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FINALLY, someone figured out what's medically wrong with me.

So, without getting into too much detail, the short of it is, minor surgery, about 2 weeks recovery time, and I should be back to a better working state than I have been for the last 6 years. After that, I'll probably pursue some physical therapy to get everything else up to par.

For anyone that's had chronic anything that stops you from doing things, you know it can have a domino effect on your overall health, as you're reluctant to do anything. So hopefully with this being taken care of, I SHOULD be able to slowly fix the rest of the minor pending issues, which kinda just come down to overall atrophy from animating stuff for so long.

Also, for folks dealing with chronic issues, skip the General Practitioners and all that crap and go straight for a specialist. (Which I had to hunt down myself). It may cost more (in the states), but it'll cut down on the medical system run around I've been going through for the last 6 years.

I'm pretty optimistic about all this, and again, thanks for hangin' in there. About a month and a half to go, and I should be feeling all around better :)

So my road map for 2024 goes something like this.

1: Physical Therapy / Exercise

(Can only ignore base health issues for so long before something gets ya)

2: More streams

(Since sitting/standing wont be a painful thing to do anymore, I'll be able to stream more, but nothing too crazy. Maybe an extra day for art streams)

3: Getting back to a “normal” work cycle.

(Adding some daily exercise & not sitting for 12 hours straight but still being productive)

So that's the plan. :)

Also some A.I. Wallpapers for whatever. (Made them for the coffee cards for stream, but a handful look good as wallpapers) :)





Take care and get well soon