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Here is my full length unedited reaction to Steven Universe 4X9! Baby Steven is so adorable!




Very interesting questions you're musing upon, here. The truest nature of Steven's existence has always been a subject teased at but never fully explained. I mean, heck- even the Gems have their own theories on it. Their theories are fascinating to me, because they all play upon their own experiences and desires about the situation. Amethyst thinks "Rose" is just shapeshifting for a really long time, because it's something she's used to doing herself. (Although Ame, why the hell were you a toilet for a few months? I desperately need to know the context for this, lmao.) Garnet thinks Steven is a fusion of Rose and Greg, because SHE'S a fusion. And Pearl... oh, Pearl... in her grief, she's so desperate for any possibility to get Rose back that she briefly thought about pulling that gem out to test her theory that Rose was still IN there, somehow... just trapped in a baby. (Which isn't actually as insane a theory as one might think- we've seen Gems trapped within objects before. Lapis was trapped within a mirror, after all. But a baby is FAR more complex than a mirror, to be fair.) I do super like the conclusion Garnet comes to by the end of this, though... that all their theories really don't matter in the end, because it's now their job to make everything about Steven's wellbeing. Not Rose's. Like you state in your outro, even if they don't understand yet, Rose wanted this, and respecting that wish is very important. It's always so fun to see these little flashback moments with the Gems. Great reaction as always! Looking forward to the next one.

Julio Castillo

The Growth and development of the Crystal Gems is really palpable now when you compare to how they were when Steven was a baby. But at the same time we cannot really blame them for acting that way, Rose became Steven just a few months prior to this memory, they have lived for thousands of years... so the knowledge of her loss was still a pretty open wound to them (specially for Pearl). By the way... the 2 kids who were playing on the snow alongside that Dog were most likely Jenny and Buck. Also a detail i think is pretty neat too is that.... if you pause the episode in the frame when Greg and the Gems are all looking at Baby Steven just before the flashback ends... the way they framed them seems to be a reference/Allegory to the Birth of Christ... with Greg playing of role of the Virgin Mary (he has a blue mantle covering his head and shoulders in that frame jus like Mary is usually depicted) and the Gems being the 3 Kings/Magi Balthasar, Melchior and Gaspar (they even brought gifts to Steven earlier in the episode, just like the 3 Kings did in the tale of the Birth of Jesus).