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Join Brodin and Amanda on a very special episode of The Breakdown where they'll be taking a look at one of our most expensive (but totally worth it) endeavors; the OTV BREAK OUT anime music video! See concept art, early animatics, demo versions of the song and much more in this jam-packed episode!

Stay tuned to the very end for a cool comparison between the animatic and the final video!




This was really nice to watch. Loved it.


This was fun to see the design and iteration that happened to get to the final version. With the change in members and crew a potential part 2 would have a different feel and scope that would be nice to see someday.


Super cool breakdown! Lots of great behind the scenes production assets. Those backgrounds especially! Also nice to FINALLY have the Creative Challenge radio silence addressed. While a full "anime" might be out of reach, has OTV looked into potentially doing a webcomic/manga with these characters/world/etc? So many potential ways to have fun with what Powerhouse made here!


I think this is my favourite breakdown so far. Getting to see behind the scenes of the animation process is always a treat


this was so interesting! thank you


this is my favorite breakdown, seeing the stages of the artwork is awesome.