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Announcing this a bit ahead of time since I need to give you guys time to actually come up with questions.

Between now and the end of the arc (about a month, i think) you can leave me a question you want answered from me or one of the characters of the story. Leave them either in the comments on Patreon, as a PM to me on Patreon or by writing it in the Season 2 Q&A channel on the Discord. It will be included in the Q&A, which will look a lot like the Season 1 Q&A which I am sure most of you have read. Here are some rules:

- A maximum of three questions per person. If you do no want your name to be mentioned in the question, please say so. Note: This does not affect you if you are using your real name, as I won't put those in anyway. The Q&A will go on CHYOA, so I wont be putting your name out there.

- Please mark who you want the question to go to in the question by using the following format:

For: [Receiver]
What do you like to eat in the morning?

- Do not ask questions for EVERYONE, I tried that last time and it just turned in a giant list that wasn't fun to write whatsoever. If you want multiple people to answer limit it to a maximum of five, more than that and I will cut out people at random. 

- I will keep any and all typos for entertainment value >:D

That's about it. Have fun.


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