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Okay guys sooooo... A request, which then was supported by some came in, namely that I should make a proper hentai comic, with story and stuff.

Now, I don't know what style would be the best for it (like should I color it and stuff) so it also needs some experimenting, but most of all, it needs TIME. Naturally I would post it page by page, to not leave you hanging, but still, I would probably plan it for at least 15 pages, if not more.

There is already a story idea: A trip to Shanoa's experimental facility, where all the girls and boys created so far, will appear (so basically an orgy kinda thing) the focus being mostly on Nick and Betty, as this would be the story how they got together.

So yeah, the question is: would sacrifice seeing stuff frequently for having a full hentai comic?

Of course, you can have story elements/ideas that you wanna see, just comment them, and I will implement them as best as I can, Shanoa has her serums after all :3



Still supporting it, especially since I was the one to bring it up :P Go for it, I don't mind seeing a bit less if we get a full blown comic


If you want to make it black and white, it may help you a lot with the time question. And... hentai/mangas usually are like that!


Tbh, they take just as much time on grayscale, I'm not really sparing any time with missing colors...


One option is using Hatarakiari's style, which is a bit sketch-like, but it still works imo, the question is, is it good enough for you? I might make a test page stuff and you can vote.


Thats a great idea. Can you do that so we can compare?