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Mahalo! For this month's POOP, the OTV Crew is joined by Michael Reeves on an epic hiking adventure in the wilderness! 

Please let us know if you enjoyed this new style of POOP and where we should go with talent next!


Tayton Ashley

Honestly 10/10 love this kind of video, feels like I am just hanging with the homies.


A bit off tangent from this post but I was searching for OTV decals and this site popped up: https://www.offlinetvmerch.store/ I just wanted to see if this was official merch or someone trying to make money off your brand. Thank you!


yes there are unfortunately a lot of these types of stores and always send scary notices to them but some just keep going. the only official store is offlinetv.com

Maryam Jameelah

I really like this kind of video <3


Comfy video!


...and they all got giardia! jk lol! Looks like a fun time!


Beautifully shot and edited! Such a nice treat :) Thank you! (Hope everyone’s stomach are well LOL peer pressured over water💀 LMAO)


Love the random korean and chinese bits in the captions, and the "wooooooo" that took up the entire screen 🤣


this was super chill! Love this video (:

Michael McPherson

W+ wholesome + made me smile + good content


This was fun! Thank you


Really enjoyed seeing more of the crew! Any chance you could share the name of the hike trail?


This is great thank you!!


The water provided by the filter is 100% safe for human consumption. A similar company called Sawyer does the same thing and provides the filter for 3rd world countries so they have have clean water to drink. So entire countries use the filter.


Sometimes when im out for walks and I find a small running stream I will drink some water, and I've never gotten a brain parasite or a tummy ache!!