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Future Things!

I'll probably change a few things up over this year,  as I've been going through the archives of Foamy things. Since I historically tend to overwork myself, I have a bunch of episodes from each series that just never got finished over the years, so there's some Original Series, Reboot Series, Chibi Series, Island Series, and Sketch Series episodes kinda just sitting there half finished.

As I go through the old stuff, I'll see if any of them are worth working on. Some episode were just "ok" so I didn't bother finishing them, some content is probably just not acceptable in today's climate, and I'll have to see how much audio needs to be tweaked or cleaned up. So at some point I may roll out some "lost episodes", but who knows. I'm more focused on getting myself into a physical working order first, everything else can wait. (No promises, but it would be fun for folks to have some “new” stuff from every version of the NY series pop up randomly)

There is another issue of the Island Series comic that's 80 percent done. I'll work on that when I can as well. Still tweaking the “BiTs” series that people either love or hate, or don't even bother watching. As series go though, it's the “most fun” to work on, as I try to do a bit more with the animation as it's not a tedious 6 minute rant or a crippling 4 minute back and forth between Germaine and a squirrel. Though it's not for everybody, it generally keeps my creative interests in all this going. (Will probably overhaul the Germaine character a bit in upcoming episodes, as I don't feel 100% happy with the current version.)

As for the island series, it was a lot of fun to work on, but folks didn't really give it much of a chance. That series had a long road map with over 2 dozen characters getting thrown into the series both new and old, a ton of branching stories, callbacks to previous series and sub stories, and it had the most potential for really delving into the psychology of various side characters. But most casuals didn't give the series the time it needed and were put off by the pairing of Sue Z. June & Foamy (Which wasn't going to permanent) rather than the usual Foamy & Germaine. So I tried to work that out in the comic book to a certain extent, and would like to continue to do so. But again, physical limitations of sitting doodling for 14 hours a day.

(Some of those characters should make their way into the comic or card game, so if a “stranger” appears in the comic/game, they were planned quite a bit ago. Though I'll try to set up a page with some info on those “who the hell are they?” characters at some point.)

So, we'll see what happens moving forward. Things are in an odd way IRL. Finances, medical stuff, having most episodes get buried under the wave of internet content or having the content flat out removed has made keeping things going a bit more difficult over the last few years. So for everyone's continued support, THANK YOU!

Thanks for putting up with the flighty creative tendencies and the long overdue healing process of a doodler who doesn't know when to put the pen down and go for a walk. :)

And thanks for being that extra supportive push in the constant uphill struggle that is being an indie creator who makes weird stuff :P

Back to work! (with a desk treadmill)  :P



It sucks to hear the island series crash after hearing you put so much heart into it. I enjoyed it, at least. Regardless, I hope things fall into place for you soon, if nothing else, for your sake. I'll be here to lap up what you come up with next, Mr Mathers.


Wow, I just did a search to make sure I recalled correctly who Sue was and man, sometimes little tears of thank you happen when I use the generative AI option on Google. See for yourself, I used the search term (Sue Z. June & Foamy). It is so concise it is practically an endorsement.