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Happy March!! This month’s pin theme is 🌱Spring🌱 featuring Lily, Temmie, and Binky in the design 🌸 Since our manufacturer had Chinese New Year break last month, these pins are on a slightly delayed timeline and won’t be shipped out until mid-March at the latest. Thanks for your understanding and we shouldn’t have any more delays for the rest of the year 🫡 This pin is designed by @mlkinis on Twitter!

April’s design is already in production so those will be shipped in early April after orders close. The second image is a teaser - If you want to try guessing what it is, we will neither confirm nor deny hehe

Order your March PEEP now at off-tv.store using the password “can i get one patronie pizza please?“ (no quotation marks) to enter the store.

All January and February PEEP orders have been shipped out. Thank you so much and please comment if you have any questions or concerns!!

- Amanda (PEEPs boss)

In case you need a refresher, the PEEPs Program is a monthly enamel pin perk exclusively for Patronis. Each month, a brand new pin design will spawn at our Patroni-exclusive shop: off-tv.store. If you're in Tier 3, these pins are completely free (you only pay for a postage stamp for shipping!). For Tier 2 members, you'll only pay for the production cost of the pins (50% off). And if you're in Tier 1, you'll be given off-tv.store access to snag any PEEPs that may tickle your fancy.
