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OMG … summer! YIPEE 🏖️, time for some summer updates!

Hey guys! Hope your June has been sunny and eventful! It’s been a while since our latest patch notes. We've had an action-packed June, so we're running a smidge behind on some things, but here's to getting back to our feet as we wrap up June. Without further ado, let's get into some updates and a mini patch notes!


We’re on track for June PEEPs, yipee! Let us know in DMs or send out an email to store@offlinetv.com if you have any shipping concerns or are missing any of your pins prior to our May and June PEEPs.

🌼 ANNUAL SUBBIES - Ring + Plush June Updates


For our Tier 2 Annusubbies, orders for the Ollie Plushie have all been shipped, so keep your eyes peeled for our little buddy making his way over to your front step soon!

To our Tier 3 Annusubbies, we'll be shipping out Ollie along with your rings within the next week, so keep your eyes peeled for your orders to come in soon too! We're so stoked so have Ollie and your rings in your hands in the upcoming weeks. Thank you guys for your patience!


1️⃣ Tier 1

  • ⏱️ POOP 1: OTV in China | Beginning of July: We came out to Shanghai for VCT, so catch a sneak peek into what we’ve been up to in China! Exploring the streets of Shanghai and tasting some yummy foods!

  •  BREAKDOWN 1: Ratatouille Cooking Challenge | 06/15: Earlier this month, we dropped our monthly breakdown -- this time Amanda and James give us some tasty breakdown BTS details from the Ratatouille video! Go check it out :D 👩‍🍳

  •  BREAKDOWN 2: Racing Soapbox Cars | 06/24: We just dropped our breakdown for our Soapbox Cars video! Amanda and Henry are on to talk about some stressful moments behind the scenes, Michael's welding hat, and their overall POV from one of our favorite videos of the year!

  • CLIPPIE 1: OTV Goes to the Fair | 06/08: Lauren dropped another banger clippie earlier this month. Check out some fun fair activities, featuring Tenzin landing some crazy shots 👀

2️⃣ Tier 2

  •  OTV TRIES 1: Scarra Microwaves Random Stuff | 06/23: Scarra taking on a classic kitchen staple - the microwave.

  •  CREW POD: Welcome Luke! | 06/05: HI LUKE! 👋 Give a warm welcome to OTV's newest producer in our Crew Pod that dropped earlier this month!

  •  CREW POD: Back From China | 06/19: WE WENT TO CHINA! Get cozy and chill with James, Amanda, and Henry to see what we were up to during our trip this month in China :)

  • OTV PODCAST: Full + Bonus Episode #6 | 06/03: We uploaded our bonus episode earlier this month where Brodin, Yvonne, and Jodi talk about some questionable… movies.

3️⃣ Tier 3

  • We're brainstorming some ideas to make Tier 3 a bit more funsies and silly, so stay tuned for July's Patch Notes next week to see what we've got cooking up! We 🫶 our Gigafans!

❓ QOTMPN (Question of the Monthly Patch Notes):

If you could travel anywhere in the world for a month-long vacation in June, where would you go?

I think the crew being in Shanghai makes me want to travel to more East Asian countries, just gotta avoid the heat but it would be so hype to try out different street foods! 🍖 

We've had a super busy month with our Shanghai trip and graduation season (omgee #JustGraduated #YanIsNoLongerAStudentWhichMeansValorant247), but we're jumping right back into the flow of things. See ya for July’s Patch Notes 👋

Signing off,

Yan // Patroni Lifeguard 🌊




I've never been to Japan, I really wanna go there and just soak in the insane city life there as well as the mountains. Too bad I can't go at the moment, I'm too broke for tickets not to mention a hotel lol

Tedo, M.D.

That popsicle tho.