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Sorry for being late. This chapter is longer than usual, which is why it took me a little longer to finish.



Kase such a hypocrite. Loved to take from others and walk over other people, but hated it when it happens to him. I really hope Daarx tortures him in the future.


I really like how most of the political people seem so far sighted and planning and have grand schemes waiting in the works. Meanwhile Darx/Kase and company all seem like petulant teenagers having emotional outbursts or being naive and boneheaded as hell. Really demonstrates why neither will probably end up with a good ending and probably a bitterswee/tragic at best.

Jon Doe

Darx's biggest flaw was his overly trusting and overly naive nature, as well as his unwillingness to distrust a loved one even when faced with tangible reasons. The reckoning arc has setup a change to that, and it has been stated throughout it several times that he will not be the same. So I think he has exchanged pain for growth and the ability to carve out a good ending for himself. Kase on the other hand has his flaws deeply attached to his core and his self, and his arrogance and ego inhibit himself from seeing this. If he were to reexamine himself at earnest his sense of self would crumble as a card castle, thus, making it really difficult to have some room for any growth. I think Kase will be the one ending miserable, as his father said this chapter it only takes one mistake for everything to turn to dust (and I think that mistake has already been made).