”

“Yes,” agreed Anduin, basking in the glory of the six sizable breasts, with Vanessa’s being the smallest of the bunch, surrounding his torso on all possible sides. He leaned against the slanted backrest of the tub, resting his tongue for the moment, and closed his eyes to relax. The only things he still moved were his fingers, gently masturbating Vanessa and K’ara, and hips, adding a soft, second rhythm to Xal’atath soapy movements.

“Without question, our Master, my husband, should only ever be cleaned and rinsed by the hands of his wives and slaves,” the void-creature with the appearance of an unfathomably gorgeous elf let out a particularly long gasp to underline her words.

“Yes,” Vanessa agreed, “my king has to have his own hands empty, so he can tend to us with his boundless love.” Her sultry lips touched him at the neck, just beneath the ear. “A love I am so glad I earned myself, my king, my husband, my Master.”

“Albeit I’m just a lowly slave of yours,” K’ara gasped, all lust, no envy, “I am granted this happiness to serve you, Master of Light and Shadow. Forever, I am honoured to be the first naaru to become flesh, the first able to carry you an heir, my Master. An-du-in,” every syllable of his name, she was closer, until she was kissing his neck and left cheek as well.

“Anduin,” Vanessa’s lips wetly smacked as she gasped.

“An…” Xal’atath’s movements grew more heated at an extreme pace. “…du…” the little ripples that had interrupted the otherwise still water rose to waves. “…in!” All three women shouted in unison, as their master’s body pushed them over the edge at the same time. Even Anduin groaned, seed shooting up his shaft and filling the Old Goddess’ womb with a new batch of his seed.

The room was consumed by their sounds of lust for several seconds.

Anduin was all ready to continue things. K’ara would be next. Once had also filled her, this little bathtub session would come to an end and they could cycle back to the bed for more brutal fucking. However, the door to his chamber opened before he could make any of those decisions.

Valeera stepped in, wearing her crimson battle regalia. Together with Vereesa, Mizzy and Baela, she had been above deck to make sure things went smoothly. “Anduin,” the elf nodded in a serious fashion, causing the High King to start moving before hearing the rest of her report. “We’re almost ready to make landfall. A blood elf ship has been sighted and they made the agreed flag signal.”

“Alright,” Anduin nodded and started moving. As disappointing as it was that this engagement had to come to an early end, he would have ample time to make it up to K’ara on the way back. Once outside the tub, he attempted to dry himself. His slaves wouldn’t let him, taking the towel from him and carefully rubbing him down. A favour he returned for them. Once everyone was dry, they put on their clothes.

After being naked for several days, it was an odd feeling to be covering his skin again. Even though Anduin’s usual combination of robe, tight shirt and baggy pants wasn’t exactly obstructive, the feeling remained. Xal’atath and K’ara retreated to Anduin’s dimensional pocket, to be pulled out in their weapon form, should he need them.

While the clothes were something the High King had not missed, standing aboard the drifting vessel was incredibly pleasant. Open windows and air refreshing herbs were no replacement for a proper breeze. Especially since the wind wasn’t actually cold.

The thing that Anduin wanted for Stormwind, the then high elves had accomplished on the scale of their entire kingdom. Everything was veiled in a shroud of eternal spring. The golden and red-leaved trees invoked an image of autumn, but the fresh, emerald grass and warm sun made sure everyone understood it was a season of vibrancy that the blood elves wanted to spend their immortality in, not one of decay.

Exactly how they had achieved this wonder was something Anduin was only too eager to learn. The night elves were likely able to reproduce the effects, given enough time and a magical source to fit. Because of their preference to leave nature to its ways, they just hadn’t researched to that end. If Anduin could convince the blood elves to work together with the draenei, reinforcing the pylons with their own skills on the matter, maybe all of the kingdom could profit from the endless summer he had wanted for his capital. All that was required was a suitable source of power.

Beyond the lush, golden forest stood the white and red buildings of the sin’dorei. A complex, half art, half fortress, surrounded the source of energy that had brought this civilization to its greatest heights and deepest lows. Somewhere in there was the Sunwell.

More important for Anduin, at that moment, was the ship that had pulled up to the beach they were also heading towards. A red and white, extremely elegantly designed things. Large sails spanned out between wooden stakes that spread out like a four-fingered hand, slowly folding together as the ship came to a standstill. The High King himself heard the shouts, “Lower the sails!”

Soon enough, the anchor was lowered and Anduin got onto a smaller vessel that was lowered to the water. Along with Vereesa and Valeera, he was rowed to the shore. Mizzy and Baela were to stay behind. If it came to a fight, which was highly doubtful, they weren’t going to be much of a help anyway. Vanessa continued to hide.

The blood elven vessel lowered its own vessel. Soon, both parties arrived on the shore. Aside from the two elves, Anduin also had two of his bodyguards around. His opposite also came in a party of five. All were knights in silver armour, wearing black tabards with a stylized, blood red dragonhawk on them. Although the plate did much to obscure their curves, Anduin knew three of them to be women. For two of them he had to rely on his highly accurate instincts. Had they been humans, he could have simply referred to the width of their shoulders for reference, but blood elves had a tendency too all be rather narrow and agile, over broad and powerful.

Only the elf leading her party was easy to identify visually. Her armour and tabard were fashioned perfectly to her body. Metal and cloth curved around her moderately sized breasts, flowed down her narrow waist and into pleasingly, but not overly, wide hips.

Also the only one to not wear a helmet, the leader revealed her red hair. It had a blonde undertone to it, giving it a beautiful, rare shade. She had it fashioned so it parted on the right side of her head, creating an unequal frame around her heart-shaped face. The rest of her long hair, she had bound into a ponytail, peeking slightly over the back of her head.

Like all blood elves, she was beautiful. Like all leaders and women Anduin took interest in, she was even more so than the average. Long, sharp ears, a cute, round nose, intelligent eyes over elongated brows and lips as red as blood and so full they seemed to be made to attract his gaze. Her skin had a healthy, tanned complexion. Not quite brown, more a reddish tint, smooth and definitely exotic for someone who had grown up among the pale nobles of Stormwind.

“High King Anduin,” she greeted him first. Her voice had a slight frill to it and was deeper than that of most women. Respectfully, she bowed her head.

Anduin did the same. “Lady Liadrin,” he returned. “I am pleased that you agreed to this meeting.”

“It wasn’t a problem of interest, but of the when and how,” she assured. “Sylvanas has her ears everywhere and ever since the actions at the hand of your first wife, diplomacy between our people have been shaky. It took a lot of effort to organize a blind spot for today.”

“Jaina is under control,” Anduin stated outright. “She won’t ever act in such a cruel manner ever again. You have my word, she has become content as my wife, sex slave and mother to my heir.”

“I know,” Liadrin nodded, despite how ludicrous these statements were. The claim that the woman not even a dragon aspect could satisfy in a relationship to be ‘reduced’ to a happy breeding slave. Were it not for the duration and detail of these rumours, nobody on Azeroth would have believed it. However, Liadrin knew he was saying the truth for other reasons. “I have received visions of you, High King. Little glimpses of your debauchery at first. I thought the Light was telling me to stop you…”

Neither she nor any of her knights had their hands anywhere close to their weapons. As such, there was no reason to be alarmed, Anduin simply nodded and continued to listen.

“…Soon, some of the most powerful among us reported to me they also had visions. Thereafter, we grew confused. We saw no wrongdoing in those glimpses. Sure, it was perverted and went against what we thought proper, but nobody was being hurt by your actions. You didn’t exploit anybody. Everyone was always happy and consenting.”

Liadrin took a pause. Her stern posture shifted in a very telling way. Anduin could identify the lustful discomfort from a mile away. “There were two I had to force myself on, to lesser and bigger degrees,” the High King admitted, referring to Vanessa and Xal’atath. “Neither have I ever wished anything bad to happen to and both are happy to live as my slaves now.”

“I appreciate your honesty, your majesty,” Liadrin stated, gently shaking her head. “The Light has not shared those details with me and I know now, but I trust in it. The visions… they left us aroused, to be as honest as the shining sun. Then, one day, three months ago, the visions intensified. It was like your connection to the Light had become so strong that your mere presence dominates this world’s aspect of it.”

That must have been when Anduin returned from Draenor, with his binding to K’ara established.

“The vivid details we received from Stormwind were… magnificent,” it wasn’t just her that was shifting in arousal, but the knights behind her as well. “All Blood Knights could see it. The purity of your actions, your majesty. Over the last few months, our code of chivalry has changed. Well, our behaviour changed in response to the brilliance we saw and eventually we rewrote the code to follow suit. I believe you call it the Cult of the Perfect Slave. We have made slight adjustments to it to allow men to participate as well.”

That K’ara was pleased by this development radiated into Anduin’s thoughts. The Cult of the Perfect Slave was the Light side of Stormwind’s new church. That they followed it meant that, for the past three months, they had trained themselves in the ways of serving a master – all without actually having sex with the opposite gender. While Anduin had no personal interest in receiving any male slaves that followed that path, there were doubtlessly some bisexual or gay people in Stormwind that would like to hear this news.

“I have been anticipating this day since then… the day I could confirm with my own senses whether you are who the Light shows me to be,” Liadrin walked the five steps between them, the sand crunching under her heavy boots. “When I first heard what you did with the night elves, I was sickened. Now, I can believe that they truly did it willingly. I will support you in making my people understand their place in the world is the same. I will support you in everything you will ever do.” She stopped in front of him and raised her hand. “If you show me that the Light told me the truth.”

“As you wish,” Anduin answered, but then hesitated for a second, looking down at that hand. It was an offer to take it. Searching his feelings, the High King decided to do more than that. He grabbed her behind the wrist. His strong hands clamped down on the plate armour and pulled. Although anything but weak, Liadrin was surprised by the strength of that pull and took the last half-step forwards. She raised her head to look up and brought herself in perfect position for Anduin’s descending lips to meet hers.

Before the surprise could allow her to formulize a report, she felt his Light flow into her. Light and Shadow. Neither tainted or purified the other, they existed in a perfect equilibrium that should have been impossible. The green glow of her eyes, that no amount of interaction with the purified Sunwell had ever managed to clear, was replaced with a burst of gold. More than that, their entire bodies were engulfed in an embrace of illuminating brilliance.

The sand under them seemed to turn into grains of gold, her own skin glowed with power and the calm, discipline and love of the Light flooded her every last sense. No matter how hard she tried to find any deception in it, there was none. This impossible duality was every bit as true as the visions had led her to believe. Her doubts cleared, all arousal she had felt from remembering the past months was suddenly and violently amplified.

The stream of energy came to an end, the brilliance ebbed away and Anduin let go. Pulling away from the kiss, he watched as the gold drained from her eyes and restored the previous green. The Matriarch of the Blood Knights was aware of it as well, even if she could hardly see her own eyes. A void opened inside her and she knew exactly how to fill it. The hand let go of her arm.

Liadrin immediately fell to her knees. Albeit she had less to repent for than Yrel or K’ara, the beauty and duality of Anduin’s soul still took her completely. The past few months that she had spent fervently masturbating to the visions, spent emulating the ways she saw his slaves please Anduin on a dildo, they were all confirmed to be more than senseless perversion now. Never before had she felt as needful of love as she did in that moment.

It was familiar, like the addiction she had needed to fight after the fall of the Sunwell. Yet, not anything like it. It wasn’t a mind-numbing urge that consumed her, forcing her to take action or lose herself in the withdrawal. Rather, she had a path opened to her and shown all that road encompassed. The power and, more importantly, the sweet subjugation.

“Lady Liadrin?” she heard Anduin’s voice. Looking up, she saw his worried expression. Involuntarily, she bit her dark red lips. Behind all that power and sexual prowess lay a decent person. No, not decent. A thoroughly perfect man to give herself to. She had seen it, ever since he had acquired K’ara, the Light had shown her his abilities and character. In that single moment of worry, she found the last confirmation she needed.

“You have no need to call me a lady…” she gasped. Manipulating the magic of her armour, she made the plates fall off the bodysuit she wore underneath. Most importantly, she made sure that the gauntlets fell into the emerald grass of Quel’thalas, before reaching out to Anduin’s pants. “…Master.”

Being the one to say this word in more than fantasy, it made her pussy gush. The tight, black fabric of the bodysuit that stretched over her ass soon sported a large, dark spot. Behind her, her subordinate Blood Knights watched with discipline and lust. They had seen the aura around their leader and the High King and knew their own visions to be confirmed as well. They would be perfect slaves to other masters, in time. For now, they were to watch the submission of their Matriarch.

With one swift tug of the comfortably sitting pants, Liadrin freed Anduin’s cock. Even flaccid as it was at that moment, it was bigger than anything she had the pleasure of dealing with ever before. Bigger even than the visions had made her believe. Without hesitation, she leaned forwards. One hand took hold of the massive member in front of her, started jerking it while her mouth went to kiss his heavy balls, so clearly eager to release their contents. Not as eager as she was to receive them, however.

It all came to her naturally. She knew it to be the correct path, to become a slave to the High King of the Alliance. “Are you certain about this?” Anduin asked, even as he placed a hand on Liadrin’s red hair. The sheer force of habit made him softly guide her movements.

Her face still close to his groin, he could feel her words on his saliva-covered skin. “I have thought about this for months, Master. Thought if I could truly do this, if things turned out to be true. I was never more certain than I am right now. My services are yours and my Blood Knights will be your Slave Knights.” Her assurance ended once her hand had worked him long enough that the High King’s cock reached full erection. With a wonderfully smooth motion, her tongue travelled up from his balls to the head of his cock. Once up it was up there she said, “Will you use me, Anduin?” and looked up with pleading eyes. “Will you take me as your slave, Master?”

Although her lips had already touched his cock, she was now remembering the training of the last two months. While a member of the cult of the perfect slave was allowed to perform blowjobs (pussy and ass had to remain untainted by seed during training), Liadrin had stayed abstinent from even that all this time. There had only been the dildo, her fantasies and her visions. In that moment, she wanted only one thing more than to suck him off and that was for her submission to the High King to be acknowledged.

“Praise be to the Light,” Anduin groaned, already turned on beyond belief by the simple view of the powerful paladin squirming in the sand before him. Her naked hand was surprisingly soft, no hard skin from all the time she held a weapon. The expression on her face was far from stern, raw lust and love had overcome all other emotions. That the cosmic force had already ensured this turn of events was yet another one in a series of blessings he did not deserve, bis his own thoughts. “Do you truly wish to be only my slave or do you also wish to be one of my wives, Liadrin?”

“I will not be only a slave of yours, Master. ‘Only’ is a word far too low to describe such a venerated position. I will take it, for I want no more than to be a perfect instrument of your loving grace and a way to relieve your lust, Anduin,” her eye contact broke when she stared at his cock and the thick drop of precum dribbling from the tip. Her tongue pushed past her lips, her hot breaths accelerated, but she reined herself in and looked back up. “Will you take me as your slave, Anduin?”

“As you wish, from this day forward, you shall be my slave. As Tyrande and Shandris, to elevate you over the lowest of the lot, you will be one of my High Slaves. That will be your title, High Slave Liadrin, leader of the Slave Knights of Silvermoon.” Barely had he spoken those words, and started guiding her towards his cock with the hand still on her head, that Liadrin darted forwards like a hungry wolf.

Anduin could only groan when the beautiful blood elf paladin babe took his massive cock into her throat. Not even Liadrin knew how she managed to do that on her first try. Although her practice had deepthroating in the last two months had been more extensive than the rest of her life combined, the tool she had to that end had been just half the size of the monstrosity now making her throat bulge.

Regardless of the how, it was unmistakable that her body loved this. Even though her stretched jaw burned and the remainders of her gag reflex signalled uncomfortablyly, her pussy gushed. She could feel how the damp spot between her legs grew and how some of the liquid dripped into the sand. The skin-tight fabric that covered all of her except her hands, feet and head from the neck up, she wished it gone. She had only just met Anduin in person, but the man she had seen for three months in details now, that one she had already fallen completely in love with.

That the man inside of her throat surpassed what even the most powerful of visions could show in every dimension, that was something she only slowly realized. The duality of his powers had been the first sign. This second one, while laughably minor in comparison, was the taste of his cock. It was more intense and somehow satisfying than anything else that had ever graced her tongue, made her want to suck it even more. However, her lips were already pressing against his groin, so all she could do was remain place.

On one hand, Anduin would have loved to ravage her throat in a wild face-fucking but on the other, he admired her ability to stay down on her own for that long. Curious, he let her stay where she was for as long as she could bear it.

It was a display of impressive willpower, perversion and submission. Although Anduin wasn’t holding her down whatsoever, Liadrin refused to slide back up. Even when her lungs were empty of usable air and her eyelids began to flutter, consciousness waning, she stayed down. All she wanted was to continue feeling this cock inside her and for Anduin to use her.

When it became clear that she would faint before letting go, the High King pulled her back by the hair. Her mouth continued to suck on him the entire time, lips tightly sealed right up until he was completely out of her. The perfectly ordered ponytail took some damage during the motion. The falling strands of blonde-red hair framing her face only fit her depraved look.

Coughing and gagging, Liadrin panted heavily for air, her lungs pumping as if she had just ran a marathon. Gooey strands connected her dark red lips to Anduin’s massive member still. A feverish look had taken hold of her eyes, just as the lust had completely of her being. “I… am… sorry, Master…” she pressed out, feeling so fantastic while giving in to the submission ever more, “…that I… couldn’t last… longer.”

“Shut up, slave,” Anduin growled, now completely in his role. His dark, deep voice made her shiver, her pussy gush yet again. “Don’t push yourself until you faint. I want to fuck one of my moaning sluts, not just any piece of meat, are we clear?”

“As clear as a summer day, Master,” Liadrin gasped, opening her mouth wide when the large meat rod approached her lips again. There were no more words she needed to speak, she just needed to be the outlet for his lust. Once more, the delicious taste of his cock filled her greedy mouth. ‘I want his cum,’ she thought. ‘It must taste so good. I need Master’s cum.’

Luckily for her, Anduin was set to deliver soon. After slowly sinking down to the base into her mouth again, he grabbed her head with both hands and properly used her in a reckless fashion. The entire scene had stirred his endless appetite and his sheer bottomless balls had so much more to give than he had left in his slaves earlier.

After just a minute of the quick pace, the sounds of gagging, moaning and slapping filling the beach, the High King suddenly slammed and pulled at the same time. As deep as anyone could fathomably be inside her mouth, Anduin pumped her stomach full with his thick load. The first few spurts simply shot right into her, then Anduin began slowly pulling out of her.

Liadrin was torn between the wish to feel his cock’s full might quiver in her throat and the need to taste him. Whatever she may have arrived at didn’t matter. It wasn’t her choice. Anduin’s grasp was as strong as ever and no amount of struggling would have freed her. As this was only heightening her arousal, she fell into an orgasmic haze. Although she had not yet received the mark, she had already trained herself to love sucking cock so much that her mind overloaded with rewarding pleasure.

Something that went into overdrive when she, for the first time in years, had her mouth filled with cum. Not any cum, her master’s cum. It was delicious beyond even her wildest expectations. Her tongue aggressively probed for Anduin’s weakspots, wanting him to shoot yet more into her tight mouth. Her pussy was steadily overflowing, her eyes rolled back.

Anduin groaned as he thrust into her mouth. Not particularly deep, just enough that his glans rolled over her tongue and back again. A steady motion, simply aimed at coercing the last of this load from his balls and shaft. “You will make for a good blowjob slut, if nothing else,” the High King declared. The fervour with which Liadrin had acted was quite reminiscent of Aclysia.

“Thank you… my Master,” the leader of the Slave Knights gasped, the cock now entirely removed from her mouth. When Anduin let go off her hair, Liadrin gently leaned forwards and showered his cock with affectionate kisses and long laps of her tongue. She felt the urge to take him back into her throat immediately, but it was his decision as to what would come next. Until then, she just desperately needed to show her affection through submissive gestures.

It didn’t take Anduin long to decide how things were to continue. Obviously, she had to be claimed as his properly, she was begging for his mark through everything but words in that moment. Although he would have rather fucked her proper in a bed than the sandy beach of Quel’thalas, he knew neither of them had the patience for the way back to the ship. Not before a considerable part of their lust had been taken care off.

“Lay down,” he commanded and the blood elf obliged hastily. Within the second, she was on her back, her angled legs raised and parted. Reaching around them, Liadrin spread her pussy. Through the tight, wetly clinging fabric of her bodysuit, every detail of her puffed up pussy was visible. As were her hard nipples, crowning her pushed together breasts, firm butt and the raw juiciness of her thighs.

“Do you wish me to disrobe, Master?” Liadrin asked, her voice having risen a pitch. Still on the deeper end for a woman, but considerably more girly, almost innocent in its depravity. As contradictive as that seemed.

“No,” Anduin simply stated, grabbing the already stretched fabric above her cunt and tearing it open with a quick gesture. The closeness of his hands, the manliness of the primitive act and the sudden stream of air on her privates, they all caused her to moan. She repositioned her hands, holding onto the insides of her knees, pulling them down until they were next to her head and she was nothing but a bundle of accessible holes and attractive female flesh.

Anduin continued to rip at the bodysuit. Her pretty pussy was revealed first. The colour was a bit redder than the light pink he was used to from other woman, but among her exotically, equally reddish tinted skin, it fit wonderfully. Then part of her ass and her puckered asshole came into view. All perfectly smooth and hairless, as one could expect. Making his way further up her body, to the satisfying sound of tearing fine fabric, he revealed her midriff, currently curled up but doubtlessly flat and athletic under normal circumstances, and decently sized tits. Her nipples, too, had the red tint, it reminded him somewhat of strawberries.

The thought had barely crossed the High King when he was already sucking on her left tit, cupping the other with his hand. Liadrin let out a yelping sound of ecstasy, finally feeling her master’s hands explore her body properly. His touch was like the rays of the sacred sun on her sensitive skin.  More than that, even, when he got rougher. With teeth and pinched fingers, he twisted and pulled at her nipples. A sudden orgasm made her throw her head back and quiver. Even that little was enough to set her off. It never had been before, but he knew how to make her feel that everything was just right, made it so easy to be sensitive, to climax over and over again.

He pulled back his head, pulled the breast along until it could stretch no more and then simply let it jiggle back into place. Seeing the outline of his teeth on her nipple fit wonderfully into the image of her torn bodysuit and ravaged face. With heavy breaths, Liadrin managed to focus her eyes on him again.

“You’ll be a fine sex slave,” Anduin declared, adjusting his position so his enormous cock laid in the split of her overflowing cunt. If his touch were like the rays, then his cock was the sacred sun itself. Just the contact caused her spine to arch off the ground. “But are you prepared to be a mother?”

“Prepared?!” her lust made that single word sound hysterical. “Master, I yearn to be bred. I never knew I did until I saw you. My mind, my womb, they have been craving for you for three months, a desire that has continued to grow every day. Make me yours forever, make me a slave you use for your lust and for the continuation of your noble lineage. Mark me, fuck me, breed me!”

With no further delay, Anduin slid into the right angle and sunk into her. As overly lubricated as the path was, the penetration should have been easy and swift. However, Liadrin turned out to be extremely tight, making that first split a tormenting affair of passion. That she immediately begun to scream and squirm didn’t help. The hands holding her legs flew backwards in a sudden fit of ecstasy. They were replaced by Anduin’s, who nailed her elastic body to the floor with his weight and power. Her scream grew louder.

Every bit of her pussy was heavenly. No matter how many women he claimed, no matter how often he plunged into a new cunt, it always remained an experience. Tight and hot, the many folds squeezed his iron-hard cock the entire way. The more he split her, the more she seemed to hold onto him. Until, eventually, when he had finally sunken all the way into her, it felt like she could never let him go.

Pressed against her taut, firm ass and thighs, Anduin groaned in delight. Liadrin’s scream came to a temporary, rattling halt, as she quickly drew breath. “So… big…” she pressed out, her entire body shivering in delight from merely feeling to High King inside her. “…Yessss…” she whined, when he slowly pulled out. Her fingers dug into the sand beside her. “…Fuck me… please… I need… I need your cum, Master.”

“You will have it,” Anduin declared, slamming all the way back into her with a forceful thrust. A squirt of love juice splashed against his groin, as Liadrin’s spine once more arced from the intense pleasure. It was the only kind of free writhing she could do, so utterly dominated by Anduin’s strength. A realization of absolutely orgasmic helplessness.

Anduin rolled her cunt further up, stretched his legs until the front end of his boots dug into the sand and left his body in straight, but slanted position. Liadrin was in the perfect angle now, to simply thrust into from above. Most of his weight rested on his grip now, making the pinning as firm as it could be. More than that, it made his thrusts extra powerful, weight and power combining for a force that shook Liadrin to the core.

She was screaming again, louder. Every time she was penetrated, her pussy gushed shamelessly. Her outstretched tongue transformed her debauched shouts into something even nastier, more primal. Harder, even harder, every time his hips collided with her fit ass, the shockwave grinded her against the sand. Soon, her back had caved its mark into the mouldable soil. Liadrin barely felt it, the jolts of pleasure were too intense. Every few thrusts, she came, orgasms overlapping. The entire world was spring heat, pleasure and intense fulfilment. She had found her place in the Light before, now she had found her place in the world – underneath Anduin.

“I love you!” it suddenly came over her lips. “I love you! I love you! I love you! Masssteeeeeer!” a particularly intense orgasm caused her to end her numerous vows in favour of a simple scream.

“And I will forever repay that love equivalently, Liadrin!” Anduin roared as he penetrated her tight, quivering quim one last time. His enormous cock tensed; balls tightened. Liadrin felt the size of his rod like a glowing iron inside her, searing her with pleasure. Then the pleasure poured into her like liquid ecstasy, pumping straight into her eager womb.

Anduin gasped for air, as seed and magic rushed up his shaft in insane quantities. A brush of the wind reminded him how openly he was claiming the former Blood Knight. How he was marking her in the middle of enemy territory. How wonderfully she had submitted to him. How he was adding yet another powerful sex slave to his harem of eager, loyal sluts. It all served to press every last drop out of him that he had available.

Liadrin’s womb was being filled to the brim, was stretched even, with all the cum that was flooding her. That alone was cause for jubilation, for the most intense orgasm that she had ever had. An orgasm that only rose and rose further beyond what she had thought possible. In her thousands of years, she had never felt anything as intense as the ecstasy of that moment.

It was fuelled by that seed. The feeling of impregnation was undiluted fulfilment and with it came the magic. Dark markings carved itself into her being, visible as tendril-like markings around her smooth cunt. The power radiated through the rest of her, Shadow and Light intertwining for a feeling of passion and love unfindable in the rest of Azeroth and the Great Dark beyond. Her fel green eyes were consumed by deep purple, as she came so hard that all of her senses were eliminated.

Squirting steadily and heavily, Liadrin soiled herself and the sand under her curled up hips. It absolutely didn’t matter to her, she was happy to be soiled again and again, as long as it pleased her master. She would be the perfect slave. She had to be. She needed to serve him properly, needed to make him happy, needed to be a good, subservient Slave Knight.

“Good girl,” Anduin gasped, once his orgasm began to subside. Two words that refuelled Liadrin’s own, did it validate her newfound joy.

“I love you…!” she gasped as loud as she could, her lungs empty and throat hoarse from all the screaming. “Love you… love you…” the purple drained from her eyes, leaving them with a golden, purified glow. She could feel the change, embraced it with all her heart, as her body continued to shudder with orgasm after orgasm, delivered merely by the aftershocks. Her body was so sensitive, every little movement of Anduin set her off again. The pool of semen inside her left no doubt that she was impregnated.

Anduin remained still and inside her, let her breathing slowly calm and her mind recover. Perhaps there was certainty, but the High King wasn’t going to so quickly end an initiation into his harem of slaves. Once she recovered enough, they would go back to his ship and continue things on a proper bed.

After that, there was much work to do.


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