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Hey everyone!

Our team (mainly Max & Jason) has been working on a better premiere experience for everyone since we did our last impromptu early access video watch party. This time around, we've got a slight change in format, as well as improved production and we're planning on doing a LIVE breakdown of the video right after. 

The premiere will be streamed on Discord in the Patreon-only Stage channel at 8 PM PST on 3/28/2023 (tomorrow) 

If anyone is still struggling to get in the server, send us a DM and we'll help you out. Otherwise, we hope to see you at our very first official livestream premiere of the next OfflineTV video :D


OTV Staff 



will be there!🥳




Yay new video.



Mateusz NarVo Kruk

Honestly that kinda sucks, not only there is a timing that works pretty much only for the US (and last time you said you'd accommodate different timezones) but also late notice for that so I can't even plan to somehow be awake during it


To clarify, is this for tonight 3/27?


Hell yea cant wait




Heyo - it's tomorrow, not today sorry for the confusion there! We can't livestream and accommodate every time zone in the world. Since we are asleep during the prime time hours in certain regions, we've done our best to pick a time that accommodates as many people as possible based on our backend information. I know it sucks, but that's also why we're uploading everything as VODs shortly thereafter so that you can still enjoy the content at your own convenience! Although it's unfortunate, we put a lot of consideration into how we can accommodate everyone, and we will continue searching for a way to enable access to the same viewing experience across the world for live community events. For this event, we're planning to involve talent live, and it's really hard to get people to operate outside of their usual hours of availability. If we could, we'd stream it for y'all as many times as it takes to get everyone in. I hope you can understand, and I am sorry for the suboptimal experience :'((( -henry


Also for our next premiere, maybe we'll just have staff run a second premiere, but it's again going to be hard to get talent to be available at off-times. I think 2 events will be an 80% solution because someone else will also be unavailable because they're at work, in class, etc... We've explored pre-recording and premiering multiple times, but we're not huge fans of that at the current moment. Keep in mind we're also trying to juggle the actual release date/time. We pushed this video back a few times already so that we could have a premiere experience that preceeds the actual release. It's a constant struggle trying to finish the video in time for our sponsor obligations and fitting a time slot between that to offer early access. Thanks for your understanding and everyone's support on this!


"The staff isn't perfect. But they're there for us, doing the best they can....that's what makes them so damn beautiful." - Roy Mustang


I also don’t think it’s workable for them to be doing livestreams at ungodly hours where they live. I’m not from US and the livestream is going to fall during working hours on a weekday but I appreciate the VODs to catch up once I’ve the time. The last minute notice is a bummer but they tried 😔


Might not be able to make it but VODs~!!!


Anyway you guys can embed it to the feed? For people that don't have discord or know anything about discord? Or maybe just post the vod on the Patreon feed after its over.


I don’t use discord. Please embed the vod.


Hate not getting to match time with you guys. I’ll be at work during this. 🥲

Mateusz NarVo Kruk

Oh if thats tomorrow that changes a lot. Sorry, I juzt realized that my message was a little rude, but this post released at 2am for me and I was already falling asleep. I honestly thought that recording the stream and than playing it in just one another time (as you said, similar to scrap vid) would be totally enough. Once again, sorry that this message come as rude, I just meant to tell that it is an issue. You're doing great and I love your work 💜

Mateusz NarVo Kruk

Oh I never meant that - I rather expected one additional date during some earlier hours and I didn't know they didn't like prerecording for that. Additionally, I didn't think that there would be vod as there wasn't one after first otv vid watch party


I don’t think watch party would have vod cus it’s just over discord call. But the other live thing they did for giga fans has a VOD on the patreon.


I was working so I missed it Sadge

Tayton Ashley

Is there a way we could get it embedded or maybe a link for all the Patronis who got work or could not make it. At the same time tho I do understand why you wouldn't so that way it keeps the community evolved and stuff like that