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Heya everyone!
Just wanted to let you all know there won't be a post this month.
Since I'm not posting anything this month, you guys won't be charged

This past month I've been extremely busy working on my upcoming comic along with some other goodies, and I'm super excited to share the progress with you all once a good portion of it is completed.
(The number of pages in the comic has also increased from 16 to a total of 25!!)

At the moment I'm attempting to create a backlog of finished pages and other content that I will eventually post consistently through out each month. That way I have a bit of breathing room to work on more content without the stress of having something to show every month.
This also means that the monthly calendars won't be around for a while, though they will definitely return.

Although there may be a time where I don't post any completed works, I will continue to post sketches in the discord server.

My roommates and I are planning to move in late March or early April!
So progress may be a bit slow once we start the move. Until then however, I'm still working as hard as I can!

And as a side note-
Seeing how active all of you are in the discord genuinely energizes me to no end, and I'm so excited to get this stuff done for you all!

Thank you all so very much for your support. I literally couldn't do any of this without all of you. ;w;
Stay safe everyone!



Thanks for the update! As usual, absolutely no pressure, life comes first and I’m sure everyone is excited to see what you have in the works!


We always have the discord to chill with ya and all those fun things after all!

Chamomile Sheep

Thanks for the update - excited for the comic! I definitely appreciate taking the time to get a backlog ready so you can post consistently.