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Morning everyone!
I'm super excited to finally announce the beginning of my first full comic: Strapped In!

Starting today, we follow these two cuties in a wholesome little story where they encourage one another to have a bit of fun and try something new!

New Comic, START!

The release of the pages is gonna be a little bit slow at first, but I will be posting other content along side the pages in the coming months.

I won't be releasing this comic publicly for a W H I L E. However I will be announcing it publicly once I have a few pages up on the patreon. (In the next few months)

Also once this comic is complete, it will eventually be physically printed! 

Throughout the production of the comic I'll be releasing a fair amount of physical merch! Some of which is ready, some of which isn't.

But YEAH!! Thank you guys for being so patient, I love you all and I hope you're all having an amazing day!!




Excited to see this in the future as it comes to life!


My excitement is immeasurable and my day is perfected

Fyixen Fox

So beautiful already. I'm so happy for it!


It's like you're drawing porn FOR ME - Love love love some climbing gym tom-foolery.


This cover is perfect