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Hello everyone,

I know i've spoken about this before but now its beginning to get a little bit silly. There's a certain site (initals YP) thats been stealing all my art posted onto my patreon wall and uploading it to their site for everyone to see. I'm a little bit fed up of people doing this so i've been thinking of moving all my posts to a private blogger.

Since the only things the site can steal is my sketches isn't really an issue, what i find is an issue is my games dev posts. I wanted to keep them private and exclusive for you all, some cheeky behind the scenes between us. 

SO! Your feedback as usual will be awesome. Would you like me to keep posting the sketches here too or would you rather me move them to my private blog ? 

The blog will be available to all patreons who are pledged. ($1 tiers and up)
How it works?
I'll message you a link and password to access the site where you can view all the archives in peace. And then we have no worry about YP stealing all my content. ^_^

I still will post little announcements here (only text ones) when there is new content available to see, so no one misses out. 

- This will not change how i send you the image packs, they will still be done through messages.


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