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Hey folks! First of all I just want to thank you all for supporting me in this way. It's been a ton of fun creating these videos, and offering them this way to you all. The Patreon has exceeded my expectations in such a short amount of time, especially since I didn't know what to expect. Never done anything like this before!

Now that I got my feet wet with all of this, I thought it would be a good idea to ask all of you what sort of things you would like to see from me with Patreon. I want to build the community here up more, because you do support the channel in a monetary way. What are other creators that you may sub to doing with their Patreons that you think could be a good fit here? I'm already toying with the idea of offering Patreon exclusive reactions here for shows or movies that I want to react to and share, but just don't have the time to edit for Youtube. Because it's very easy, and not time consuming to get a full length reaction done. Whatever show or movie that may be would be decided by you all. I also want to do a better job of actually interacting and replying to your comments on the videos here. That's my bad, but I'm working on things now so my time isn't spread so thin. Live watchalongs is another thing I've been thinking about. I'll have the timecode on screen and you can chat with me live while we watch something together. That's just some of the stuff that I've been considering.

So yeah, please offer up your thoughts and ideas. Just know I'm not going to be able to offer every idea presented to me, but I'm just looking for some fresh ideas for this page that I may have not thought of. I appreciate you all supporting me like you do, and I'm excited to read what you have to say!



I think you have some great ideas here Mikey. While I am not the most experienced patreon user. You do seem to be covering a lot of the things other creators do with theirs. Early access, uncut shows. Patreon exclusive content. I think the exclusive content is a good idea. It relieves some of the editing burden and lets you potentially tackle some bigger projects. You also have the option to drip feed then to YouTube later once you have time to sit down and edit them. I may have a few suggestions for some ideas down the road and I am excited to see what others have to suggest. Regardless keep up the good work bud. It has been amazing to see the growth over the past couple years ❤️

Jessica V

Maybe react to movies or have a vote based shows to react too


Movies are something I definitely want to explore, but it's such a shame that I've been religiously watching movies since I was 5. I've seen mostly everything haha. I'm leaning towards an idea though when it comes to movies