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I haven't talked about the game in a while, so I thought it was time for an update. If you have the time and are interested in the game, please read the following.

I think I've already mentioned it before, but this is the first game I've tried to make. In the beginning, although it probably sounds silly, I didn't stop to think how difficult it would be to create a game. Even more so when my game-making knowledge was limited and I didn't have many resources. At first, I wasn't that worried since I considered the game to be just a small extension of the novel. An extra that could be abandoned at any time. Assuming that, the game's first version was really not that good... 

For a moment, I thought about quitting the game. However, several comments made me reconsider. I try to improve various aspects of the game. I changed the renders, added and changed other things inside the game, and released it as chapter 2 after further advancing the story. Although Chapter 2 was still not to my complete liking, it was undoubtedly an improvement compared to Chapter 1. I thought that would be enough and started working on chapter 3.

Then, some time ago, while I was working on chapter 3 of the game, I ran into several problems. There were things I wanted to add or modify, but several bugs began to appear in the game that made it unplayable. When I tried to correct something, it was difficult since everything was a mess, considering that I did Chapter 1 without knowing much, and on top of that disaster, I added the fixes for Chapter 2 that made things even more messy.

At that moment, I was faced with two options. 

The first was to release chapter 3, knowing there would be bugs and content limitations that I wanted to add. This option would allow me to upload chapters 3 and maybe 4 without much delay between one and the other, although I would have to deal with the previously mentioned problems. 

The second option was to start from scratch. However, I knew that would take a long time to make. Starting from scratch will be more than just copying and pasting. I had learned several things that would make the game look better, so the previous content would only be helpful on certain occasions. 

Ultimately, I decided on option two. I knew that perhaps this would not be to the liking of many since I wasted a lot of time advancing chapter 3, which I would no longer use. On top of that, it would take me a long time to start creating everything from the beginning. Not to mention that my priority is the novel, and the time I can dedicate to the game is limited.

Still, I took the selfish decision, thinking that if I was going to commit to creating the game, it would be best to start from scratch instead of doing it feeling unmotivated by continuing to advance the first version, which I knew would be increasingly difficult to progress due to all those problems.

Before starting, I decided to wait even longer since I wanted to collect some of the profits I have been receiving from Patreon's support, for which I am very grateful! I have been able to buy a few things I needed. I also used that time to learn a little more and be as prepared as possible to start creating the game.

As many of you already know, I have been uploading weekly chapters of the novel on Patreon, which takes up a large part of the free time I have each week. Still, whenever I can, I continue working on the game. It's slow but constant progress. 

I have managed to create renders with characters more similar to how I imagined them. I have edited the maps to try to make them more vivid and less tedious than typical RPGs. I have added and edited several things that you will be able to see when the game comes out. I would also like to find someone who can make custom sprites for the game. So far, I've been making some custom sprites; however,  I'm a terrible artist. I'm leaving things in order in case I can find that person and make the changes without much problem.

I know that it could be considered that the game, instead of advancing, is going backward, but I consider that in the long term, it will be the best. This first update is the difficult one and the one that will take the longest since I had to start from 0, but the following updates should be much more constant.

I'm considering uploading the first game update with whatever progress I have at that moment on January 1 or February 1. I'm still unsure. After that, I will do monthly updates with whatever progress I have.




Keep up the good work! Most people are here for the story first and see the game as a bonus. Work on the game when you can and don't force yourself or you'll end up seeing it as a chore instead of something you want to do. As for custom sprites, I would reach out to N_Taii or InatariTales and see who does the custom work for them. I'm sure they could point you in the right direction.

Ricardo Torres II

Is the game title the same as the story