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APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS?! I hope your months have been filled with sunshine & joy, and if not, SAMEEEE. We got this though. At least we got content to look forward to 😎

⏱️ Tier 1:

-  ⏱️ 1x POOP (MEGA value as we take you behind the scenes of 3 action-filled shoots this month; a special video for one of our members, FEAR PONG (ft. the Yard), and a creator apparel launch coming up very soon!!)

- ✅ 1x Breakdowns (Boat Float w/ Brodin & Scarra)

- ⏱️ 1x Bonus Clip 

Minions Scene Recreation Status:

- Check out our dope shot list & prop list here. Can you guess who will play who?

Tier 2:

- ✅ 1x Ad-free NEW Podcast Episode w/ John, Syd, and guest Seanic

- ✅ 1x NEW After Dark Episode (Porn Categories)

- ✅ 1x CCP (HOW DID WE DO? DID WE SUCK - noah)

- ⏱️ Secret Apparel design drafts coming this week. Sharing some of our failures regardless of how this round comes out.

⏱️ Tier 3:

- ⏱️ May Apparel Giveaways and Prop drops to be announced soon


Hi everyone! Henry here.

Over the past month, we've been monitoring feedback and looking for ways to improve how our content is balanced across all tiers. Feel free to use the feedback channel or DM us with your constructive thoughts. We want happiness for all, and although it's hard to please everyone, it's always worth trying <3


. / Patreon-exclusive website incoming
    . / Password locked exclusive storefront where you have
    access to limited edition 1-of-1 pieces that have been a part of OTV's
    development process.
    . / This is also where the first & future secret apparel drops will be


Thank you for your continued support! It seems like the POOPs, Breakdowns, and Clips are holding strong. We'll continue to hone in on the best way to do BTS footage depending on what the shoot is and how much content there is.

. / No changes.


We're buffing Tier 2 a bit and adding Scrap Reels to this tier. Originally, we wanted to keep this reserved for the Giga fan tier, but because we don't mess up on a recurring basis (we've been pretty good lately), we think it's better suited as an addition to the Tier 2 content catalogue.

We really appreciate the support we've gotten on the After Dark series and our Cast & Crew Podcasts. We're working on developing a new format for the After Dark series to keep things fresh. Although playing the card games have been great for intimate & deep conversations, we think it's time to explore some other ideas that would be fun for everyone involved. Looking to get talent involved in some of these CCPs in the near future as well :)

. / Scrap Reel from Tier 3 >>> Tier 2
. / After Dark: New Format Incoming



Our team spent a lot of time thinking about the future of this tier and the balancing of the offering. When we first started the Patreon, we wanted to avoid the idea of a 'Shill Tier.' A lot of our fellow creators have their highest tiers of support rooted in this concept. 

. / We're still against the principle of a 100% shill tier, but these past few months have been filled with reflection for us.
    . / The price point of this tier makes it nearly impossible to go pound-
   for-pound in dollar value of content. Netflix and Hulu are cheaper
   than the Giga Fan tier combined.
    . / There will always be a part of being a Giga Fan that is more about
    supporting OTV than receiving an equivalent value of tangibles in
         . / We're hoping that everyone can embrace this vision that being a
         Giga fan is about us doing as much as we can to do bring more fun
         and exclusive value + access to you. It's the
highest level of support
         anyone can show toward OTV's content, growth, and future.


The most major change we're implementing is the addition of an experimental series of live streams that will only be available to Tier 3 patrons. We'll be testing these over the next few months and collecting feedback.

These streams will be announced on Patreon and go live on YouTube as unlisted streams. The first series of content formats we are going to offer are:

. / Work With Us Streams: we will continue the Fly on the Wall Streams, but we're rebranding these to "Work With Us" streams. These will happen about once a month and are meant to be like Lofi streams with the occasional surprise interruption.
    . / VODs will be posted.

. / Live OTV Podcast & CCP Podcast: For the first time in OTV history, we're taking our podcasts live and going to stream these so that you get the full, uncut, and raw recording. The unedited format will give you a glimpse into what will hopefully be a more authentic & unfiltered viewing experience including both the before and after chatter of every episode.
    . / VODs will not be posted to start but may be offered down the line.
    . / Pods are very vibe-reliant, so if guests feel uncomfortable, we may
    choose to change this format in the future.

. / Whiteboard Sessions: We're taking you behind the scenes of our creative brainstorming process. Once a month, we'll do a whiteboard session where we bounce ideas back and forth between each other and get some of your guys' ideas involved as well.
    . / VODs will be posted. 


The first change we're happy to introduce is a permanent buff of the OTV Pass Membership Discount. We think this is much deserved and adds some more tangible value to future savings.

The second change we're implementing is a nerf to Prop Drops & Giveaways. We decided that these serve a much smaller portion of the community, and the RNG nature of these offerings make it so that they do not produce very much tangible value to your average Giga fan. Honestly, sometimes the props just aren't that great, so we're electing to make sure that every prop we send out in the future is extra special.

We've chosen not to eliminate Prop Drops because they are super cool; however, we have chosen to phase out the monthly Merch Giveaways by the end of the year and replace them with a new initiative that every Tier 3 patron will receive without question. Similar to Secret Apparel, it will be completely free for Giga fans, but it's on a much faster lead time, you'll receive multiple of them more frequently, and all-in-all a very different kind of experience. We're calling them project PEEPs, not to be confused with the horrible tasting chick marshmallows (you are so weird if you like those).

. / OTV Pass Discount: 10% discount >>> 20% discount
. / Prop Drops: 3-5 per month >>> 1 per month
. / Merch Giveaways: 10 per month >>> 5 per month >>> 0 per month
. / Project PEEPs coming soon


We are GOING TO JAPAN in June!! We're going to be filming a lot of content this month in advance, but we'll also look to shoot and do some fun stuff with you all while we're abroad. If you have anything you'd like staff to take you along for while we're there, drop some ideas below and we'll keep it all in mind! 


// Patronie Man, OFFLINETV


Rickma Jr

salute to whoever wrote this essay, they should get a raise


Thanks for patch notes, always enjoy reading them :) have a safe trip to Japan!


Thank you for the updates!! The CCP was good kinda wish it was a lil longer tbh!




Thanks for always thinking of us and striving to satisfy us all. These patch notes are always very welcome and I am thankful for the consistent updates. I look forward to future developments and what all you guys have in store for us!


1) peeps are good ur weird if you DONT like them 2) updates sound good!! excited for the future of otv patreon


OTV x Minions "i swear cover".. lol 😆 🤣 😂

Chantelle Ouano

thanks for the updates! excited for what’s to come for tier 3! also, was happy i got my patreon card in the mail!! it’s just as good quality as my amex card 🤣


Super excited about the Japan trip! The OTV Japan vlogs are probably 2 of my favourite videos on the channel


OTV x The Yard collab!? The only two Patreons that I am subscribed to? Let’s go!


Very nice patch notes, I’m really quite impressed with the T3 changes and excited to see where it goes from here!

Troy Pizarro

Peeps are gross, but liking the decisions you guys have made! 🤝


Awesome patch notes.


w patch notes


thanks for the updates!



Jasper Co

great update! when will it take effect?


With the scrap reel change, will the one scrap reel video be made available to current tier 2s?


correct! we're also going to just make more bloopers and stitch together funny unused moments b/c we haven't have that much scrap